We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Reprinted with permission of author Ron Ewert;

"An Alien Invasion That Will Destroy America”
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President of the
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues
Copyright Sunday, April 29, 2018 - All Rights Reserved

"Illegal immigration is a crisis for our country.  It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country.  It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, health-care, and education systems."  Timothy Murphy

"To Invade" Definition:
    Enter a country or region so as to subjugate or occupy it:
2.  Enter a place, situation, or sphere of activity in large numbers, esp. with intrusive effect.
"Invasion" Definition:
1.  an act of invading; especially : incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
2.  the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful.
They are knocking on our door ..... AGAIN!  Every year, hordes of illegal aliens head for our southern border to gain access to America.  The border patrol catches only about half of all illegal crossings.  It is estimated that 170,000 immigrants eluded capture in 2015, about 210,000 the year before and about 1,700,000 in 2005.  That's a lot of people who don't speak English and soak up billions in taxpayer dollars.  And this daily invasion is on top of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens already in America.
Who were the people responsible for allowing illegal aliens to cross our borders and then be released into the general population while waiting on a deportation or an asylum judicial hearing.  Democrats!  What made Democrats think that illegal aliens so released, would ever show up for their court case?  Or, did Democrats orchestrate this whole debacle for the sole purpose of gaining future votes, knowing full well peasant immigrants from poor countries would vote Democrat?
So let's ask, has illegal immigration been intrusive to America?  You bet it has!  Has illegal immigration been a spread of something usually hurtful as in the above definition?   There is no question!  By simple logic, illegal immigration has been and continues to be an invasion of guns, drugs, humans carrying diseases, intent on taking American jobs, soaking up "free" welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America's crime rate.
Why do they come here?  That's simple.  They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where poverty, hunger and corruption infect their daily existence.   Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them,  not unlike the "Occupy Wall Street" crowd who want government to do a better job of redistributing the wealth ..... to them. 
Why aren't these illegal aliens stopped at the borders?   Because the American Federal Government refuses to adequately protect our borders.   Hopefully, President Trump will reverse this policy.  Nevertheless, we applaud the heroics of border patrol agents that do a thankless job with way too few resources.   Unfortunately, some of these brave border agents have been incarcerated for treating these illegal alien invaders as the criminals they are.
Why are violent and brutal Mexican drug cartels shipping drugs across the borders, because way to many Americans are hooked on drugs and a decadent and irresponsible life style?
What economic magnets draw these illegal alien invaders across our borders?  Very generous safety net benefits; free housing; free, bi-lingual education; free health care and a Federal Government that does not adequately enforce current laws against hiring illegal aliens.  Added to this gross negligence by the Federal Government, are cities, counties, states and churches that set up sanctuary policies, giving a free pass to illegal aliens, or a place to hide.
Who pays for this government-sanctioned illegal alien invasion?  The legal American taxpayer!
This illegal alien invasion is comprised of human leaches that feed off the enforced generosity of legal Americans.   This rag tag bunch of socialist peasants have no intention of assimilating into the American culture and adopting the English language.  They boast of their rights under American law, when in fact they have no rights as illegal aliens.  They spit in American faces and tell us they are going to take back "their" country.  They have babies in America, which then become American citizens under the mis-interpretation of the 14th Amendment.  They are reproducing at a rate that is twice the reproduction rate of non-illegal aliens.  They are supported by numerous immigration groups that use American law against us, to support the non-rights of illegal aliens.
If an armed invasion came across our borders, we would instantly defend those borders with American troops and the full force and fury of the American military might.  In the ensuing battle, thousands would die.   Right now our southern border is a war zone by any definition.  So why would the federal government not treat this illegal alien invasion at our southern border with an equal military force, with orders to shoot to warn first and shoot to kill if the illegal alien refuses to turn back?   If this policy was adopted, the illegal alien invasion would stop, literally overnight.
But in fact, there is no price for an illegal alien to pay by chancing the border crossing, except maybe his life if he chooses the wrong place to cross.  The desert can be very unforgiving.  Yes, they might be caught by the Border Patrol and sent back to Mexico, but they will just keep trying until they cross the border successfully and find themselves a place to hide in America.  Once they have been here for awhile, they will then look for a job at ridiculously low wages and make application for welfare benefits to supplement their income, or enter into a life of crime to support themselves, or their illegal drug habits they picked up south of the border.
The claim that America is a country of immigrants and was built by immigrants, as a way to rationalize this illegal alien invasion, is specious.  The lion's share of the immigrants that built this country came here legally and there was no safety net benefits, free housing, free education, or free health care.  They had to have a sponsor.  They had to learn English and American history in order to become a naturalized citizen.   They had to swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.  They took classes and attended meetings for five years before they could take the test and recite the pledge.  These people who became naturalized American citizens were and are eternally grateful for the opportunity to enter the land of the free and fully intend to assimilate into American culture as best they can.
What does this illegal alien invasion do?  They hide in the shadows.  They get sympathetic legal groups or churches to hide them or to defend their non-right to stay here.  If they have a visa, they over-stay their visa and embed themselves in illegal alien enclaves.  Many who are caught by authorities are given a free pass.  Many commit crimes, end up in our courts and jails and the American taxpayer gets to fund their court costs and 3 meals a day, television, free health, dental and eye care, exercise facilities, a library and other benefits while they are in jail that most legal Americans must pay to use. 
Just recently ICE used 2,000 agents to round up 3,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and deported them, from a list of over 500,000 known illegal alien criminals that are purported to be in America.  500,000 known criminals mind you!   Many of those deported will be back in America within a few weeks or months because they have learned how to use our system for their own gain.
Illegal aliens end up in our schools where the school district has to hire bi-lingual teachers and tutors to attend to their special needs.  They get free meals in school.  If they stay in America long enough, some states (California and Texas) give them in-state tuition rates to attend college.   They get driver's licenses.
The liberal politicians are forever trying to give them amnesty, or a path to amnesty, which is amnesty by any other name.  Why do the liberal politicians want to grant them amnesty?  For the same reason they have bought off millions of Americans with money from the public treasury .... in exchange for more liberal/socialist votes!
If an American breaks a law there is a price to pay.  If an illegal alien breaks the law, in way too many cases they get a pass.  Two of former President Obama's relatives now reside in America, on the American payments-to-illegal-aliens plan, at the expense of the American taxpayer.  Obama is more than wealthy enough to support these two relatives but he would rather raise taxes in his never-ending quest to divide the rich and the poor in class warfare, thus relieving him of the financial burden.
The result of this massive invasion of illegal aliens will be an America that no longer resembles a Constitutional Republic, where individual rights were sacrosanct and where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were sacred gifts from our creator.  In its place will be a country of whiners, complainers and free loaders that will riot in the streets if they don't get what they want.  Taxes and regulations will increase exponentially and the entrepreneurs that built this country may just find another country to build, in a re-play of Ayn Rand's book, "Atlas Shrugged."
Someone might just as well come up with a flag that features both the American and Mexican Flag and who knows, maybe even the Canadian flag as well. 
We predict that if America's Constitutional Republic dies, we'll end up just like the European Union where productive countries will be forced to bailout profligate ones, where the debt of grossly negligent countries will be forgiven (Greece) and the productive ones (Germany) forced to take up the slack in order to keep the Union together.  Because of a planet-wide, failed socialist policy, negligence, corruption and bad behavior are rewarded and achievement and production are penalized, all based on the flawed principle of irrational compassion ..... for votes.  This is an upside-down, Alice-in-Wonderland world that is doomed to fail with drastic consequences.
As a result, the entire world of countries will be brought down to the lowest common denominator and mediocrity, corruption and daily riots will become a way of life.  This will lead to war and maybe the final war that could set a civilized planet back to the medieval, dark ages, where the twin evils of hopelessness and despair reside.
Having said all this, are there some good hearted, well-meaning people who come across the border looking for a better life, of course?  But America is at a point in time that parallels the sinking of the Titanic.  If every person on the iceberg-stricken ship had tried to get on the small number of lifeboats available, the lifeboats would have been swamped and every single passenger would have succumbed to the frigid waters, or drowned.  There would have been no survivors at all.  If the passengers in the lifeboats offered their hand to those in the water out of compassion, just like the government offers it's (our) "hand" to the illegal alien invaders, the results would have still been the same.  All would have drowned, even those in the lifeboats.
So America had better get a handle on the illegal alien invasion now, or suffer the irreversible consequences.  But like so many other problems that America and Americans must endure, government lets the problems go beyond the point at which they can be corrected.  So we are not holding our breath that the government will do anything about the illegal alien invasion other than, in the end, grant all of them amnesty.
And the world's governments and the people go round and round in an infinite number of circles, just like the stupid dog that is trying to bite its own tail .... with the same results.  The dog finally gives up, but governments never give up going in circles, in a continuous, never-ending repeat of all that is insane.
But of course this is all old news that's been going on for decades.  No one is going to do anything about it anyhow and we are stuck with a rapidly rising population of illegal aliens who don't give a damn about our constitution, our language, our culture ..... or our unalienable rights. They only know about one thing, sucking off the generous teat of good 'ole American Mother Government.
Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America".  Ron is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (www.narlo.org), a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State, acting as an advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners.  Affiliated NARLO websites are "SAVE THE USA" (http://www.stusa.us/).   Ron can be reached for comment HERE.

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Ted Cruz worked along with his wife in the Bush administration on the North American Community..This has been in the works for some time now. The CFA has made this a top priority of  Agenda 21.https://www.cfr.org/report/building-north-american-community 

I researched this in the 2016 primary while I was pushing back on the Cruz wave. Of course there is many and much more to this . Such as NAFTA is a stepping stone to achieving this part of the Agenda 21. First put the countries united in economics, then social issues and then currency . Then WALA create a North American Union Flag...Thus the herdsmen (global elite) have us in bigger herds that are easily control by injecting some divisive issues that will distract us.Then with the use of their tools in the Bilderberg shed. They control the economics. When you control the money ..You control all that use ii and depend on it as a way of life........PS..BUILD THE WALL..

As the Democrats, through Obama, and Eric Holders DOJ,  weakened America over the Muslim Terrorist issues, concurrently making us extremely incapable of fighting Islamic Terrorism by Removing Records and intelligence information from law enforcement information networks (see; See Something Say Nothing by Philip Haney). Then Obama ordering the change in wording on what misleading words enforcement officers had to use when speaking about Terrorism even to disallowing the word Terrorist/Terrorism when referring to our sworn enemies. Even when those enemies were proven in Court of having Direct ties to groups like Hamas and Al-Quieda. The known, and proven in court groups, namely CAIR, ISNA, NAIT, Al-Azhar University, Holy Land Foundation,were all tied to the Muslim Brotherhood as front groups for it and Tablighi Jamaat. 
So have the Democrats done the same with designations and corruption of sound Law enforcement practices and information centered around the "Refugee" infiltration. This shortsightedness in their quest for evermore votes, has severely weakened the Nation even more, to the point it may not recover. The responsibility for these absurd moves, goes directly to those entities who control the Democratic Party for their own purposes (IMHO) instead of for the proper purpose of representing the citizens of America. America must wake up and demand their representatives do their jobs or remove them from their positions of power. 
Why are we allowing the few who have proven (IMHO) to be against the traditional values of America, and seemingly or even actually have ignored the Constitution and other laws, hold sway over the Immigration Issue when we all know that Illegal is Illegal, and nothing they say can make it legal unless they change the existing laws?


Soros Open Society Foundation wants open bordershttps://www.newsmax.com/pre-2008/george-sorosopen-society/2006/07/25/id/687006




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