We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

There are many people, some who erroneously call themselves conservatives, panting at the idea of and calling for a Constitutional Convention as a resolution to the dilemma of politicians ignoring and violating the current document.  What those poor, demented fools don't understand, despite my numerous attempts to enlighten them, is that the ruling class political elitists will either abolish the current document altogether, which is the most likely outcome, or continue to ignore any restraints on their power.  Power hungry despots, if the Article V idea were to succeed, will only continue the treasonous actions they currently engage in because they hold We the People and the idea of God-given rights to be absurd at the best and dangerous to their absolute power at worst.  Tyrants like barak obama, harry reid, nancy pelosi, mitch mcconnell, and their henchmen see themselves as better, smarter, and more deserving of power than the "unwashed masses" of peasants called We the People and will simply ignore any addendums an Article V would put on them.  The only solutions to our current situation are a return to the Judeo/Christian precepts the nation was founded on or a full blown rebellion as our founders went through, and that rebellion on the doorstep. 

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It was working and had a tremendous surplus of sequestered funds until the Socialist Democrats who dominated Congress during the last years of the Eisenhower administration decided to go around the original caveat and siphon off funds. It was that siphoning that started the instability. We lost it when Goldwater wanted to stop Social Security and only fund the people who had been in it and were receiving money to offset johnson's Great Society theft of Social Security Funds. I believe he wanted to return the money that was taken from those who had not reached retirement but I am unclear on that point. 

I too was working then also M and also had contributed many of my tax dollars to that fund thinking they were safe. Little to did I bother to consider what cost was before me when I retired or even how long I would live after retirement. I can remember if it were yesterday back in the early sixties looking at my annual SS statement and seeing the amount of money I was putting into this fund and looking at the date of my retirement of 2009. I had no belief I would ever live to 2009 back them and certainly thought if I did I surely will never be able to collect near what I put into this fund. Well, guess what M, I did make it to 2009 and here it is now 2016 I am I still kicking. So far I have received more than 21/2 times what I have put into the fund. I wonder who is paying for all that extra money I am getting? Goldwater understood this was a freight train running out of control. The only problem is Goldwater was not the right person to deliver such a message. It is a way to late to talk about stopping SS or medicare. It will take a brilliant idea to come up with a solution that will replace this program and a gifted speaker to promote it, I would not count on finding the idea or the person very soon.


My mother has been retired for 48 years after putting in 25 working and my dad was retired for 28 years after putting in 42 years working I put in 35 years working . Like I said before the FICA usually ended in july but now it's completely ongoing, and we have more people in the workforce now to boot. I wish the program was changed where the people invest the required amount but still can't draw on it until retirement age, that way it would become a wealth producing program even if such programs are an anathema to Government.




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