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PT.2 multi-part posting on the potential for govt. mind control


As of the early 1960s, the most advanced computers in the world were at the NSA, Ft Meade. Research breakthroughs with these computers were kept for the NSA.

At the present time the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computer technology. The NSA obtains blanket coverage of information in the US by using advanced computers that use artificial intelligence to screen all communications, regardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the attention of NSA agents/cryptologists.

These computers monitor all communications at the transmitting and receiving ends.

This blanket coverage of the US is a result of the NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission. The NSA's electronic surveillance network is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF (electromagnetic frequency) spectrum.

This equipment was developed, implemented and kept secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs.

  • Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering
    The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the US.

    This is an integral part of the Domestic Intelligence network. The NSA's EMF equipment can tune in RF (remote frequency) emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from monitors and power sup- plies).

    The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA's equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PCs. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare. 

  • Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance 
    A subject's bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are.

    With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person's brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA's computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day.

    The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the US.



NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring(RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL).


EMF Brain Stimulation has been in development since the MKULTRA program of the early 1950s, which included neurological research into radiation (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development.


The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security Archives as "Radiation Intelligence", defined as,

"information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or nuclear detonation".

Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the US Government.


The NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientific research from the public. There are also international intelligence agreements to keep this technology secret. 

The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyze electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer generated brain mapping can continuously monitor all of the electrical activity in the brain continuously. The NSA records and decode individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the military for brain-to-computer link (in military fighter aircraft, for example). 

For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brain's auditory cortex, thus allowing audio communications direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA operatives can use this covertly to debilitate subjects by simulating auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. 

Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject's brain and show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject's eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves.


NSA operatives can use this surreptitiously to put images into a surveillance subject's brain while they are in REM sleep for brain-programming purposes.

  • Capabilities of NSA Operatives Using RNM 
    There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the US since the 1940s.


    The NSA, Ft Meade has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information in their brains. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domestic intelligence. Speech, 3D sound and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subject's brain (bypassing the ears), and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subject's perceptions, moods and motor control. 

    Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ultimate communications system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link.

The above is a simple flowchart of Nuero-Electromagnetic Frequency Assaults

showing methods that can be perpetuated by Police and Military Intelligence Agencies

toward Remote Mind Control Experiments, Behavioural Manipulation and Murder. 

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Mind Control Archive Documents 
Index To Entire FOIA Archive of CIA Mind Control Documents


Mind Control Summary

The Secrets of Mind Control

Based on Three Books by Top Mind Control Researchers


Order Government Mind Control Records of MKULTRA & Bluebird/Artichoke [81]

Free access to most of these declassified CIA documents is available here. To order individual documents directly from the CIA, click here. There is no charge for the first 100 pages. To order the a CD containing approximately 20,000 pages of declassified CIA mind control documents (the revealing document on sexual abuse is noticeably absent), send a check for $10 made payable to the United States Treasurer. Send the check and a copy of the form below to the address given:

Central Intelligence Agency
FOIA and Privacy Act Coordinator
Washington, DC 20505

Re: Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Request

This letter constitutes my formal request for information pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, 5 USC552. I am requesting the CD that includes the approximately 20,000 pages of MKULTRA and Bluebird/Artichoke records. Enclosed is a check for $10 made payable to the United States Treasurer.

[Name, address, telephone number, and date required]




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