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Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location, inside any building, continuously, anywhere in the country.


A system for inexpensive implementation of these operations allows for thousands of persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA.

  • Remote RNM Devices
    NSA's RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked potentials (EEGs) of the human brain for tracking individuals, and can send messages through the nervous systems to affect their performance. RNM can electronically identify individuals and track them anywhere in the US.


    This equipment is on a network and is used for domestic intelligence operations, government security and military base security, and in case of bioelectric warfare. 

  • Spotters and Walk-Bys in Metropolitan Areas 
    Tens of thousands of persons in each area working as spotters and neighbourhood/business place spies (sometimes unwittingly) following and checking on subjects who have been identified for covert control by NSA personnel. 

    Agents working out of offices can be in constant communication with spotters who are keeping track of the NSA's thousands of subjects in public. NSA agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using~ RNM) any individual spotted in public who is in contact with surveillance subject.


  • Chemicals and Drugs into Residential Buildings with Hidden NSA Installed and Maintained Plastic Plumbing lines. 

    The NSA has kits for running lines into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing-aiding drugs).


    This is an outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology (psychopharmacology). 

  • Brief Overview of Proprietary US Intelligence/Anti-Terrorist Equipment Mentioned 

    Fixed network of special EMF equipment that can read EEGs in human brains and identify/track individuals by using digital computers. ESB (Electrical Stimulation to the Brain) via EMF signal from the NSA Signals Intelligence is used to control subjects. 

    EMF equipment that gathers information from PC circuit boards by deciphering RF emissions, thereby gaining wireless modem-style entry into any personal computer in the country. All equipment hidden, all technology secret, all scientific research unreported (as in electronic warfare research).


    Not known to the public at all, yet complete and thorough implementation of this method of domestic intelligence has been in place since the early 1980s.


Editor's Note:

I tried ringing Mr Akwei to find out what was the out-come, if any, of his court case. He firmly but kindly told me that he could not speak about anything to do with the case over the phone and hung up. A subsequent conversation of similar length resulted in the information that he did not wish his address or phone number published with this article.


So, if we hear of any developments, we'll let you know.  


An example of EMF Brain Stimulation

Table 1


Brain Area
Bioelectric Resonance Frequency
Information Induced Through Modulation
Motor Control Cortex
10 Hz
Motor Impulse co-ordination
Auditory Cortex
15 Hz
Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex
25 Hz
Images in the brain bypassing the eyes
9 Hz
Phantom touch sense
Thought Center
20 Hz
Imposed subconscious thoughts


These publications have only been discovered since December 1991, after Plaintiff had already notified authorities (Dept of Justice, etc.) of Public Corruption by named NSA employees.


When no action was taken against the NSA employees, I researched the Intelligence Community electronic surveillance technology involved and discovered the following publications.

  • The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, by Robert Becker, M.D. Monitoring neuroelectric information in the brain ESB. (p. 265,313,318)

  • Cross currents, by Robert Becker. Simulating auditory hallucinations. Remote computer tampering using RF emissions from the logic board. (p. 70,78,105,174,210,216,220,242,299,303)

  • Currents of Death, by Paul Brodeur. Driving brain electrical activity with external EM; magnetophosphenes; Delgado. (p. 27,93)

  • The Zapping of America, by Paul Brodeur. DoD EM ESB research; simulating auditory hallucinations.

  • Of Mice, Men and Molecules, by John H. Heller 1963 Bioelectricity; probing the brain with EM waves. (p, 110)

  • The Three-Pound Universe, by Judith Hooper. CIA EEG research; EEGs for surveillance. (p.29,132,137)

  • In the Palaces of Memory, by George Johnson. EM emissions from the brain; the brain as an open electromagnetic circuit.

  • The Puzzle Palace, by James Bamford. Signals Intelligence; most advanced computers in the early 'sixties.

  • The US Intelligence Community. Glossary terms at National Security Archives; Radiation Intelligence (information from unintentionally emanated electromagnetic energy, excluding radioactive sources).

  • The Search for the "Manchurian Candidate", by John Marks. Electrical or radio stimulation to the brain; CIA R&D in bioelectrics. (p.227)

  • Secret Agenda, by Jim Hougan. National security cult groups.

  • Crimes of the Intelligence Community, by Morton Halperin. Surreptitious entries; intelligence agents running operations against government workers.

  • War in the Age of Intelligent Machines, NSA computer supremacy, complete control of information.

  • Alternate Computers, by Time-Life Books. Molecule computers.

  • The Mind, by Richard Restak, M.D. EEG Systems inc.; decoding brain EM emanations, tracking thoughts on a computer. (p. 258)

  • MedTech, by Lawrence Galton. Triggering events in the brain, direct to auditory cortex signals.

  • Cyborg, by D.S. Halacy, Jr, 1965. Brain-to-computer link research contracts given out by the US government.

  • Psychiatry and the CIA: Victims of Mind Control, by Harvey M. Weinstein M.D. Dr. Cameron; psychic driving; ultraconceptual communications.

  • Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, by Gordon Thomas, Intelligence R&D; Delgado; psychic driving with radio telemetry. (p. 127,276,116,168,169)

  • Mind Manipulators, by Alan Scheflin and Edward M. Opton. MKULTRA brain research for information-gathering.

  • The Brain Changers, by Maya Pines. Listening to brain EM emissions. (p.19)

  • Modern Bioelectricity. Inducing audio in the brain with EM waves; DoD cover-up; EM wave ESB; remote EEGs

  • Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical Neurophysiology, by Sudhansu Chokroverty. Magnetophosphenes; images direct to the visual cortex.

  • The Mind of Man, by Nigel Calder. US intelligence brain research.

  • Neuroelectric Society Conference, 1971. Audio direct to the brain with EM waves; 2-way remote EEGs.

  • Brain Control, by Elliot S. Valenstein. ESB., control of individuals.

  • Towards Century 21, by C.S. Wallia. Brain Stimulation for direct-to-brain communications (p21)

  • Mind Wars, by Ron McRae (associate of Jack Anderson). Research into brain-to-brain electronic communications., remote neural EM detection (PP. 62 106, 136).

  • Mind Tools, by Rudy Rucker. Brain tapping; communications with varying biomagnetic fields (p82).

  • US News and World report, January 2nd 1984. EM wave brain stimulation; intelligence community hi-tech (p38).

  • Ear Magazine. Article on extremely low frequencies radio emissions in the natural environment; radio emissions from the human body.

  • City Paper, Washington DC January 17, 1992. Article FCC and NSA "complete radio spectrum" listening posts.

  • Frontiers in Science, by Edward Hutchings Jr 1958 (p48).

  • Beyond Bio Feedback, by Elmer and Alyce Green, 1977 (p118)

  • The Body Quantum, by Fred Alan Wolf

  • Cloning; A Biologist Reports, by Robert Gillmore McKinnell. Ethical review of cloning humans.

  • Hoovers' FBI, by Former agent William Turner. Routines of electronic surveillance work. (p280).

  • July 20th 2019, by Arthur C. Clarke LIDA; Neurophonics; Brain-computer link.

  • MegaBrain, by Michael Hutchison. Brain stimulation with EM waves; CIA research and information control. (pp.107,108,117,120,123).

  • The Cult of Information, by Theodore Rosnak, 1986. NSA Directive #145; personal files in computers; computer automated telephone tapping.

  • The Body Shop, 1986 implantation of an electrode array on the visual cortex for video direct to the brain; other 1960's research into electronically triggering Phosphenes in the brain, thus bypassing the eyes.

  • Evoked Potentials, by David Regan. Decoding neuroelectric information in the brain.

Note: See also an excellent Washington Post article on electronic harassment and projecting voices into people's heads.

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Mind Control Archive Documents 
Index To Entire FOIA Archive of CIA Mind Control Documents


Mind Control Summary

The Secrets of Mind Control

Based on Three Books by Top Mind Control Researchers


Order Government Mind Control Records of MKULTRA & Bluebird/Artichoke [81]

Free access to most of these declassified CIA documents is available here. To order individual documents directly from the CIA, click here. There is no charge for the first 100 pages. To order the a CD containing approximately 20,000 pages of declassified CIA mind control documents (the revealing document on sexual abuse is noticeably absent), send a check for $10 made payable to the United States Treasurer. Send the check and a copy of the form below to the address given:

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