We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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  • Romulus Michigan
  • United States
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  • Jennifer_MI
  • Charles Kolb
  • cheryl belford
  • MikeHewitt
  • Charles Lingerfelt, Texas State Coordinator

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At 1:12am on February 20, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Sharon, I understand that you want to help in MI. Can I appoint you an Assistant State Coordinator?
At 9:39am on February 4, 2009, Carl Swensson/Georgia State Coordinator said…
Dear Member -- I have volunteered to be the State Coordinator for Georgia. I am organizing meetings with US Attorneys, elected officials and other citizens in my home State. We need other citizens to step up to help coordinate the same kinds of activities in their home state. If you want to take action, please read this post
http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/profiles/blogs/please-read-state-action and sign up to be a State Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator for your home State. All activities will be Coordinated on www.wethepeopleusa.ning.com.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support.
Your Fellow Patriot
At 11:19am on January 27, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Thank you. Could you please post here that you will be researching this topic?
At 10:17am on January 27, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Sharon, thanks for the info. It seems that Martial Law is a concern of yours. Would you be willing willing to research the subject for posting on the new Coaliton site? Please read my latest blog posting on the information that needs to be disseminated for posting. Thanks.
At 9:21pm on January 15, 2009, Kurt said…
Your comment earlier today

We have to re define the conservative movement now. How can we band together and have them challenged by real conservatives?.. We have to call them out on this now

What is a Conservative today? You obviously dont think that the GOP doesn't represent Conservatives anymore. The fact is , Reagan and Goldwater were not the GOP norm. Real conservatives really want the federal government reduced, limited to the enumerated powers. We want to see an end to public money being spent for the general welfare, used to fund local projects. We want the Fed to remove regulations strangling business. We do want the Fed to defend the Country, starting with our borders. The list is currently endless. Neither major party represents these type of issues. They may as well merge, become the Repubocrats. Instead of Rino, how about Dino - Different In Name Only.

There are several alternative conservative parties vying to be the major 3rd party. Perhaps the solution is for all of these to merge. Look at the history of the GOP, who were a combining of many small parties, Whigs, Free Soil, Know-Nothings - to name a few.
At 10:57pm on January 8, 2009, Daar Fisher said…
Hi Sharon, I’m the Internal Communication Director for the Michigan FairTax Assn. As you’re aware, our state legislature has recently enacted the Michigan Business Tax [MBT] as a response to ending the Single Business Tax [SBT] (a gross receipts tax). Our goal is to inform Michiganders about a proposed Michigan FairTax alternative that would both simplify, and stimulate, Michigan's business / jobs climate in order to stem the mass-emigration of businesses and families currently taking place.

The proposed Michigan FairTax would REPLACE the income tax and current sales tax, with a consumption tax (sales tax at point of retail sale). Under this plan, no more state tax will be withheld from Michigan wage-earners' paychecks. What's more, every Michigan resident-family will receive a monthly "prebate" check, in amount based on family size. This will ensure that NO Michigan family will EVEN BEGIN paying the MI FairTax on goods / services unless, or until, they exceed poverty-level spending.

Under the MI FairTax plan, points of collection are substantially reduced to just retailers, many of whom are already collecting sales tax. Because service providers must account for income tax withholding and compliance costs, their prices carry a hidden tax which a FairTax will make visible. (Business-to-business purchases would not carry the tax, as this would, again, hide the cost of taxation in prices.)

Because of the "prebate" (advance rebate calculated as .0975 x $ [poverty level spending per family size]) to ALL Michigan-resident households, the MI FairTax rate would effectively be 0% on all monthly family spending to the poverty level; thereafter it's 9.75%. A reasonably inferred average effective rate would be ~5.5% (see p.2 of pdf brochure, also review an economic analysis [pdf] on MI FairTax effects prepared by the Hillsdale Policy Group).

Please, join our email list to be kept informed!

Why the FairTax idea is right for America's working families.

Mike Gravel (D) - Mike Huckabee (R) - Ron Paul (Libertarian R)

Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff believes that it will take the FairTax to reverse unfunded obligations, now above $53 trillion and counting!

At 9:22pm on December 27, 2008, Jerry Dean said…

Please feel free to join. We would enjoy your company! I look forward to seeing your posts and ideas.


At 9:49pm on December 11, 2008, WTPUSA said…
No problem. There is a learning curve for everything you do in life!! Just click around, you'll get the hang of it and feel free to ask questions if you can't find something or don't understand how something works. I'm glad you're enjoying the site!
At 2:32pm on December 10, 2008, WTPUSA said…
Sharon, on top where the we the people constitutional banner is, there is a row of links. The links for news is under the "News" tab. There are also sub-tabs under the main "News" tab. So, there are three page of News and there are also news feeds on the main page. In addition, under the "Videos" tab, there is a WTPUSA TV sub-tab. This TV programming provide a variety of news and reports from around the world. Instructions on how to navigate the TV are posted below the TV player. BTW: If you are looking for a specific state group, you can always do a "Search." For example, if you typed in Michigan in the search bar, the groups for MI would appear first. You can also search for members this way too or any blog topic, post, etc. Under the "Main" tab ontop, there is sub-tab "Search" page that allows you to search the whole site. I hope this helps!
At 11:28pm on November 15, 2008, Lori Crawford said…
Sharon, If your looking on the Mich. page it's in the upper right hand corner.



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