Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Note: Please read Part 5 regarding this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:
NY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I. (Part 5)!-Posted on We The People USA-By Jake Martinez-On May 3, 2013:
Note: The following articles, videos and audios relate to this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue:
Has The FBI Become The New “Murder Incorporated?”!-Posted on Western Journalism-By DOUG BOOK-On June 7, 2013:
“A 542 page Justice Department investigation of FBI tactics at Ruby Ridge concluded that the Bureau Rules of Engagement employed that day in 1992 “…flagrantly violated the US Constitution” as they afforded agents “practically a license to kill.” According to the Report, “…a member of an FBI SWAT team from Denver remembered the Rules of Engagement as ‘if you can see ‘em, shoot ‘em’.” Within one hour of FBI snipers taking up positions around Randy Weaver’s rural home, “…every adult in the cabin was either dead or severely wounded — even though they had not fired a shot at any FBI agent.”
The following year, 75 men, women, and children were first gassed, then incinerated at the Branch Davidian building in Waco, Texas by an FBI team operating a “…tank on lease from the military.” Excuses for the attack on the Davidian church began with FBI accusations that the group was operating a meth lab. The Bureau later claimed that illegal gun ownership and child abuse prompted the onslaught. At a press conference one day after the deaths, “…President Clinton said he did not believe ‘the Attorney General (Janet Reno) should resign because some religious fanatics murdered themselves’.” It was a statement that provides an accurate if frightening look into the mind of the left.
In 1997, Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the Clinton Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Prisons for their involvement in the death of his brother Kenneth at the Federal Transfer Center near Oklahoma City. He had no idea that the scraps of information grudgingly released by the federal government in response to FOIA lawsuits would result in a 15 year trail of evidence detailing the criminal involvement of the FBI, CIA, ATF, and United States Secret Service in the planning and execution of the Oklahoma City bombing.
Trentadue discovered that FBI informants assisted Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols in the weeks prior to the bombing, supplying bomb making materials and necessary information on constructing the device. One of these, Andreas Strassmeir, was spirited out of the country immediately after the bombing. His travel arrangements were made by the FBI.
The FBI is believed to be responsible in the deaths of at least 4 individuals with a connection to the bombing. One of these was Oklahoma City police sergeant Terrence Yeakey, the first cop at the Murrah building after the blast. Testimony taken by Yeakey from survivors and evidence he gathered at the scene did not agree with the official version of events provided by the FBI and the Clinton Administration. Yeakey’s body was found the morning after he had told his sister that someone was out to get him. His shooting death was ruled a suicide, though no gun was found near the body.
It is widely believed that the Clinton Administration employed assets of the FBI in an attempt to improve the Bureau’s image after the PR disasters at Ruby Ridge and Waco. And what better way to accomplish the goal than to have FBI informants control the activities of “right wing radicals” involved in the bombing plot? Such was the description given McVeigh and Nichols by Clinton, the media, and the Bureau. The Bureau would then stop the bombing in the nick of time with a highly publicized take down of the villains who had planned it. Tragically, the scheme got out of FBI control; and 168 people died as a result.
Perhaps last month’s shooting death of Igrahim Todashev by an FBI agent was both proper and warranted. But given the ever-changing story of that night’s events and the participation of the FBI in hundreds of very questionable deaths, the American public may well conclude that the nation’s premier assemblage of cops has become a tool of murder for corrupt administrations.”
Bishop Richard Williamson: “Boston Bombing Was Another False Flag, Only The People Waking Up Could Possibly Save America”!-Posted on VT News-By Martin Hill - May 14, 2013:
“In an extremely rare and exclusive radio interview with Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Roman Catholic Traditionalist Bishop has opened up about the controversy surrounding his holocaust comments and other issues.
Bishop Richard Williamson, formerly of the Society of St. Pius X, was on the Truth Jihad radio show along with Dr. Nick Kollerstrom on April 22. In the show description, Barrett notes “Dr. Nick Kollerstrom was expelled from his teaching post at University College of London simply for publishing a scholarly article evaluating the chemical evidence for the existence of homicidal gas chambers during World War II… He is also the author of Terror on the Tube, the best book on the 7/7 London bombings.”
The interview [show announcement here] begins with Barrett, Kollerstrom and Williamson discussing the trials that resulted from his ‘controversial’ comments regarding the alleged six-million Jews gassed in the holocaust. “Emotional truth is quite a different than historical truth,” Williamson explains. “They are not coming at it from the starting point of evidence. The starting point is quite different. Their starting point is precisely emoton. If you’re not on that emotional wavelength, if you’re not seeking emotion, if you’re not fueling on emotion – if you’re looking for evidence you’re not going to find it with the emotional people, and if they’re looking for emotion they’re not going to find it with the evidence people. We’re in two different ballgames so to speak.” [6:14]
Kollerstrom speaks on the evolving public perception and knowledge about the events of the holocaust. “Just read the comments and the majority people are skeptical. There’s a terriffic sea changing taking place, and the good Bishops remarks are part of it.” He reads a quote from an interview with Der Spiegal, in which Williamson said “Throughout my life I’ve always sought the truth. That is why I converted to Catholicism and became a priest.” Kollerstrom points out that Williamson refused to recant his views, and that the topic is “becoming a discussable issue now.”
Barrett asks Williamson if he agrees with some Muslim scholars who contend that The Zionists are the forces of antichrist. “The antichrist is on his way,” Williamson replies, “and I believe that if the Vicar of Christ on Earth, who is the Pope, if the Pope does not stick to truth but follows emotion – which I think is the case here on the basis of the evidence that I’ve seen, a Pope who follows emotion is liable to become an instrument of the antichrist because the media and the enemies of Christ- through the media the enemies of Christ dominate the emotions.” [11:36].
When examining an historical event, Williamson explains, “feelings must subordinate themselves to reason.” Kollerstrom adds “I think we need calm debate” on the matter. Williamson notes “The holocaust has shaped a whole post war world – and a post war religion has been built on it.”
Barrett asks if the holocaust religion, instead of embodying traditional religious characteristics such as humility and submission to God, is conversely characterized by “egocentric qualities and personal aggrandizement.” Williamson replies similarly to the account he wrote which was published in the Barnes Review The fourth German showtrial against Bishop Richard Williamson (2/13/13), in which he explained “Now not only does what is known as the “Holocaust” serve as the secular religion of the New World Order (Auschwitz replaces Calvary, the gas-chambers replace the Cross of Our Lord, and the Six Million play the part of the Redeemer), but also it seems to me that the post-World War II Germans have difficulty in respecting themselves unless they are beating their breast for the alleged crimes of the Third Reich.”
“Holocaustianity is being almost designed to replace Christianity,” Williamson explains to Barrett, “and it’s been very cleverly done.”
Asked if wars and domination is the ultimate goal of the new world order, Williamson explains “the bottom line is deeper, establishing a total world view altering peoples minds; shaping peoples minds, I think is the bottom line; shaping peoples minds in view of a new world order… And one of the fruits is the possibility of attacking whichever nation one wants to attack…”
“…I think it’s religious, make no mistake, religion is deeper than politics, religion governs politics … What we’re seeing is the end of Christianity. Vatican II was like the end of the Catholic church. Now the Catholic Church will last until the end of the world. Our lord said so, so there’s no doubt about that, but the Catholic Church took a real heavy blow with Vatican II. And the result is the almost complete paralysis of the Catholic Church – and the great vacuum all ready to be filled by Communism, by Globalism, by Holocaustianity – all of these substitutes come in and the substitutes are coordinated and lined up together, to bring on the antichrist – and the total elimination of every last trace of Christ and of Christianity on earth. And the purpose of that is to send every single – immortal soul without exception down to hell… So the dimension is truly religious. And you can’t understand, you can’t understand in-depth today’s politics or today’s political scene. You can never understand it in depth politics, unless you grasp the religious dimension.”
Kollerstrom says that the untruths of 9/11 and the holocaust project the emotions of hate and fear in the people. Barrett asks Williamson “how quickly did you realize that the official story (of 9/11) wasn’t true?” Williamson replies “I remember writing about 9/11 in October 2001,” and says he mentioned other false flags such as the Maine, Pearl Harbor, etc. Dr. Nick points out a passage Williamson wrote at the time: “Politically, behind the Arab terrorists are most likely the would be architects of the new world order,” particularly Judeo-Masonic elements. Bishop Williamson notes that he first swallowed the lie about it being Arab terrorists, but that “now I absolutely don’t think it was Arab terrorists. I think it was purely agents of the inside job.”
Williamson continues, “Yes, well I’ve been on the track of the – for religious reasons, purely religious reasons I’ve been on the track of these agents of the antichrist for quite a long time. And because by the grace of God I love the truth. That’s really what it is. And I don’t like being fed lies. I don’t like lies, it’s – there it is. I may have to suffer the consequences, but there it is.”
Barrett notes “It’s striking to me,” that traditional Catholics such as Williamson and Michael Hoffman “who actually seem to be more closely attuned to reality, empirical and historical reality. That’s quite shocking to me. Any comment on that?”
Williamson responds “Look- Our Divine Lord is the way the truth and the life, He says. So His servants should darn well be servants of the way, servants of the truth, and servants of the life. Our lord never remotely told a lie, nor did He like liars obviously. And His servants should be the same. And there’s an awful lot of liars flying around today and we are drowning – we are swimming and drowning in a world of lies. And the latest lies are flying around about the Boston killing- you know the Boston explosions. It really seems that that’s another false flag attack. Another inside job. It bears all the hallmarks. Or it bears a number of the hallmarks of an insider job.”
Barrett asks “Do you think these people are actually intentionally letting us know that they’re inside jobs? Because it seems as if they’re not even trying to cover their tracks very hard.”
Williamson responds, “Well, I was looking at Alex Jones briefly, I came across it today, somebody sent a reference by email; and he says that they’ve sort of blundered. He’s sort of saying that this time they’ve failed to cover their tracks in the way they usually do. So, I don’t remember all the exact details but he’s really astonished at just what a blunder they’ve made this time. So, and he says they’re now in chaos, they don’t know what to do now to cover up, they’ve had to change their story and so on, and so on, and so on. I don’t know the details but it really bears all the hallmarks of another great lie. And I’m afraid that thanks to the media, the mass of people are gonna swallow it. Actually, God bless the people, they’re getting wise to these false flag attacks, and they’re not liking being lied to! But the people need to wake up. The American people have got to wake up. Otherwise, America is gone. Only the people waking up could possibly save America.”
To receive Bishop Williamson’s weekly ‘Eleison Comments’ Column via e-mail, visit and subscribe.
Martin Hill is a Catholic paleoconservative and civil rights advocate. His work has been featured in the Los Angeles Daily News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Contra Costa Times, Pasadena Star News, Silicon Valley Mercury News, Long Beach Press Telegram, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, L.A. Harbor Daily Breeze, Whittier Daily News,, WhatReallyHappened, Infowars, PrisonPlanet, Economic Policy Journal, FreedomsPhoenix, Veterans Today,, The Wayne Madsen Report,, Rense,,, The Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show, Jonathan Turley blog, National Motorists Association,, Republic Broadcasting Network, WorldNetDaily, Dr. Kevin Barret’s Truth Jihad radio show, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 Los Angeles, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI 640, The Press Enterprise, Redlands Daily Facts, BlackBoxVoting, Strike-The-Root, David Icke, and many others. Archives can be found at and DontWakeMeUp.Org.
Truth Jihad Radio with Bishop Richard Williamson, Dr. Nick Kollerstrom
First hour: Conservative Catholic icon Bishop Richard Williamson, who spoke out for 9/11 truth before I did (2002) will join me – along with Ph.D. History of Science chemistry specialist, Dr. Nick Kollerstrom, author of the new article Bishop Williamson Vindicated, then Ousted. Both Bishop Williamson and Dr. Kollerstrom have been viciously and mindlessly persecuted by fanatical adherents of Holocaustianity – the religion that has replaced both Christianity and Judaism and now reigns supreme over the Western world, and has launched a murderous crusade aimed at destroying the last vestiges of monotheism in the Middle East. Holocaustianity even has its own Ten Commandments! (As Voltaire said, “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” And to learn what a society holds sacred, simply find out what people are not allowed to question; that is the sacred dogma of their real religion.)
Bishop Richard Williamson was expelled from the United States in 2002 (by his own Catholic order) for publicly stating that 9/11 was an inside job. Later that year, he was entrapped by a German interviewer into admitting: “I believe up to 300,000 Jews perished in Nazi concentration camps but not one of them by gassing in a gas chamber.” Those remarks led to expulsion, reinstatement, re-expulsion, criminal prosecution, acquittal, more prosecution…all for the crime of expressing a considered scholarly opinion about a historical event! Today, you can call yourself a “Christian” and believe any damn thing you want – the local Unitarian minister here in Madison, Wisconsin is an avowed atheist – but if you question Holocaustian-fundamentalist dogma, “expect the Spanish Inquisition.”
Dr. Nick Kollerstrom was expelled from his teaching post at University College of London simply for publishing a scholarly article evaluating the chemical evidence for the existence of homicidal gas chambers during World War II. Those who expelled him threw in gratuitous insults, but refused to make even the slightest effort to dispute the facts as laid out in the offending article. Dr. Kollerstrom is also the author of Terror on the Tube, the best book on the 7/7 London bombings.”
Video: New HD Video Debunks 9/11 Airline Scenario: The Video Google/YouTube Doesn’t Want You to See!-Posted on VT New-By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor-On June 5, 2013:
Note: My following blogs relate to and/or further support this disturbing and gut-wrenching issue-You Decide:
Israel Helps Its Al-Qaeda Ally With Attack on Syria: Tel Aviv emboldens western-backed jihadists (Part 2)!
Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall (Re: Questionable and/or mysterious circumstances surrounding Boston Marathon bombing)!
Americans – Like Nazi Germans – Don’t Notice that All of Our Rights Are Slipping Away (Part 12)!
The Real-Deal About Obama And Congressional/Court Silence!
CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up!
Why did a black preacher from Harlem have a “hit” placed on his life?
The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
New Twist To New World Order Agenda!
Why Are Ex-Feds & Wall Street Execs Going Into Hiding?
Who owns our supposedly fair and balanced airwaves and news outlets?
Obamanites Get Violent in Support of the Agenda!
Nearly 80 percent don’t trust the government!’t-tr...
Where Is America Today?
Note: The following videos are extremely appropriate today:
The Fightin Side of Me!
When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty!
Note: If you have a problem viewing any of the listed blog posts, please copy website and paste it on your browser. Sure seems like any subject matter that may be considered controversial by this administration is being censored-What happened to free speech?-You Decide:
“Food For Thought”
God Bless Victims Of Boston Marathon Bombing-God Bless America!
Semper Fi!
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