We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Here's a way out of the Trick Bag Congress put us in by overspending.

Here is a reprint from the TPP for educational and informational purposes only.

Here is a way out of the Debt Trick Bag Both Parties in Congress put
us in.

We absolutely will not default if we prioritize our spending.

President Obama and politicians of BOTH PARTIES in DC want us to believe that America will default on our obligations if we do not raise the debt ceiling again. They think that we don't understand the situation well enough, so we should just allow them to do what they want to do. They believe that we are so naïve that we will believe them when they promise to make spending cuts... someday.

If their big reason for raising the debt ceiling is the claim that we will default, then
we've got good news for the politicians!

  • Tax revenues for this year are projected to be
    around $2.2 trillion.
  • Interest payments for this year amount to
    approximately $300 billion.
  • If we pay the interest first, that leaves us with
    about $1.9 trillion to spend on our most important priorities, and we avoid default.
  • If we enact Senator Toomey's Full Faith and Credit
    Act (S. 163) directing the Treasury to pay
    principal and interest on the debt held by the public before all other
    obligations it would ensure that the nation does not default.


Think of it this way:Your annual income is $44,000. Your annual interest payment on your debt is $6,000. This would leave you with $38,000. Now if you had been living beyond your means for a while it might be hard to go back to living on that $38,000. But you would make it work. And that's the difference between you and a bunch of spend-aholic politicians.You would cut out the unnecessary expenditures, the things you'd like but just can't afford, and you would probably work to get out of debt.


If America defaults on her obligations, make no mistake about it... IT WOULD BE DELIBERATE.

Mr. Timothy Geithner says that we need to consider tax increases along with raising the debt
ceiling. The truth is that the power to prioritize our spending is in his hands.
It is no wonder that Mr. Geithner of all people would be the one to say that we
must borrow more money to pay our debt obligations. He is no stranger to
skipping out on paying his debt obligations. Mr. Geithner, this time it is not
your money... this time it is the American people's money!


Tell Congress that you want them to pass the Full Faith and Credit Act (S 163 in the Senate
and HR 421 in the House) so that America's credit doesn't hang in the balance while
politicians do their familiar dance with each other. The President, the
Secretary of Treasury, and Congress all have the ability to secure our

Our states prioritize their spending by applying the first portion of their revenue to
their debt. The federal government can, and MUST, do the same.

Please; Keep this going to hold Congressional feet to the fire about overspending and
hopefully getting the debt under control so our money will be worth something
once again..


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The Tea Party is always telling us to hold Congressional feet to the fire. It has gotten us nowhere. They (Congress) are quite aware of whose money they are spending and clearly aware of just how it will screw us up. We are in a hostile take-over of the United States! If the Tea Party doesn't get that YET, they are surely in denial. The TPP must absolutely drop their naive stance and begin to aggressively pursue a tougher, nastier agenda if they consider themselves a force to be reckoned with. In my opinion, with Congress now, they have no clout...they are akin to an annoying mosquito no one in the room can catch I'd lay bets Congress feels no threat from TPP...most likely mildly amused..
Understand we are up against radical Communist revolutionaries.
Catherine, unfortunately it's just the beginning. we have to take this one step at a time to be the winners in the end. The (In)Justice Dept in concert with the BATFE, are trying with fanatical desperation, to goad any of our members into rash violent actions at this time so they can claim the Moral High Road without earning it, and actively suppress American Citizenry the same way Stalin, Hitler, and Mao supperssed their opposers. Look at what happened with "Project Gunrunner" it could have the potential to unseat Eric Holder in the long run, and hopefully it will. The Tea Party groups are actually more active and influential than the Soros opposition will allow to be said in any Main Stream Media. All of us including everyone here are contributind to a veritable tsunami of opposition that can not be denied by any political faction. Right now the evil dark opposition forces are engaged in psychological warfare to derail the movement, and they are finding out they can't affect it any more than a mouse can move a Mountain.  
Since when do people, no matter how many in numbers, succeed over corrupt evil governments? Do you not believe that what happened in the past in other countries can happen here if it's not aggressively challenged , and soon? Who was it in BO's admin that said 'we believe power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.' They most certainly have no qualms about going there if they feel they have to, imo. We have already taken too much crap.....we can't keep receding.
Catherine, I fully believe that any violence by us at this juncture would only serve the opposition. All it would do now, is to destroy us and the Conservative movement.Even talking about it now gives the evil opposition words they will absolutely twist to their own ends.  Even the Founders did not resort to violence until England came for their guns. That act by England touched off the Revolutionary War. In the Revolutionary War the Military and Civilians were equally matched with armaments. That has not been the case in this Country since Woodrow Wilson. The rapid fire small arms were taken by the FDR Administration under the guise of stopping crime. Think about this, The Foreign Taliban fighters are equiped about ten times better than the American Public and they stood no chance against our Military Might. While it can't be ruled out, it will be the Military that will start defending the Constitution with all the force necessary against ALL domestic Enemies of the Constitution. I really can't be any clearer than that.
I understand about Radical Communist Revolutionaries, I fought them.




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