We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Battle For America Starts In Wisconsin

The battle for America starts in Wisconsin. It is imperative that we draw the first line in the sand against the anarchists that want to destroy our political process and replace it with Chaos. This recall election will draw the line between chaos and our American voting process. This recall is not about Scott Walker it's about destroying our democratic process and having a Do Over because the opposition didn't get their way, instead of removing someone for cause. It flies in the face of reason why the unions and other special interests groups want to throw out the accepted process for their own agenda. They are trying to show that the will of the people is irrelevant and they will keep trying until they get their way like spoiled children. In actuality, they are trying to institute a Dictatorship of elitist Statists that won't to listen to the people. In effect abject slavery of the population bent to their will. The unions are outright lying and saying this recall is just Democracy in process. It is not! The Representative Process is to vote for someone, and if they don't live up to expectations vote them out in the next regular election. If we don't stop this travesty now we will lose all control of our political processes. This recall fight is the microcosm of this election cycle and will set the tone of our politics for the foreseeable future. this is smash mouth politics deliberately done to intimidate us and our elected representatives. We must mobilize now. 

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The Tea Party Administration has sent out a call for Volunteers to walk the neighborhoods and talk to the people in Wisconsin about the real issues behind the Chaos the Left is promoting to destroy our voting system. they have also sent out a call for donations and volunteers to man phone banks. This is not a simple democracy at work like the liars on the left have tried to make it out to be. It is a direct underhanded dirty corrupt attempt to overthrow the will of the people through the vote. In fact it is a Do Over by the Left because they did not get their way the first time. If they succeed they will continue on with it everywhere they don't get their way. they remind me of Spoiled Rotten 3 year olds that throw temper tantrums until their parents give in just to shut them up. We can't do that, we have to spank them thoroughly and let them know we will not allow them to destroy us.

Since we have landed the first blow to the left with the Mourdock victory over the RINO Lugar in Indiana,Let's follow up on that by a substantive Victory in Wisconsin. Just think what it would mean to the idiots in Congress to see a 75% victory for walker in this Left inspired Do Over Election just because they didn't get their way. You don't recall someone for doing what he promised to do in his campaign, You only recall them for any Criminal Malfeasance or Misfeasance or total incompetence. The True American Way is to vote them out in the next election if you don't approve of what they have done. The Left has a Hidden Agenda with this smash mouth attempt to subvert our accepted political principles.




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