We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Here are the three main parties that are conservative in nature.

Constitution Party

Americas Independent Party

Libertarian Party

Please study the platform and overall organization of these parties and let's discuss them.

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The Constitution Party does appear to be the logical step and I'm all for it. Sure hope it doesn't get watered down like so many other movements. Today is the day I start my research into the "4th Branch of government" actions. It would be ever so helpfull if we had a Constitutional Lawyer amongst us as the "We The People" Grand jury is going to be formed in my area. This action will, hopefully, get some (ARGHHHH!!) media attention and the plan is to link, with the CPs O.K., our action to their agenda. This should give us a kick start with publicity and draw new members. Those of us who endeavor to take this action do so on our own, for now. If any are interested in doing the same thing in your area, then stay tuned for upcoming actions. A concerted effort can be done in every state and don't you don't think that will reverberate through the the other three branches??
Time to stop talking and do your part. Organize, educate yourself and let your voices be heard. The sword of justice must be swift.

Good comments about the Const Party. By starting with an existing one we get a big jump-start.

So far between here and a mirror of this I have on resistnet, it is hands down Const Party with no other party being chosen even once. Others such as libertarian have been only mentioned.

I'm just trying to make people aware that ultimately our goal is to win elections with a party that will fix our broken government.

Somehow, everyone must come together for the common good. That is why I'm trying to force everyone to think first what party they like, then go join that party.

When I get a 100 people and 90 all say Const Party or some other, then I think we can decide that 1000 or 10,000 would still say the same and start the next step.

I also obviously agree the GOP is dead and if not it needs to be.
Yes, it's dead. We are at the turning point of something big that will change our country. That is the good that has come out of this.

The great thing is that the organizer for the AIP told me that if they don't have an organization in a given state or area, they urge people to vote for the Constitution Party candidate. So they really are working together rather than against each other.

In this regard, all of us can vote for someone based on principle and not his perceived ability to win. I've vowed never to do that again.

This patriot movement can really pick up steam. We can support CP candidates who could win local elections and eventually national ones. I'm still going to participate in the Committee of Correspondence with the AIP because I figure it can't hurt, especially if their research shows that it works in some cases, even with the poor excuses we have for representatives in Washington now.
I'm new to this forum / blog / internet thing also. But, could I share a couple of thoughts? The Keyes party (AIP) was new in 2008, wasn't it? And if you read Keyes' articles he makes a lot of sense. The main difference I see between that one and the Constitution Party is that the AIP doesn't mention Christianity, just a country founded on God given rights, etc. I think that's a genius move by Keyes, even though he is a Christian. When the truth comes out about Obama, and it will, the democratic party will lose much support because of the corruption and the cover up of the eligibility problem. Obama continues to betray Israel, and more and more Jewish people in this country will become upset with themselves because they voted for him, I think many of them will be looking for a patriotic but God minded party. Don't you think so? I am a Christian, but I do believe we must stand with Israel, and that means stand with the Jewish people and respect their religion as much as my own. Even if we disagree, we still have the same God. And this country cherishes freedom of religion. Because of their platform, right off the bat, I believe the Constitution Party might deter people of the Jewish faith from joining them.

just my 2 cents.

I like Keyes party too but they are too new and small. I don't think Keyes is presedential material. I like him but a lot don't.

As I understand it, AIP and Const Party are discussing a merger. They already cross-link in states where one or the other isn't on the ballots.

Not a lot of difference.

What I most like about CP is the detailed plans in the platform to take on and abolish the Federal Reserve and IRS. Those are two of the biggest evils we face.
(Reply to Sharon Rondeau)
The Constitution Party does appear to be the logical step and I'm all for it. Sure hope it doesn't get watered down like so many other movements. Today is the day I start my research into the "4th Branch of government" actions. It would be ever so helpfull if we had a Constitutional Lawyer amongst us as the "We The People" Grand jury is going to be formed in my area. This action will, hopefully, get some (ARGHHHH!!) media attention and the plan is to link, with the CPs O.K., our action to their agenda. This should give us a kick start with publicity and draw new members. Those of us who endeavor to take this action do so on our own, for now. If any are interested in doing the same thing in your area, then stay tuned for upcoming actions. A concerted effort can be done in every state and don't you don't think that will reverberate through the the other three branches??
Time to stop talking and do your part. Organize, educate yourself and let your voices be heard. The sword of justice must be swift.
OK, I just am stating to get into this site, so bear with me a moment. I see you want to have us all sign an affiliation to a PARTY, well the ones you have listed and I thinkt he Constitution Party is the best of all of them, BUT, here in Nevada, we don't have the Constitution Party ON OUR BALLOT.... so what do we do to either change that, or ....
I don't know how to do this and I'm sure there are many attempting it -- many of these like minded sites seem to be on ning.com -- for those that are attempting to get us together -- does ning have a list of sites so we could visit and invite ?

Not having tons of money, I'm sure they haven't gotten to the small electoral vote states yet. I think that when we make this movement take-off, we will be funding them bigtime so they can do all states.

How about AIP (Keyes party). Are they in Nevada? If so, I hear they might merge.
We don't have a Keyes party (AIP) either here. All we had on the last ballot was IA, (Chuck Baldwin running), LIB (Bob Barr running), GRN (Cynthia McKinney running), IND (Ralph Nader running)..... and of course the Dem and REP parties. I can check into see what the regulations are at Voters when I go in there sometime, as I am a Document Researcher and am in the Records Office all the time. Someone replly with a list of things that I would need to find out and I will gladly ask the questions.
Because of ballot access laws is differnet among the states, the Constitution Party was unable to get the party name listed on the ballot in some states. In some cases, Chuck Baldwin was listed as an Independent, or was a qualifying write-in candidate. I joined the Constitution Party and am glad to say that the effort put forth by the party was truly outstanding (considering a near total media blackout). It's the fastest growing party in the U. S. and with help from those who are truly conservative, will be widely known to all Americans, whether a media blackout continues or not. WE SHALL BE HEARD!
Reply by Craig Frank on January 17, 2009 at 7:16pm

I would say go with the Constitution Party. Without our constitution we will be enslaved. The Constitution is what declares our God given rights and freedoms.
The Libertarian party is a close 2nd.
The independant party wants you to think its the new conservative party(whatever happened to the conservative party?). This party is about to be hi jacked by two slimy billionaires bloomberg and galisano. They are the enemy.




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