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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
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Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
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Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
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Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
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John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
Campaign Site: GeorgePataki.com
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Campaign Site: RandPaul.com
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Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Ted Cruz: Obama Is Using “Exact Same Argument” ISIS Uses Against Christians (VIDEO)

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) told Neil Cavuto today that Obama is using ISIS arguments against Christians.

cruz obama

Not only is this president unwilling to go after, to call out radical Islam by its name, but at time President Obama has acted like an apologist for radical Islam… When I said President Obama is an apologist, you may remember earlier when President Obama spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast and the King of Jordan was scheduled to speak there but he had to fly back to Jordan because the day before ISIS had taken a Jordanian pilot, put him in a cage and lit him on fire. And President Obama gave a speech, I was sitting at the prayer breakfast, he said, “Yes, ISIS is committing acts of terror, but Christians and Jews had committed acts of terror too.” And, he invoked the Crusades and the Inquisition. Now, last I checked the Crusades ended nine hundred years ago. I don’t think it’s asking too much to ask this president to stay in the current millennium. And the reason I say he’s being an apologist is because that argument is the exact same argument that the terrorists use. ISIS, when they are beheading Christians, when they are crucifying Christians, they invoke the Crusades and the Inquisition.


Dems see Biden entering race — and complicating life for Hillary Clinton

Getty Images

Top Democrats increasingly believe Joe Biden is going to enter the presidential race, setting up a battle with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. 

The Democrats — including former administration officials, strategists and donors — say they foresee the vice president causing a problem for Clinton, who has recently suffered a series of setbacks because of the email controversy that has plagued her campaign. 

While one former senior aide to President Obama predicts that much of the bleeding and hemorrhaging for Clinton has passed since she apologized for using a private email server while secretary of State, “it solidified a storyline that she’s untrustworthy and she’s got stuff to hide and that could hurt her.”

“She hasn’t had time to move away from the narrative,” the former aide said. “It reaffirms all this shit about her that no one needs.”

And as one strategist and Clinton supporter said: “People are still really nervous about the email situation. They just don’t want to be left in the lurch. With the Clintons, you just don’t know where the other shoes are and when they’re going to drop.”

And that has created an opening for Biden for those who are “looking for the best alternative” to Clinton, the strategist said.

Should he decide to run, the foundation for a campaign is already in place. 

Steve Schale, a Florida-based Democratic strategist who helped Obama win twice in the Sunshine State, recently signed on as an adviser to the super-PAC that is trying to sway Biden to run for president. The group, Draft Biden already has three to five paid staffers in each of the early states and recently ramped up its digital advertising.

“I don’t think there’s any reason to think this thing isn’t pretty wide open,” Schale said in an interview.

In recent days, the vice president has said he is in no rush to announce a decision to jump into the race. In an interview published Monday with America Media, a Catholic news organization, Biden said he was carefully weighing the decision with his family.

“You have no right, as an individual, to decide to run,” Biden said. “Your whole family is implicated, your whole family is engaged and so, for us, it’s a family decision. And I just have to be comfortable that this will be good for the family.”

Biden made similar comments when he appeared on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” two weeks ago. At the time, he discussed how his son Beau Biden’s death in May had taken a toll on the family.

A CNN poll released Monday showed Clinton expanding her lead nationally against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a fellow contender for the Democratic nomination whom recent polls show is leading Clinton in both Iowa and New Hampshire. 

The national poll was interesting in part because it suggested Biden’s entry into the race could hurt Clinton 

It showed Clinton winning 42 percent of Democratic primary voters compared to 24 percent for Sanders and 22 percent for Biden. Clinton’s edge expanded, with the front-runner winning a majority of supporters, with Biden out of the race. 

“Things are obviously very fluid with [Sanders] doing as well as he’s doing. I think there’s a lot of room for the vice president to grow,” Schale said.

Privately, Democrats acknowledge consternation about the email controversy and Clinton’s slow response and clean-up of the situation. And they worry about what might happen during the rest of the campaign.

“It was sloppy and unnecessary,” one top Democratic donor said of the controversy.

But Clinton allies are telegraphing that they’re exactly where they need to be and not terribly worried about a possible Biden candidacy.

In an interview on CBS’s "Face the Nation" on Sunday, Clinton, who considers the vice president a friend, said her campaign is not preparing for a Biden run. “This is such a personal decision and the vice president has to sort it out,” Clinton said on the program.

In an email to The Hill on Monday, Clinton spokesman Jesse Ferguson said Biden “deserves the time to consider his options, weigh his priorities and make a decision on a timetable of his own choosing.”

And even if Biden enters the race, some Democratic strategists say it will be good for Clinton to have a solid challenger in the primary.

“Hillary Clinton has proven that she’s a much better candidate when she has a strong competitor,” said Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons. “In 2008, she got better as Obama got stronger.”

Still, Simmons added, “It may not feel good to the campaign today — nobody likes doing calisthenics in the morning.”

“Running suicide never feels good but it makes you a better athlete,” he said. “If she wins, she’ll be ready to take on an active, energized and hungry Republican Party.”


That is so funny they call Biden a solid challenge when half the time he does not know  where  he is or what he is doing. I guess they are desperate.

Well they are down to the buffoon and the criminal and they do not think the criminal can win so they are hoping the buffoon will win.

Trump: I'll close US borders 'in my first day'

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump vowed on Monday to close U.S. borders as soon as he took office.
"The first thing I'd do in my first day as president is close up our borders so that illegal immigrants cannot come into our country," Trump said in a Twitter question and answer session from Twitter's New York office.
"People can come into our country, but only legally. I will close up those borders," added Trump in his video answer, returning to an issue that accompanied his initial jump to the top of polls.
Using the #AskTrump hashtag, the real-estate tycoon fielded questions about NFL players, Israel and guns, among other topics.
Trump, who has dominated the GOP field for weeks, remains the front-runner but has fallen 8 percentage points since earlier this month, according to a CNN/ORC International poll released Sunday.
On Monday, Trump followed other presidential candidates, such as Hillary Clinton, who have answered questions on social media in an attempt to gin up online interest and interaction. 
Trump said in the first of a dozen short videos that were part of his Twitter Q-and-A that he would "totally protect Israel" if elected president. 
He also offered advice on being a successful businessperson, said he would "take care" of homelessness by focusing on jobs and tackle healthcare affordability as president.
The responses also involved lighter topics, such as Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo leaving Sunday's game against the Philadelphia Eagles with a fractured collarbone. 
"The fact that Tony Romo got hurt is a terrible thing for the Dallas Cowboys," Trump said in one of his first responses. "I think Tony is a great guy — I know him — and he's also a great football player. And it will certainly hurt Dallas. But their defense is excellent."
Trump took the opportunity to note that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has signaled his support for his White House bid. Trump also said during the Twitter Q-and-A that the Baltimore Ravens's Joe Flacco is "absolutely" an elite quarterback.

This is good to hear. The border should have been taken care of yesterday.

I like Trump more all the time. 

I do too. He grows on a person after awhile. I am impressed that he financing his own campaign. You never see that. Also I think he is spot on about the border.

Good one M!

Stump for Trump Women Switch Parties to Vote for Donald Trump in Primaries

Vocal Trump supporters, Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, better known as the “Stump-for-Trump Girls,” have become a YouTube sensation with their hilarious rants and staunch support for Donald Trump.

The ladies have a YouTube Channel devoted to Donald Trump for President.

Today Diamond and Silk put their money where their mouth is and went to the board of elections and changed political parties from Democrat to Republican.
diamond and silk

They posted the entire video to document their trip to the elections board.
They even included a catchy “Stump for Trump” rap playing in the background for effect.
stump for trump hats girls

The two Trump supporters also encouraged others to switch parties to see Trump win.
These two must terrify the Democrats.


These ladies crack me up. They have big personalities.




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