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We are being lied to on every front, both foreign and domestic


We are being lied to on every front, both foreign and domestic

Saturday, November 14, 2015


by Robby Bowling

Now that PARIS is almost literally Burning and along with SMOKE ...big time FEAR is in the AIR do you think that there's possibly a Teaching or Learning Moment as it pertains to Immigration, Refugees & MUSLIMS ? Somehow because Political Correctness is for all,"Impractical Purpose" the unofficial Law of the land....I hate to say it, but I doubt it Seriously.....Lets face it PARIS had it own version of a "9-11 Terrorist attack" & there WILL be more & the only real result I'm afraid will be more FREEDOMS LOST & Not one "High on BARRY RADICAL" Terrorist Killed or arrested in this Country...
When are the LIBERAL PARASITES in Congress along with the Messianic Muslim POS ,QUEEN BARRY going to get the Salesmanship Award from the FAUX MEDIA....They CRY, CRY, CRY & CRIED about the Poor little Rancid Foaming-At-The-Mouth Syrian Refugees...who needed to be SAVED from the BIG BAD WOLF ISIS Radical Muslim Pigs....May I ask this question; who is going to save us from THEM???? Is the little Muslim Faggot Barry going to put on his LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD costume & ride in on his Camel in a CLOUD of Dust from MECCA & Save the Day & Civilization ? If you believe that Horse Hockey you must be related to one of the Brain-Deficient Talking Bobble-Head Doll Parrots who work for MSNBC ( Chris Matthews) or one of the other Government Owned & Controlled Propaganda Channels.....

The Reality is thus; 90% of the MUSLIM Refugees are ,"YOUNG MALES" .....OK if you the Long Ranger & Tonto what do you do? Put your ear to the ground & Listen for the WAR DRUMS & CAMELS Plodding across the Vast Wasteland or what was a Christian AMERICA....Or do you do like our BRAVE-HEART Ball less Leaders in Washington....DO NOTHING WHATSOEVER......And the LORD knows if you could talk anything to DEATH , we'd all be DEAD now after SEVEN YEARS of this MUSLIM Tyrant P.O.S. That considers himself the SMARTEST TALKING TURD in the WORLD....Well the TURD part is Correct....

Again & again & again I have to say, scream & yell out loud...everything that you SEE, HEAR & SMELL has been Taylor-made, Scripted & Staged for a particular RESULT....Your Death, My Death, AMERICA'S Death & Freedoms Death....all for what The NEW WORLD ORDER & a MUSLIM CALIPHATE.... Remember the Biblical Warnings in Revelations....WARS & RUMORS OR WARS....The ANTICHRIST.....and then do you remember the Story about the Trojan Horse.....
All of the Chaos & Anarchy are Actually FALSE FLAGS & the Refugees are the TROJAN HORSES....So one more time understand all that you see going on is a SET-UP....for a FALL....Ours & this Pathetic Excuse for a GOVERNMENT is PART of the PROBLEM not the SOLUTION....

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel orders shutdown of websites that slam Muslim freeloaders, rapists, and terrorists posing as refugees

50b1c97f_o-viBerlin police say they’ve raided 10 buildings in the German capital as part of a crackdown on ‘far-right hate speech’ on social media networks against Merkel’s suicidal policy of taking in masses of Syrian Muslim ‘refugees’ most of whom are neither Syrian nor refugees.


FOX News  Police said Thursday that the morning raids involved 60 officers, who confiscated smartphones and computers as evidence, which are now being evaluated. They didn’t have any immediate information on arrests.

They say the raids are part of an ongoing investigation into hate speech spread over social media meant to incite people against asylum-seekers and refugee housing. Angela Merkel got Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook to agree to start deleting anti-Muslim invader posts.


Berlin’s top security official, Frank Henkel, says authorities “won’t turn away if racism or incitement is being spread on the Internet.”

He says that the authorities alone can’t police hate speech online and appealed for social networks themselves to combat it more effectively.



You won't believe it, but they're pulling this old trick out of the hat yet again. How stupid do they think people are?

The Feds Want Bodycams On Local Police EXCEPT When They're Working On One Of Their Teams
But privately, the department is telling some of its agents they cannot work with officers using such cameras as part of joint task forces, according to people familiar with the discussions.




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