We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

I first posted this several years ago, but it is still applicable today;

We need to expose the twisted spin iconography used by the Democratic Administrations, and the Progressive Machine. We need to Educate the general public on how it evokes a subtle subconscious propaganda like response in us. We must learn to expose it where ever we see it being used. We have to be able to counter it's effects when it is used against us. 
We all know the Opposition wants to Trivialize us, and cast us in the roles of criminal,violent,maniac types instead of the Concerned Responsible Americans we are.Look at their continuous attempts to spin anything against private ownership of guns. The Left leaning media uses everything at their command to poison the minds of our fellow citizens against us. We have to learn how to effectively trivialize and turn that around on them, and show the truth about us. 
Currently the Progressive Machine, through the Media, has cast all conservatives as Violent and Threatening. We must remain Actively Vigilant Against every form of violence directed, at us, or at our opponents. We must prevent it from happening where we can, and more importantly we must actually 'protect our opponents from violence' where possible. We have to do this because it is morally correct, and it is one thing the Progressive Machine can not spin against us without discrediting themselves as extremely biased. 
America was built on the principles of Freedom,Truth,Honor,Justice,and Individual Responsibility. We must re-affirm those principles and use our version of iconography in the interest of Truth. Chameleon like, our Left Leaning Progressives have clothed themselves in a mantle of legitimacy,respectability, and elected power. It has been shown and reported that the closest advisers to President Obama are 60's Retread Anti-American Radicals combined with like Progressive/Liberal Radicals permeating the Democratic Party in Congress. I can not confirm that, but it sounds correct to me. I believe they still want to change America into their idea of a Marxist/Socialist 'workers paradise'. 
I think the latest attack by the Progressive Machine, labeling military Veterans, law abiding gun owners,and those with Christian Beliefs us as potential terrorists, is being used to goad us into something stupid. If we commit any violence they will claim to hold the high moral ground and condemn us. 
Remember in the bad old days when the SDS,the Weathermen, and all of the other Violent Radical Left Wing groups actually used violence in the 60's? They lost their fight dramatically, and now they want us to fall in the same way. We are the the Americans who may very well be the last bastion of hope to save the Republic, not violent idiots like they were. 
I must say using a truthful version of iconography to educate the public will mean: The Second American Revolution is at hand! It must be waged solely in the ballot box and Media, NOT on the streets. We have engaged the enemy in the Second American Civil War, This Civil War can only be won by Loyal Americans using Ballots and truthful words, NOT bullets and violence. The correct way to defeat the Ultra Left Progressives is to use Truth and Logic to show them up under the Light of Reason as the fools they are.

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.....I think this video would help on this post. EVERYONE HERE AT WTPUSA SHOULD WATCH....YOU ALL WILL AGREE

Check out this link; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_socialism  Remembering that every Democrat in the Democratic caucus is also a member in good standing of the Democratic Socialist Party. It shows why the Liberals are protecting the agendas of the Islamics since those agendas utilize the same harsh tactics the hard left uses when in control. We are at this point losing, and we will be buried if we don't soon wake to the reality we are faced with. The video explains with much clarity what we are facing every day. This is why we must try and unite every Conservative group that is individually fighting the socialist incursion to fight as one in a final show of strength against the corruption the Left is forcing on us for their own aggrandizement.




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