We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The big Lie. 
Joseph Goebbels:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."
The Democrats created the big lie and to defend it they created the PC culture. Today in America you will note there is no tail to large told by the left that demands apology from the PC culture. On the same token you see there is no truth to small from the right that an effort by the PC culture will not demand silenced.
Freedom of speech in PC culture basically says what ever the left wants us to believe is good and everything else needs to be censored.
Look at the media war coming from the left today, they tell us we all want illegal Mexicans and Muslims in our country. They tell us if we don't want them we are racists and bigots and make every effort to convince us if we don't want them there is something wrong with us.
That's another big lie and we see and hear it through the media everyday, and when anyone points out that many of these Mexicans are rapists and thugs the PC culture comes to the rescue by not reporting it and telling us this is not the view of the majority just a few conservative crazies. We see the deaths at the hands of Mexicans, we see the growing drug problem because of our borders to the south.
The left says the war on drugs is a failure so lets legalize it and let those incarcerated out of jail, those crazy conservatives want to build a fence and patrol it, they want criminal aliens deported. However the big lie lives on in the media telling us all forget it, your neighbor does not want it.
If you take the time to read the Qur"an you would be shocked, researchers have stated this is the most violent religion http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/11/research-islam-really-is-the-worl... and yet the media and the POTUS lies and tells us the Qur"an is peaceful.
The Muslim religion teaches it is not just OK but you must lie to the infidel if need be to further the cause. It teaches killing the none believer is righteous these are not the acts of a friendly religion.
I am proud to be a crazy conservative, I don't want illegal immigrants taking benefits away from Americans that need them. I don't want to see 94 million Americans out of the work force as millions of illegal's take jobs at ridiculously low wages. I don't want to go to a football game a mall or a restaurant in fear of a Muslim attack. I have a concealed carry permit not be cause I want to carry a gun but because the left forces me to as they bring a new level of fear in to American streets in the form of illegal's and Muslims.
If I'm crazy to support Trump and Cruz because they want what I want then so be it, at least if enough of us crazies get out and vote we can take back our country from those smart people who want to destroy it.
 I even say God bless America, just more proof of how crazy I really am.

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DONT SEE THE COMPARISON...iran is a country that was holding hostages...while isis is a terrorist group across several countries.....how about we follow the law and stop all immigration instead of banning an entire religion...carter was right to do it and trump is a fascist for suggesting it 

although I am surprised carter did it....

DV really got you on that one...............LOL

Got this from another poster on another site...appears to be good advice...

"he only way to fight a brokered convention is to get so much behind one candidate they have to accept him. If we can do that we bust up their control and destroy the power mongers. I believe we can win with Trump. the others would break up the votes and may cause a loss to the democrats.  Trump is riding high and we should keep him up there. He can pick one of the other popular for his VP. TC Top Cat Trump Cruz"

Actually if Trump comes in number 1 and Cruz comes in number 2 it is not uncommon for the member two to tell their delegates to switch to the 1st place candidate in exchange for the VP spot. If you remember the 1980 convention that's how Bush came to be VP, and Reagan won in the first round. 

In my view as long as Cruz and Trump remain at the top they will have the delegate votes to carry the first round, just don't be surprised if the media tries to drive a wedge between them to keep this from happening.  

DV . you brought up a very interesting point in history to compare this too.If you find any research on this , please post a link. I would but my hands are full right now. I think it is something worth spinning around here so we can learn about what may become of a brokered convention.I am sure all the networks will spin this story around to make hay. We here would be well advised to be educated on the topic.

Well the rules are simple, in the first round all delegates are pledged to the candidate who won them in the primary. After the first round the delegates are cut lose to elect the most electable candidate. This is when it gets tricky and you will not find a link to describe what actual happens in any given convention. You see if the delegate was picked by the candidate they are loyal to that candidate after the first round, if the delegate was picked by the party they will vote as the RNC tells them to. 

In this election there are four candidates that are picking their own delegates, Trump Cruz, Carson and Bush. With Carson in a tail spin he is unlikely to continue this beyond the early states, Bush even though he does not have the votes to keep going has the money to keep picking his delegates, if he drops they will join the others as RNC loyal delegates. 

At the moment both Trump and Cruz have the money and the will to keep picking their delegates all the way to the convention. Trump has said no VP for me so the only way to see a brokered convention stopped is if Cruz comes in number two and joins forces with Trump or if Trump pledges his to Cruz if he came in first. 

The other issue that needs to be watched is the winner take all states, this group of states was hand picked to support the establishment candidate. At the moment Cruz is winning 1 and Trump is winning all the others. The tricky part about these states they are all blue except Florida and a very small group of tiny red states. All the big red states are proportional meaning if you get 30% of the vote you get 30% of the delegates. This is how the RNC biases elections in favor of the establishment candidate and against the conservative. 

As you can see a simple system gets complicated because of the spin the RNC puts on the nomination process. We will need to wait and see if Trump Cruz takes all the winner take all states to determine if they can bypass a brokered convention or if Trump Cruz can take more then 50% of the vote in the proportional states. My guess is we will have a firm idea after super Tuesday on March 1st. Until then its going to be impossible to speculate what will happen. 

I am thinking it is the old bait and switch kind of crap that We The People despise.That tactic will only drive many of us deeper in our resentment of the GOP  and RNC.

RINO's control the RNC and have since HW Bush, they are so scared because the President picks the leader of the RNC and if Trump or Cruz win they lose that power. It scares the hell out of them. If it was Trump Cruz, they could lose power for 12 to 14 years, that would kill the RINO's in Washington and they know it. 

DV  All that know about stuff like this should help us out by posting how it is structured and rules etc...Kev wants to find out more and all of us do  I would think...lets us all research etc and see what we are facing..Your is a good post to begin with....

Here is the GOP site that has the basics for all elections.


Here are the rules for 2016


Good job DV...




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