Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Wow DV one hell of a here goes mine....
I see the word Conservative as used today as a misnomer. It is defined as being deposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions etc...opposed to change or innovation. I am in no way an old stone by any stretch of the imagination and see the need to change and innovate from where we are right now. I do identify myself as an Orthodox Republican with orthodox (of a person or their views, especially religious or political ones, or other beliefs or practices) conforming to what is generally or traditionally accepted as right or true; established and approved being the added word with Republican relating to or based on a form of government in which representatives are elected and there is no king or queen.
I too was raised in a home where being Democrat was the only way to be, as you they were held to be the ones to be for the working person etc..... it was when I was coming close to be old enough to vote that I began researching the history of government and politics that there were some inconsistences' that didn't sit well with me and when I asked for clarification on even the most innocuous of issues did I realize how lost many in my family were in the understanding of positions and policies that directed our lives every day. My questions and inquiries become a bone of contention and I thought best to stay clear of such topics and go it alone. I registed as a Republican on my 18th Birthday and kept it to myself what I truly believed was what was best for me and my view of things and did everything humanly possible to not bring politics into any family discussions and stayed cleared of the topic should others bring it to the floor for I knew I would be viewed as the enemy from with in... and waiting for the best time to pounce....... ;)
I soon began my work in medicine then decided to take on the uniform of my country, that was at a time when Carter was in office and felt compeled to try to correct what seemed to be a very weak leadership, my service is a part of me always yet I did not feel fulfilled in the Commander and Chief who gave orders, my duty was to my solider patients and focused on them only. It was once home where I took a more active roll in politics and saw the need to be engaged in what the electret sends to DC.
As with many as we grow older, work in the real world, feel the reach of DC grow ever stronger does one try to bring to light the ills that were ever developing and how deaf many of my fellow citizens had become, for the policies of Progressivism placed ever so quietly some time back were coming home to roost. Social unrest and the no so far off Hippy generation were coming of age with ideas that seemed cute of just a fad at the time were the first shoots of seeds long ago sown. Civil Rights were Republican backed actions absconded by the Progressive Dems who tired to pull any and all stops to not have it become reality, history no one ever disclosed then or now.... and other issues that were quick thoughts made into law at a time where information or the ability to act quickly was no where near the flash of response we have today.... and ask anyone then what the Federal Registry was and all you heard were crickets......
Civics, once a staple in early education was tossed for ceramics, when I signed up for a Know the Constitution class, it was canceled because not enough students signed up then saying the pledge was less frequent but a moment of meditation was granted for one hole minute followed by the topics of the schools upcoming events.... the shift was happening and no one appeared to be seeing it come and felt it take hold...... until it became too late.
Of course Monday Morning Quarterbacking is a bit 20/20, yet I am sure most here could dig deep to one point where for the first time the thought and fear that the country is in trouble entered their minds. For me it was in the 70's when it appeared that just about every airplane was being hijacked. The years following those events kept happening but the dots then were in no way being connected and were seen of what lay ahead. A flight I canceled was one that was hijacked, divine intervention and a choice not to go may have been combined, who knows, but the concerns then appear to be concerns today so how far have we really come?
I am unsure if I answered your topic question, so let me end by saying this.... Orthodox Republican am I, conservative, not so much for I am open to new ideas and change as long as it brings the True Constitution first, Less government held within the confines of the True Constitution, freedoms and liberties' are upheld and states rights mean something.
TA DA!!!!!!! :)
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