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It is very clear the GOP brought in people to boo Trump. They are one big pice of crap. The good thing for Trump is they booed at his desire to use the internet in Muslim countries to track them and see what they are doing. Nothing to boo about, its a set up.
I watched the whoe thing and Cruz did not get called on hardly at all and made them let him finish toward the end..Trump has definitely backed off the attack on Cruz and was so cute about it..and I love it when Cruz said he was going to make Trump build the wall...Trump laughed and poked him...They are on a path of POTUS and .VP..Lord willing
The results are in...The official time has Cruz with most time...Not only that, you will be sad to hear is Cruz according to kelly file lied about his support of imagration reform back in 2013.
No he voted against it unless he could put in a rider that insured no citizenship. Fox also pointed that out what Cruz said was he never support a path to citizenship. Fox lied when they said Cruz lied, Cruz did support a worker permit program with no path to citizenship.
FOX is the RINO news network.
Believe me I know they are in the tank for Jeb and or marco. The whole leadership of Fox has been to bilderberg meetings. Trust me I know the who is who in the NWO progressive movement.Fox news and Comcast are two of the media entities that the men behind the curtain use to develop their schemes. The Bilderberg Group is not left or right. They are into power.They have everyone else labeled because it is easier to control a herd rather than a bunch of stray`s running around.
It seems like Cruz picked up support according to Frank Luntz focus group.
I saw that, most from Carly Carson but there was one from Trump
To me , It`s like that one contributor said, Trump should be considered the winner, because he did not loose. I just hope Rubio does not get a bump. .I hope Rand jumps up a little bit so he might be able to get a few more looks from some voters.
I thought tonite might be the night that things would go south for Trump. But he always seems to side step any damage.
People who support Trump will not stop supporting him, and as he stays on top more convert. He is one of a kind
I think Cruz continues to move higher, all be it slowly, Rand should get aa small bump in my view.
Kelly said Cruz Flopped on something he said back in 2013, I did not catch exactly what it was but it was about immigration .. We will see if anything comes out of it. If he did I am sure it will be headlines in a left wing rag.
In my view FOX lied, they changed what Cruz said to fit there lie. Will not have any legs from the left but we will see. FOX was very hard on Trump and Cruz but they loved Rubio and Christie.
I think they realize Bush can not win. So next establishment man up is Marco or Crispy Cream. .
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