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It is very clear the GOP brought in people to boo Trump. They are one big pice of crap. The good thing for Trump is they booed at his desire to use the internet in Muslim countries to track them and see what they are doing. Nothing to boo about, its a set up.

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Now he starts to speak and is heckled by a man in the audience before he was able to start speaking and was forced to wait. The DNC has tried to set him up in this debate. 

Bush keeps saying you cant get elected by attacking other candidates, yet he says it when he is the one attacking. LOL

Bush is a Joke and definitely not ready for prime time...He is definitely not up to a one on one with Trump

Rubio keeps trying to pretend he did not push for amnesty. LOL Cruz set him strait.

I agree DV and I am also noting that Ted Cruz has been totally ignored and rudely muzzled by Wolf the few times he was allowed to speak and all the losers who are in single digits are covered up with talking time over and over again...The debates should be taken from the RNC and never give another dime to them ..EVER I stopped contributing to them long long ago.... they are partners in crime with the sorry horse thieves  of CNN...Hugh Hewitt is a disgrace to the republican party as well...I do not have high blood pressure but if I watch many more debates like this ...I know I will have......WHEW!!! I have it on pause and am going back to watch the end of this abomination...

Yes you can see the bias against Cruz and Trump, but unlike Trunp Cruz has jumped in several time and held the stage to make his point.

Hey..LOL..Low class CNN is not even ready for prime time...

Social media lit up over the Trump boos and heckler and so they appear to have stopped. 

Paul keeps doing well. He should get a bump.

Cruz has dome well with the small amount of time they gave him so far. Hes going to hold or move higher.

DV, I knew you were wrong...Cruz had the most speaking time...That was because he was rude and forced himself in , and kept going over his time by a lot

Instant poll has Trump number 1 and Cruz number 2 Paul 3, I told you Paul did good




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