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Something from the Editorial page of; http://www.articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/ Please pass this around to everyone you can, every website you go to, and even to OP-ED pages if you want to.


 LaVoy Shooting Video Finally Released.

  •  I firmly believe the enforcement agents who were shooting at the vehicle WITHOUT PROVOCATION, any known DEPARTMENT PROTOCOLS, went well beyond any legal or departmental policy covering such situations, and those enforcement Agents should be indicted for 1st Degree Murder and lesser charges of Attempted murder for what they did after shooting LaVoy Finicum.

    I see no legal, procedural, nor moral justification for what they did. Furthermore any supervisors who protected those agents or sequestered evidence or testimony of said agents be charged with aiding and abetting the aforementioned crimes. 

    I call on the Justice Department to file charges in an open public purview to instigate those charges or be considered by the American Public as deliberately and Formally aiding and abetting the agents who did the shooting at the vehicle without provocation.
    The Tradesman

    I have been following.the family has released two statements.I have a few points I would like to make.
    *It was an ambush. predetermined.  i have a friend that lives there, travels the road to work, the entry points from arteries were blocked off, she saw them and worried that there had been a serious accident, it was not a routine traffic stop.

    *He crashed into the snow to avoid hitting the authorities standing in the road, TO AVOID USING HIS VEHICLE AS A WEAPON!

    *I believe that the FBI video has been edited. it has had the sound removed and the timing markers.  the sound would not only record the voices but also the shots.

    *I question the new synced version just released that supposedly has the phone footage from inside the car with it.  why would a man, exiting a vehicle with his hands in the air, call for them to shoot him.  the people in the car have never said that was the case, the FBI video clearly shows a shooter from the trees (in the back), the family reports he was shot 9 times one in the face, he was left to just lie there and die unattended, they did nothing to help him after he was clearly down…they had an ambulance on scene and have had the audacity to bill the family for it.
    Lady Boots.

    That is the worst tragedy I have ever seen. Everyone of those Officers should be dismissed for unprofessional behavior. They killed that man for no reason except they wanted to force an issue.

    Mangus Colorado.

    link; https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=738&v=KfTWtah7aUw  This Video needs to be seen in total so the public can make their own conclusions about what happened! 

    Published on Mar 8, 2016 Source; You tube commentary.
    Absolutely stunning footage from a camera (not actually a cell phone)... after firing on LaVoy Finicum's truck while he was complying with a stop by Oregon State Police, LaVoy and his passengers decided to drive on to the safety that Sheriff Palmer of Grant County. As he began to drive off, the authorities shot at the truck again. 

    As LaVoy first came into view of a deadly roadblock, the agents at the roadblock immediately opened fire on LaVoy. His truck was hit repeatedly. To draw fire away from his passengers, LaVoy jumped out with his hands in the air. He knew he was a dead man. Moments later, he was shot three times in the back.

    Agents then began bombarding the truck with bullets, rubber bullets, BIP projectiles and tear gas pellets. Ryan Bundy was hit in the arm.

    Remember - the only warrant the authorities had on LaVoy was for the non-violent "crime" of trespassing at a wildlife refuge. They not only fired upon him while he was stopped, but they shot at him from both behind and in front before he even got to the road block. Then he was shot multiple times in the back - never having pulled a gun or committed any act of violence.

    Afterward, the authorities fired many lethal rounds through the windows of the truck at the occupants. It is a miracle they weren't killed in the process.

    If this is not the America that you believe in, you are invited to unite with us to fight back.

    (the following links will be deleted from the AV Editorial if it is believed by the editors and site contributors to not belong there. I need your feedback on this to determine if it is to be removed or allowed to be posted.)

    Free membership: www.citizens4constitutionalfreedom.org

    Free newsletter: www.tinyurl.com/libertytreenewsletter

    Facebook: www.fb.com/citizensforconstitutionalfree ­dom.news

      • Ed Note; Is this the opening shots of the Government becoming as deadly to it's citizens as was the SS, NKVD, and Red Guard were to their citizens who dissented? Please discuss this Fully, and pass it around far and wide as you can. Because it affects all of us, and our Basic Constitutional Freedoms. 

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Latest update on LaVoy shooting

Source; https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/03/08/fbi-agents-investigat...

excerpt;[ The United States Department of Justice also announced it is investigating a group of “elite” FBI agents for partaking in a coverup of the shooting, according to the Oregonian.

It turns out, one FBI agent shot his gun twice, but claimed he never fired his gun.

The USDOJ said those bullets did not strike the Arizona rancher, who had been part of a group of activists occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge throughout January.

Finicum, instead, was shot three times in the back by Oregon state police officers, including one bullet that pierced his heart.]

{One of the bullets shot by the FBI agentstruck his vehicle at a different angle than the other shots, which is what led investigators to determine he had lied.}

more follow up on the ongoing investigation at;





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