Reprinted with permission;
SCOTUS, What Will It Become?
Since the passing of Justice Scalia, the Obama administration has the potential to befoul America with blatant Socialist goals, provided he gets his choice of who will sit on the Supreme Court. The NRA has came out solidly against the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland of the D.C. Circuit Court. The NRA cites a long string of rulings where the judge shows a contempt of the 2nd Amendment and it's protection of law abiding Americans rights to own firearms for self protection. Judge Garland it is supposed will reverse Scalia's 'Heller' decision and go beyond it to include other gun control issues.
As it now sits, the SCOTUS is split evenly between four justices who believe the 2nd protects American Citizens rights to own and use firearms for self protection, and the four Socialist Left justices who have a perceived agenda to remove that right. Since it is obvious judging by his speeches and more so by his actions, President Obama shows nothing but contempt for the Second and other amendments that stand in the way of his Socialist designs for America and the NWO sponsored by Soros. The NRA through Chris Cox who is the executive director of the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action, cites the opinions and voting records of Obama's past nominees on the issues
Cox made these concluding statements;"A basic anaylsis of Merrick Garland's judicial record shows that he does not respect our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense." " Therefore, the National Rifle Association, on behalf of our five million members and tens of millions of supporters across the country, strongly opposes the nomination of Merrick Garland for the U.S. Supreme Court."
Cox's statement was mirrored by Carrie Severino of the conservative Judicial Crisis Network who announced an additional $2 million ad campaign in opposition to Garland. Serverino made a statement pointing to Garland's "history of general hostility to the Second Amendment." citing in particular Garland's voting in favor of reviewing a SCOTUS ruling on a restrictive gun law that was struck down in District of Columbia v. Heller
Based on the timing, it seems to me that this is no less than a ploy by the Progressive Socialist Regime of Obama to discredit the Republican Party and the Conservative faction of US citizens to be looked on with disfavor during this most critical election. This seems to be scripted to denigrate Mitch McConnell's decision to NOT look at any nominee by an outgoing President. Furthermore, McConnell's argument, is the same argument that the Liberal Socialist Democrats used against G.W.Bush's nominating. Seems it is ok for them to raise the question and expect all loyal slaves to approve of it because it was part and parcel of the Socialistic/Liberal way to control, but it is totally wrong for the Conservatives to even suggest it.
This looks suspiciously like the Obama Regime and the controlling Progressive hierarchy wanted to break this subject at just the right critical time to denigrate McConnell and the Republicans when McConnell stated he would not bring a confirmation hearing to the floor. The decision by the way is the same one that Kerry, Reid and others put forward when Bush nominated at the end of his Presidency.
What I get from this, is the Judge is against the Constitution and is legislating from the bench. We do not need someone like him controlling our Constitution to conform it to his personal whims, and the whims of the Elitist's who want to make the US into just another Oligarchy that they control.
Remember this chilling fact; In every dictatorship from the present ones back throughout world history, the Oligarchic Dictators and Masters have always contrived to constrain and keep weapons away from the same people they always end up abusing, and in many instances Murdering outright, when those people dare to object to the treatment imposed on them. One modern Dictator said "Political Power Stems From The Barrel Of A Gun" He then confiscated the weapons from his countrymen and murdered millions of them who disagreed with him. that Dictator was Mao Tze Tung. It always starts with restricting the citizenry's access to weapons.
If we sit back and quietly decide to do nothing, or if we only sit by our comfortable computers in our comfortable houses complaining to each other, we will in a very short time have no comfortable houses nor will be be ALLOWED to speak our minds on issues that directly infringe on our daily lives. So, we must start by cornering our Senators and tell them in no uncertain terms that we will not abide by a decision by them to confirm Merrick Garland. The real danger lies with who is the next President, and we have very little choice with Trump and Hillary. Although Trump says he adheres to the Constitution and the 2nd amendment, he has a track record of being in the Liberal Left's pocket.
It's high time to take our stolen powers back.
The Tradesman