We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

"Men In Dark Suits, Blue Smoke and Backroom Deals"

Reprinted with Author's permission;

"Men In Dark Suits, Blue Smoke and Backroom Deals"
from "In Defense of Rural America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners (www.narlo.org)
and nationally recognized author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues for over 10 years
© Copyright Sunday, April 17, 2016 - All Rights Reserved

NOTE: The following article was designed to be Part 2 to our last article entitled "An ‘Establishment’ Always Evolves Into An All-Powerful Oligarchy."

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I had a dream the other night. I dreamt that, as a well-known writer, (I said it was a dream) I was invited to one of the secret meetings of the Bilderberg Group, (or Bilderberg Club as they are sometimes called) 
In my rather vivid dream, as I was about to take my seat at the conference table where the future of the world was to be discussed, a very official looking fellow with white gloves came up to me and shoved an envelope in my hand.  I started to open the envelope as I sat down.  As I unfolded the paper, the heading at the top, in big bold, gold letters, read: "The Bilderberg Club".  The letter started out:

Dear Mr. Ewart:
"As you know, this group meets in secret every year.  What is discussed here must never leave this room.  Should you decide to publicly report on anything that takes place here, you will be discredited from the highest level of government, business and banking.  Your books, articles and essays will be black listed in every single venue, worldwide, your family will be hounded, you will never be able to open a bank account or borrow money again and your life will be in constant danger for as long as you live."
"As strict as these covenants are, we sincerely hope that your attending this conference will be enlightening and we wish to extend to you every courtesy.  We trust your experience will be a memorable event in your life."



A memorable event, indeed!  I wandered in my dream, could they have this much power?  Probably!

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I suddenly awoke from the dream in a sweat and started to think about these events.  Why would central bankers, defense experts, mass-media press barons, government ministers, prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and political leaders from Europe and North America want to meet in the first place?   Why in secret?   What would they be discussing?
It turns out that there are highly suspicious connections between these types of groups, like the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations. They have overlapping memberships and similar goals. Two of the groups, the Bilderberg and Council on Foreign Relations, have very strong ties to the Rockefeller Family. Remember. There was another secret meeting of the titans of finance and industry that met on Jekyll Island in 1907 that became the catalyst for the 16th Amendment (1913), ushering in the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. The incestuous relationships in the banking industry, specifically Chase Bank and Goldman Sachs, is well documented. David D. Rockefeller, now over 100 years old, was chairman of J P. Morgan Chase Bank for many years. J. P. Morgan was so rich he helped bail out the U. S. Government in the crash of 1895.
NOTEDuring Hoover’s Administration, at the request of the President, the Rockefeller Foundation funded a study by the University of Illinois and Harvard University on how to manipulate people through their subconscious minds. Why would government do this in a free nation?

THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: Towards the end of World War I, a working fellowship of about 150 scholars called "The Inquiry" was tasked to brief President Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world when Germany was defeated. This academic band, including Wilson's closest adviser and long-time friend "Colonel" Edward M. House, as well as noted journalist Walter Lippmann, met to assemble the strategy for the postwar world. "The Inquiry" group later became the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). In the late 1930s, the Ford Foundation andRockefeller Foundation began contributing large amounts of money to the Council on Foreign Relations. CFR’s impact on U. S. foreign policy, for right or wrong, is legendary and has been and still is, almost immeasurable. Thousands of politicians, big-bank CEO’s and captains of industry are members of this elite club.
THE BILDERBER GROUP: The Group is an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954. The group's original goal was promoting Atlanticism, strengthening US-European relations and preventing another world war. (Wasn’t the UN supposed to do that?) Their theme is to "bolster a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe". It all sounds so noble and worthy, except that in 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and, a CFR steering committee member for 30 years, said: "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."
Daniel Estulin's 2006 book "The Secrets of the Bilderberg Club", describes the Group as a "sinister clique, manipulating the public to install a world government that knows no borders and is not accountable to anyone but itself."
THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION: The Trilateral Commission is purported to be a non-governmental, non-partisan discussion group founded by David Rockefeller in July 1973, to foster closer cooperation among North America, Western Europe, and Japan. Zbigniew Brzezinski, United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981, a professor at Columbia University, and a Rockefeller advisor who was a specialist on international affairs, left his post to organize the group.

(Source for the three groups: Wikipedia)
Please take note of the Rockefeller connection in these groups.
We happen to know a little bit about human nature and what We know about men of wealth and power does not bode well for anyone below the top of the food chain.  As we mentioned in our previous article, the three vices of powerful men are lust, lust and lust; lust for sex, lust for money and lust for power, in no particular order, or gender identity.  Examples of all three lusts have "painted" 5,000 years of our alleged civilized history, in living and sometimes unprintable color. 
In most cases, once an individual has reached the pinnacle of immense wealth, they usually don't want to stop there.  They either want to increase their wealth even further, or they aspire to power, political power, power over people and power over the masses.  It is true that some wealthy, powerful men do give back generously through philanthropy, probably to assuage their feelings of guilt for being so rich.
Nevertheless, wealth and power provide the opportunity to satisfy their lust for sex, which is also characterized by clandestine meetings where the participants are sworn to secrecy on threat of bodily harm. 
Unfortunately, history is filled with rich, over-sexed, powerful and sometimes crazy men, exercising dictatorial power over groups, societies, cultures and nations.  When men of wealth and political power meet, especially in secret, can the outcome be good for individual freedom, liberty, property rights, or sovereignty of any country?  Using any means of inductive or deductive reasoning, the answer has to be a resounding NO!
The fact is, bigness, concentration of top-down power and out-of-control entities has buried WE THE PEOPLE in frustration, confusion and the feeling of helplessness, if not becoming abject debt slaves.  America's Founding Fathers were very concerned about who had control in the federal government and that is why they established the separation of powers doctrine between the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Unfortunately, the separation of powers doctrine has been seriously blurred and now it is abundantly apparent that each branch of government supports the other two branches, against the consent of the governed.
From the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson wrote:  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"
But as government got "bigger", Jefferson’s "consent of the governed" phrase became essentially meaningless, as our representatives and senators assumed more and more power and turned government service into a lifetime career.  In response to government bigness and power, business and labor had to get bigger and more powerful in order to have influence with big government. World Central Banks merged into a of these persons of influence, is an affront to a rational person's intellect.
The point that we are trying very hard to make here is that the ultimate power and control is still inherent in WE THE PEOPLE, if the PEOPLE are of one mind and that one mind is based on a solid foundation of the fundamentals of liberty. But we are so fragmented. divided and diverse, becoming of one mind is problematic. Until we are of one mind, bigness, concentration of power in oligarchies and out-of-control entities will be our undoing and our enslavement.
Men in dark suits, blue smoke and backroom deals, as in members of the Bilderberg Club, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations will, in the end, work against WE THE PEOPLE and eventually erode freedom and liberty, or erase it all together. The war we face in keeping wealthy, powerful and lustful men from dominating and controlling the lives of all individuals is eternal. It is WE THE PEOPLE who allowed bigness and the concentration of financial, political and economic power to become our enemy, by not paying attention and by not fully exercising ocolluding consortium to protect their own interests.
Then big government started handing off some of their power and authority to bureaucracies, who then got bigger and assumed more power and authority than was ever dreamed of by the Founding Fathers. Since the "consent of the governed" was perceived to be powerless, special interest groups (socialists. radical environmentalists and one-world-order types) began getting bigger and more powerful in order to have more influence on big government and government policy. As government, bureaucracies, business, unions and special interest groups got larger and more powerful, they began to lose control, became arrogant and careless with their processes, personnel and finances and careless with constitutional limits. They are so out of control now that we hear never-ending reports of ineptness, gross negligence, waste, fraud, abuse and corruption.
So when bankers, industrialists, the press, ministers, prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and politicians get together for a big secret meeting, what would a normal, reasonable and prudent person conclude about what would be discussed?  Two specific items come instantly to mind:  1) concentration of their power and 2) manipulation of the masses for profit, behavioral control and for social and environmental agendas that run contrary to the idea of God-given, unalienable, individual freedom.  Social justice, environmental protection and man-caused global warming studies, reports and policies are nothing more than smoke screens to the real agenda, control over the money, the property and the freedom of the world’s masses, for the benefit of the conference attendees.  To look for altruistic motives in the secret meetings ur right and duty as "the consent of the governed". 
President Woodrow Wilson said in 1919: "We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."  The small group of dominant men is called an oligarchy.
This small group of influential, lustful, dominant men will have their way with us, if we refuse to challenge them and dedicate our lives to keeping their three vices under reasonable control.
Here are two relevant quotes from groups of men who meet in secret and plot control of the free world, in their attempts to implement the new-world-order.
"The new world order will be built as an end run on national sovereignty. Eroding it, piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault." Council on Foreign Relations Journal 1974, pg. 558
"We will have world government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent." Paul Warburg, CFR & Architect of the Federal Reserve System in an address to the U.S. Senate 2/17/1950
It’s coming unless WE THE PEOPLE stop it.
Please let us know if you LIKED this article. Constructive comments are always welcome.
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NOTE:  The foregoing article represents the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by the owners, representatives, employees, or agents of the publisher.
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Ron Ewart, a nationally known author and speaker on freedom and property rights issues and author of this weekly column, "In Defense of Rural America", is the president of the National Association of Rural Landowners (NARLO) (http://www.narlo.organ advocate and consultant for urban and rural landowners and a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington State.  He can be reached for comment at: info@narlo.org.

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This fits in with Kevin's exposee' on the Bilderbergs

Selfish Greed is the evil fuel that runs this group....In my dream I see everyone that sits at the Table getting inside information ,such as a heads up of 2 week notice that the Fed will raise or lower interest rates. Oh wait ...THAT`S REALITY, NOT A DREAM...LOL...To know what will the future hold is like getting the race results on the Kentucky Derby in this weeks news..Information like what they have is powerful. They invite and introduce very few to the inner most circle. But info does seep out to the lower levels of membership.  They all sit at the fed bucket like little pigs.Hoping to get scraps from the inner circle...I am sure that they get some scraps. Do you really think guys like Soros are that good at investing .LOL...Of course not...... That is my vision of the workings of the Bilderberg Group.

Cruz will attach the puppet strings once elected. He has shown that in his past work in the Bush Administration on Global agendas. I have pointed them out. I have taught what I know of the Bilderbergs. But it is like the old saying. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink.I have also said that I have faith in the process of voting, providing everyone has an open mind and the will for the truth....I have also said this is my last election cycle to try to open eyes. I will be able to go away knowing I did the best I could as a patriot..But I will also know that elections just might not be the way. It just might take something a little harsher..


If the something more you are alluding to has anything to do with violence, know this; the vote is the ultimate violence addressed solely to the politicians and without the consequences that the other type has on the average citizen being used as cannon fodder by those same politicians. The vote is the Citizens legitimate use of the ultimate force against political adventurism. 

And that is the Trump movement..


That's one more reason (insider information from the FED) we need to act forcefully and demand our State Legislatures send a combined directive to Congress to repeal the 14th,16th,& 17th amendments. Doing that would take the wind out of the Bilderberg's sails while at the same time eliminating the IRS and the FED returning the coinage of money back to the Treasury Dept.

M you need people in power who will do that. We have politicians who only play the game.Not enough of the right politicians in place yet. 


You keep making my points about the necessity to Vett and Vote for the other positions. We can't change anything if we don't engage and focus against the Progressives agendas.

We have been doing that since 2010...The only position we fail on is POTUS....We need a POTUS who is not controlled by special interest.

Trump won't save us if he has a Progressive Socialist Congress like when the Democrats had the super majority. Any president won't be able to do anything if that happens unless they are on the Progressive Socialist side like Hillary or Bernie, then it's a disaster for the Republic.  The only reason why Obama has been so successful is because he had a complacent congress that leaned to the left.

You need the voters to go to the booths. If you steal the nomination away from the peoples choice, you can not expect the people to show up. They will not put up with it anymore. They forced romney to the winner circle and the silent majority left. Now they came back out  in a big way because they want to defeat the establishment. They will go away faster than they did in 2012. If you do not get trump to 1237.  Hillary will win. Unless Trump runs 3rd party.If he Runs 3rd party he will pick up 80% of Bernie`s people because they hate establishment also. Trump will draw them to his side easily.

If the people do not show to the booths on the R side ...then many seats in congress will be lost..Much is at steak if the establishment has their way again...All they care about is job security (empire security) / (power security). If Hillary wins it will still be business as usual.




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