We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Companion Piece To "America At The Crossroads " Where We Need To Be In November If We Want To Survive In Freedom And Liberty

Source; http://articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/editorials.html Reprinted with permission.


Companion Piece To "America At The Crossroads "
Where We Need To Be In November If We Want To Survive In Freedom And Liberty

Where We Need To Be In November If We Want To Survive In Freedom And
With the coming election in November, we have it within our power to start setting things right in our beloved Republic. What we are experiencing as the large disparity between what the people want, and the things the Progressive minorities want, is not the first time this has happened. Before, things were corrected until some Elitist figured out how to jury rig or slip around the regulations and safeguards. Safeguards which were passed, by creating loop holes that always become manifest through the legalese the Lawyer class in power in Congress leave in every bill.i.e. "And for other purposes". Loop holes that they can use to their advantage later and after bluffing the public into agreeing that the legislation was needed, thus allowing their privileged class to amass fortunes off of each others pet projects and primarily paid for off the backs of the public.
Everything that has happened in Washington since 1866 has been approved and rubber stamped by the power elite. The first inroad to the usurpation of Constitutional power, and eventual take over of the Constitution by inverting it's caveat of keeping the Federal Government in check, was created by the three words that were deliberately placed in the 14th Amendment ( " NO STATE SHALL" ). That statement flipped and reversed the governmental power flow. These Elitists have been with us since the beginning, when our Nation of Individual Sovereign States coalesced into the United States with first the Articles of Confederation of the Perpetual Union, then with the Constitution as the guidelines for setting and citing the rules. Even then the greed and lust for power, like those which the British Parliament held over the masses with their peerage system of highly stratified class structures, infected the Republic Elitists at it's inception. 
To cite overwhelming instances; The original plan was to make George Washington the first American King. Thankfully Washington declined and opted for the unheard of idea of self rule. The next instance where the thwarted Elitists stepped in, was the Constitutional delegates from Virginia and the Slavery issue. That issue would have been a deal breaker for the Constitution if they were not satisfied with the outcome. Next was the idea of Judicial review by the Supreme Court that has allowed that Court to basically legislate from the bench without the Constitutional enumerated power to do so. 
It was a Justice from that Elitist Class (Chief Justice John Marshall)that promoted that ideology and we are stuck with it today to the detriment of the Republic. Even George Mason who was one of the three attendees at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, and was one of the three who refused to sign, said that federal judges "could declare an unconstitutional law void." Mason added that the power of judicial review is not a general power to strike down all laws, but only ones that are unconstitutional:
Therefore I will go out on a limb here and postulate that the driving force of the hidden Elitists Class is basically GREED and LUST for POWER. Case in point; When laws and regulations are stifling anything the Elitists want or desire, those laws or regulations strangely become lax, changed, or rescinded at the expense of the average American Citizen. The twin enablers of this recurring condition are Greed coupled with the lack of vigilance on the part of the public. This is enhanced by lulling the public into a state where they are complacent because they are allowed just enough to pursue their hedonistic desires but not enough to become independent of the monied powers that make up the majority of that Elitist ruling class.
Our Government was originally formed for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, NOT for profit or the interests of private individuals or groups. We do not have a highly defined Class Structure like the British do. We adhered to the principle that people have an incontestable and unalienable right to form a Government based on their collective standards, and through the auspices of Article V within the main body of the Constitution, the PEOPLE have the explicit right to reform that government when it no longer works for the Common Good of the people, but instead only works for the insiders and Elitists. 
Our Declaration of Independence lays out the basis that first the original articles of the Confederation of the Perpetual Union of the United States of America, and subsequently the United States Constitution are based on.  Since that fateful day when the Elitists of that era slipped in those three words ( "NO STATE SHALL"), we have been falling down an ever increasing slippery slope towards Oligarchy again. Conditions are self evident that the Elitists have systematically reversed most of the Constitution in it's intent, for their specific betterment. People speak of the Elitists with many names and accredit to them the formation of some kind of "New World Order". 
That is not true. In simple FACT, it's the ideology of the Declaration of Independence and the construction of the United States Constitution codifying the ideological concept of a Nation of People, Ruled by themselves, and by their freely given consent, Was and Is the REAL New World Order. What the Elites want to do is to Re-Establish the Old World Order of a Monarchy Rule style Oligarchy in modified form, until they can supplant even that with a World Wide Total Oligarchy.
As was established in the opening paragraph, the intent of this is to inform the public that November is the watershed moment those Elites have worked for since the beginning. Obama was their Penultimate political stooge, but Hillary will be the Ultimate Political Enforcer for their agenda to reshape America into their image of the Subjugated Nation they want. Our only recourse is to get massive numbers to the polls to thwart the Elites chosen one, and even more importantly, get to the polls and choose the existing candidates who, based no their track record, are the most Conservative and Constitutionally Oriented running and elect them to office. This goes for State and Local offices as well! We must at all costs defeat the attempted Socialization of the United States into a quasi Communist/Socialist/Fascist mode that facilitates the hidden Elitist's plans and agendas.
Immediately after the election start petitioning your State Legislatures to tell Congress that they want to have an Article V amendment proposal convention with the first item on the list being the proposal to Repeal the 14th,16th,& 17th amendments so the Constitution will revert to it's original intent. After that is accomplished, other amendments may or may not be proposed to stand or fall on their own merits. It's critically important to have your State Legislators enact measures similar to the model Indiana laws which put operational constraints on their delegates to an Article V, Amendment Proposal Convention. Just to clarify, each State deciding what restraints to put on their own delegates, not on all the delegates 
Example from Single Subject Amendment.com; By the time the first Article V Convention is convened, every state legislature should have enacted a state statute that provides for the method of delegate selection, duties of delegates, instructions for delegates, oath for delegates, requirement that delegates not exceed their instructions or compromise their oath, automatic removal and replacement of delegates who do not follow instructions or who compromise their oath, and in some states/instances, criminal penalties for being in violation of such statute.  )
In doing that we will once again put barriers in front of those who would use and abuse their positions of trust for personal Power and Financial Gain.
In the Spirit of the American Revolution,
The Tradesman

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This article seemed far fetched when written in 2012

Will the US Follow South Africa Down the Path of White Decline?
The fate of the West may be at stake.

In the aftermath of President Obama’s victory, the Wall Street Journal described the GOP as the “WOP,” the White Old Party. Indeed, the Republican Party finds itself in a demographic death spiral as youth, single women, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

In fact, the Democratic Party could become the American version of South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC), as immigration and high non-white birth rates ensure a steady stream of Democratic voters eager for “change” or even South African-style “transformation:” the ANC’s term for racial revolution and ever tighter anti-white measures.
In the United States, such extreme anti-white measures are probably unthinkable today, but as recently as the early 1980s the idea of a black president in South Africa was deemed equally unthinkable. Even Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s spokesman Bernard Ingham said at the time: “Anyone who thinks the ANC will form the government of South Africa is living in cloud cuckoo-land.”

In the 1960s, so-called apartheid South Africa was still considered such a desirable place to live that 500,000 Britons emigrated there, fleeing socialist Britain.

The question therefore arises: how could South Africa, once seen as a leading Western power more or less on par with Canada or Australia, collapse so quickly to become “just another African country?” And what lessons can white Americans draw from our tragic demise, as they ponder the outcome of a Presidential election in which the evidence of a demographic turn for the worse is clear for all to see?

Not so far fetched now!

EXCLUSIVE–New Black Panther Leader: Blacks Need to Migrate to Five Southern States, Form ‘Country Within a Country’


Just like ISIS Oboma could have stopped NBP back when they threatened voters in 2012.

Why would he do that? He supports ISIS, so why wouldn't he support NBP's? Just listen to his speech in Dallas while the officers were still in surgery. Didn't blame anything but the evil guns. Seems like the vast majority of shooters are disgruntled Democrats, so why not just stop Democrats from having guns? Obama's already ignored equal application of law so it would not be out of character do that now wouldn't it?

Soros and the inner circle of the Bilderberg NWO , want total chaos and racial war,religious war, and economic war..

It took 26 years for voters to correct Reagan's vice presidential mistake, finally rejecting the Bush brand beginning with the 2006 midterm elections. This year, they are trying to correct Reagan's amnesty mistake. Why pick a vice president who won't let the voters do that?

If any of the establishment Republicans brought one thing to the table, it would be a different story. If they brought a roll of nickels -- great, Trump should be bowing and scraping to them. Hey, look! Chris Christie has 5,000 unused campaign balloons in his garage -- bring him in!

But these guys bring nothing. They'll only be a drain on Trump's campaign.

The model shouldn't be Reagan, but Lincoln, whose candidacy also introduced a new party -- one that arose from the exact same battle roiling the party today. The rich wanted cheap labor -- slavery -- and both parties, the Democrats and the Whigs, were happy to give it to them.

Lincoln's new Republican Party stood for the soul of the nation against the self-interest of the rich and powerful, just as Trump's does today.

Lincoln didn't choose some eminent Whig politician to give his ticket gravitas. He chose Hannibal Hamlin. No one other than a "Jeopardy!" contestant even remembers Hamlin's name today. He didn't exactly set the world on fire.

Hamlin was a former Democrat, didn't meet Lincoln until after the election, served only one term as Lincoln's vice president, was not liked by first lady Mary Todd and didn't work closely with the president.

He made no sense as Lincoln's vice president on any level, except the only one that mattered: Hamlin was ferociously opposed to slavery -- the new party's signature issue. He strongly supported Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, arguing that slaves should be armed. As soon as slavery was ended, Lincoln dropped Hamlin as his vice president.

The official GOP's opposition to Trump is the modern slavery party's version of the Civil War, fought by plutocrats with money and media.

For his vice president, Trump needs anyone -- from business, academia, the military or the political world -- who is Hannibal Hamlin on immigration, a warrior to defend our country from the rich's predatory demands for cheap foreign labor. His running mate also needs to be smart and courageous and not in love with his own press notices.

Among the possibilities Trump ought to be considering are people like Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory and Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo (the latter two are up for re-election this year, but perhaps they can run for both offices simultaneously).

Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama is one of approximately one elected officials I completely trust to protect Americans from the cheap labor-demanding rich -- which is why Trump needs to keep him in the Senate.
The same consultants who would have told Trump to never, ever mention immigration are telling him now that he needs a Christie, a Newt, a Corker, a Rubio -- or a woman. (Because that's how Margaret Thatcher emerged. No one had ever heard her name until the British Conservative Party decided it needed a woman on the ticket!) (That's sarcasm.)


Republican Party platform draft explicitly calls for Trump’s Mexican ‘border wall’

If anyone still wants to support the protege of Obama and the Elites, that's Hillary folks, lets take a look at the continuing aftermath of the first scandal of Fast & Furious. That Scandal brought to you by the Democrats lead guy, Obama. Actually it's in keeping with the Progressive Democratic/Socialist overall agenda;

In late October 1969, Richard Nixon took out one of his famous yellow legal pads to jot down some thoughts. The new president was faced with serious global and domestic turmoil. The Soviet Union had initiated a nuclear buildup, the Middle East was aflame (some things never change), and the war in Vietnam raged on. At home, the war drove hundreds of thousands of protesters into the streets, convulsing a nation already seething from the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. and a growing countercultural movement.

Mr. Nixon reached for a way to calm the roiling waters and to buy time for his new policies — detente with the Soviet Union, rapprochement with China, a new approach to prosecuting the war — to be established and implemented.

He sat down in the middle of the night and wrote what would become his most famous phrase: “And so tonight — to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans — I ask for your support.”

Those words became the centerpiece of a critically important speech he gave on Nov. 3, 1969, in which he appealed for the public’s patience on Vietnam. And he got it because so many regular, hardworking, patriotic Americans saw themselves in his phrase. They saw a small but vocal left-wing, anti-war rabble seizing headlines, confronting police, shutting down universities, causing a breakdown of respect for authority and social order, while they — the people who made America work every day — were overlooked, dismissed, disrespected along with the country they loved

With that phrase, Mr. Nixon gave them attention and respect, and they rewarded him with re-election and steady support for his policies.




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