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We battle against "principalities and powers" in this day. The battles we face are against satan and his minions, the forces of evil and darkness. These forces intend to destroy as many people as possible, leading them away from Jesus Christ and into an eternity of suffering. There are only two kingdoms, the one of light led by Jesus and the one of darkness led by satan. Moslems call their "god" allah but the one they worship is only a "god" to them. In reality allah is a being created by the one true God. Satan is an angel originally called Lucifer. Lucifer decided he would overthrow God and take over the throne but he lost. Lucifer and the 1/3 of the angels that followed him were cast out of Heaven to inhabit the earth. Lucifer took the name satan and deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, is still deceiving people today, and will until Jesus returns and defeats him in the final battle at Armageddon and casts satan and all of his followers into the Lake of Fire, also known as hell ,where they face an eternity of torment and suffering.
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I agree.
The Bible warned of a return to the time like that which Jesus experienced when Rome ruled the earth.
In my opinion, that time is upon us.
I believe what the Bible meant was that we would return to a time of great corruption when organized crime controlled the governments and the economies of the earth.
Emphatically and forcefully disagree w/both the analysis and the suggested solution.
Principled Conservatism, developed in Antiquity, millennia before Christ, is a set of attitudes, behaviors, impulses and sentiments, regarding human nature; which is neither dependent on or derivative of ideology, politics nor religion. One of its cardinal premises is that Man is not and never will be, a perfectible creature; nor is paradise possible on this earth.
The battle facing Americans is direct and simple.We have lost the vision of our Founders.When, if ever, we recover it; things will change.Otherwise they won't and we will simply repeat history as Santayana told us. Even the Greeks and Romans; the massive giants who created Western Civilization could not escape history.
Conflating our malaise w/ Armageddon, Hell and Lucifer is complete and utter nonsense.
no nonsense about it. this situation was foretold very long ago. our founders based their goals on Biblical tenets and looked to Divine Providence to be their guide. If you don't believe it, read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, especially the preamble. Also take a look, as I have, at the writings and quotes of our founders. Even the founders said that this system would only work if people were moral and principled, qualities severely lacking in politics today, and waning in general society at a frightening pace. where do you get the statement that "principled conservatism developed in antiquity, millennia before Christ"? that sounds like so much bovine scatology to me. I didn't say man was perfectible because I know we aren't. Nor did I mention a paradise on earth. you are making up arguments that have no basis in what I wrote, just trying to foment a bogus argument that has no foundation under it and is washed away like a house built on sand as the parable goes. try your lame premise somewhere else because you failed here.
I don't mind exchanging ideas, even arguing w/well intentioned buffoons; but I'm hardly going to accept abuse and insult from Bible thumping ranters, whose knowledge of history wouldn't fill the south east quadrant of a postage stamp.
The comment about Principled Conservatism was paraphrased from Russell Kirk's lengthy essay, written for the Heritage Foundation more than a generation ago. He traced the development of Conservatism from Pericles, Solon, Aristotle, Cicero, Aurelius; through the Scholastics, such as Aquinas and Ockham; on to the Men of the Renaissance and then to the English Whigs until Burke. By the way, Pericles and Solon lived and governed Athens, some 500 years before Christ!!!
As for the Founding Fathers, most were Deists, free thinkers who rejected both Revelation and Church Authority as the source of wisdom; while the likes of Franklin were agnostic. As for our divorce from the British Crown; it was driven by economics; religion had nothing to do w/it. Nothing!
Suggest you spend some quality time in the Library. It's the stone building w/the books inside. Who knows, you might even learn something; despite of your intellectual pretensions.
Hank, admire, appreciate and agree w/your yearning for spirituality in our dreadful materialistic era.
In the thirties, English poet Auden characterized the post-war period as a "low and dark time, perhaps the most depressing since the Normans conquered England in 1066." We grasp the reason; the massive hangover caused by the catastrophe of the Great War which destroyed the British Empire and virtually every Monarchy in Europe. Wonder what our reason is???
Anyway, my concern is intertwining religion w/politics; which for me is a grave danger. Just consider the impact of Islam on the Arab. Allow me to share an anecdote.
There is a site I visit occasionally that has various forums, be it current affairs, sports, headlines, politics, events in history and so on, each generating some 25 posts. Then posters move on. Not so w/religion which generates as many as 1000 posts per topic! Why? Because these sites are infested w/ Bible Ranters whose mantra is ' my way or the highway'.They have to have the first word and the last word; continually letting everyone know that they are right because of a phrase they found in Deuteronomy 188:32:7; or in Leviticus 110:11:2 or in their fave, Revelations.
The common denominators of this type is their self righteousness, closed mindedness and intolerance for any opposing viewpoint; traits that will hardly endear principled conservatives to working class voters.
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