We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

I have been very critical of Donald Trump in the past due to my perceptions of his narcissistic tendencies but the combination of the fear and hate for him from the ruling class elitist political establishment and their lamestream media lapdogs and his obvious genuine concern for the plight of the Louisiana flood victims I am rapidly changing my assessment of Trump.  He took time out of his campaign, and spent his own money and physical effort to assist rather than getting on a soapbox and demanding that taxpayers foot the bill as our typical ruling class elitists always do.  At the same time fuhrer obama couldn't interrupt his taxpayer funded golf vacation to bother appearing and hillary couldn't postpone her fundraising events with the ultra rich celebrity class to show up either.  Both of them once again displayed their ultra contempt and disdain for the plight of "commoners" who are not worthy of their time or immense wealth.

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Ego doesn't concern me as much as narcissism, which is what makes Osama Obama such a monster.  I wonder how Trump would handle his propensity towards his narcissistic tendencies should he be elected.  It could be good and it could be bad but either way, hitlery is the spawn of satan!!!!!

Bob, I think he would listen to many different people...I think he actually take ever aspect into consideration about issues except the political aspect or the PC aspect. I think political correctness will not play much in his decision making.. He may get some stuff wrong ..But what is wrong and what is right.

wrong is betraying the Constitution and those who have sacrificed so much in the cause of liberty.  Right is standing firm on the republic given to us by Almighty God and those who stood on Divine Providence to found this nation based on the Word of God and the idea of government OF the People, BY the People, and For the People.  I know those words were spoken y Abraham Lincoln but they put voice to the ideals of those who fought to establish this nation.  I have hopes that Trump would uphold these values should Obama allow an election and Trump overcome the fraud to win.

Please I could not stand to listen to Billary on TV for 4 years.
Bill Clinton is the Antichrist she would be in a coma and he would be the drunkard king.

I don't listen to any of the liars now, dem or repub!!!!!

You're being gaslighted.

Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of psychological abuse in which a victim is manipulated into doubting their own memory, perception and sanity. Instances may range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents ever occurred, up to the staging of bizarre events by the abuser with the intention of disorienting the victim.

I think we're witnessing the collective gaslighting of an entire country.  Hillary has frequent coughing fits and the MSM says there's nothing wrong with her.  Muslims are wreaking havoc all over the world and we are told Islam is the religion of peace.  96 million people are out of the work force, food stamp usage is at an all time high, but you're told the economy is great.  We're told that the police are gunning down blacks at an unprecedented rate when just the opposite is true.

 Any time you want to discredit someone, just drag out words like "conspiracy" or "racist."  

Let me assure you, you're not going crazy.


Don't worry, Hank, they won't "gas-light" me because I am very firm in my beliefs.  People calling me crazy or "racist" only strengthens me.  Those tactics show me I am on the right track and that they fear me telling the truth.  The weapon liberals fear the most is truth.  I will not be deterred nor intimidated by the tactics of the left.  God is with me and I will persevere.  Thanks for the encouragement.

When I look at the biggest problems facing the USA, it can be difficult to pick one that is top of the list.

For some reason, my gut tells me Trump is the right guy, don't get me wrong, I have dogs and chickens that are better than a Clinton,,,

Is it the moral decay ?

Is it political correctness ?

Is it globalization ?

For me, it is the federal government and the endless and tiring regulations that cripple our economy. We may , or some may pick an issue, did we loose the grace of God when we permitted the murder of the unborn ? This is a concern, and horrible, but is it the gash in the hull of the Titanic ?

We need to correct the path of finance in our country. Nearing 20 trillion debt ?

When we had a large number of possibilities in the Primaries, which candidate had the best financial experience ?

We need to plug the holes in a sinking ship asap. We, our beloved country, are in for a huge hangover. The piper must be paid.

Trump is right on with so many problems. But regarding economics, he is my best choice. Fix this and many ills from inner cities and throughout the country will improve. Get people moving and back to work. Stop feeding the beast of the Federal government. Ronald REAGAN said the most terrifying words in the English language were , we are from the government and we are hereto  help.

To me, the number one problem comes down to a toss up between abortion and the immorality that has become so pervasive in society today.  God has been removed from the public forum and replaced with political correctness, which is satanic secular humanism.  This nation needs to turn back to God in a major way, and do it soon.  God hasn't removed His grace, it has been rejected by politicians, some church denominations, and way too many people.  Living and praying 2 Chronicles 7:14  would be the best thing people could do to restore God's grace and heal the ills the nation suffers.  We are circling the bottom of the toilet bowl, on the verge of becoming another 3rd world dictatorship and the only way to turn it around is to return to a devotion to and reliance on Divine Providence as our founders did.  Ronald Reagan also said, "the government isn't the solution to problems, government IS the problem", another very accurate statement.  And the problems have grown more severe in the years since he uttered both statements.  Neither of the now globalist bushes made things better.  Both increased the size and scope of government intrusion into our lives.   




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