We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Starting a column where I hope to get a lot of participation from the members researching the subject.

I'll start it off with two pictures. the first will show the 12 ruling families based on money and the second will show the six politicians in Soros pocket;

Ok People, lets see how well you all can research and post.


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M.. We are gifted with Ralph being A new member for sure. He will learn us ,as we will learn him. We are brothers in the fight for liberty.

I am acquainted with a dozen or more people who are awake to the conspiracy to destroy the US Constitution and make America subservient to a world/global government who instead of fighting against the globalists plans are focusing energy and resources on preparing to weather and ride out the storm.   Most believe God will protect them from serious harm, and at some point they will be able to come out of their retreats of hide-outs, or whatever and participate in restoring order, including the principles of the US Constitution.   You probably know of such people as well.

I do...Let me say that I have brought many to the thinking of the Evil agenda of the NWO. ..I have one guy who calls me jokingly , as Mr Bilderberg. He has and does enjoy my insight for some years. In fact he hes become a good teacher himself and opened the minds of others. He brags about winning one over when ever we cross paths. ...Maybe once a year when I go North.... My Brother thanks me constantly for opening his eyes. By his own admission he did not see the big picture. He has a farm to run and is very busy. He always thought he knew it all about the crooked government. He was hard one for me to straighten out. He is a very smart person. . He is amazed how this truth got past him because he did what he could to stay on top of it...He is my best student to date. In fact he teaches very many.. His talking points are great.  I feed him all I find out with text and phone calls. He is a retired teacher and was very good at it. Alex Jones ,as loose of a cannon he is. Is right about the information war. It is all about taking back the narrative. This is how we win. And that is why you will always hear me say.....KEEP LEARNING THE TRUTH OF IT....KEEP TEACHING THE TRUTH OF IT

When the Fabians (Socialists) emerged in England during the late 19th century; they thought long term on changing minds, as hearts would follow. So they focused on radicalizing education and their fellow traveler in the USA, Dewey, did the same.

Now the catastrophic results of these efforts are in full bloom w/a endless line of schmucks too stupid for words; who have neither a sense of time (history and its lessons) or of place (geography).

In our time, credentials/degrees have supplanted proven achievement; beyond hysterical when one considers that the likes of Plato, Sophocles, Pericles, Archimedes, Alexander, Caesar, Aurelius, Cicero, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Haydn; among many hundreds were self taught.

A lesson from history. Greece and Rome, the founders of Western Civilization endured for some 1200 years, the Spanish Hapsburgs for 400 and the British Empire for 500. We are a tad past 200 and there is absolutely nothing pre-ordained that we will continue to endure despite the brainless tweets of Trump.

Thanks for the history lesson. But your negativity is not helping anyone...You say his tweets are brainless...LOL. They are meant to draw attention. If you look at Trumps vision for America. How can anyone argue. ..Unless they just are committed to arguing with no agenda.I am not sure where your politics are. But ,like I said....NO AGENDA.


Draw attention to what? My answer, himself !

I voted for Trump as far better than his utterly corrupt opponent.

Yet I have never had any illusions about him since at his core he has always been a compulsive narcissist desperate for attention; the catalyst behind his tweets.

Vision? What vision? "Make America Great Again" is a cliche'/slogan beloved of brain dead political jackasses and hardly visionary which requires imagination and wisdom about the future;

my concept of visionry being the Magna Carta or the Declaration of Independence.

As for modern politics/politicians, I loath both it and them.

My inclinations are those of a philosophical traditionalist and therefore a principled conservative in the mold of Plato and those that came after him.

As for agendas, I argue that we have no need to reinvent the wheel as the lessons of history are our template as to what has been successful and what has been a failure for Mankind.

I assert lessons abound yet learning is non-existent as we have our heads permanently embedded in our rectums, being in thrall to every crackpot nostrum that the msm peddles hourly.

When we re-discover our heritage, beginning w/the precept that we are restrained by an enduring moral order governed by the natural law; we will be on the path to recovery. Otherwise we won't.

Trump understands that he is the center of attraction in the political world. Mostly because the Tweeting he does. He gives great speeches and nobody is drawn to them. Because....your right ....heads in rectums....His tweets draw attention. He fills the seats if you will. Now he has their attention.. And some who are peaking out of the rectum will see his true feelings because they will by accident see a great speech. ...His Tweets are tweets..His speeches are the fabric of his vision and policies...History is good to learn from. But one must apply what is learned through history to the present. Trump absolutely does that. ...But those who put more weight on tweets than speeches will not see that.

TVC...Your knowledge of history is awesome. But teaching with a half full attitude is not a Patriotic way...If we all remain stuck in the realm of skepticism because of past politicians selfish greed. We will remain empty and separated from the American Dream. I would hope you can apply your gift in a positive way. That is truly why God gave it to you.. Shake off the devils tool of despair and bring your wisdom to the fight for liberty.

You're honorable in your intent and to be commended for that.
I'm a pessimist rather than a skeptic; as our rhetoric; "We are the greatest"; is essentially hopes and wishes rather than reality.
Were we the greatest, the world might hate us but most certainly they would fear us; unlike our current status.
Palmerston correctly asserted that the British Empire had neither allies nor friends; they simply had interests.
Wise words we would do well to internalize!!!

Pessimist / skeptic.Same neighborhood in the realm of darkness. And darkness is the preferred neighborhood of evil. Using a positive direction of ones vision will bring more votes at the ballot box. People like a well light neighborhood to live in...Just saying that Pessimists have a smaller crowd to teach. And the ones in the gallery are of the mindset that misery loves company....They are stuck in the pit of misery....( hehe....thanks bud light ) DILLY-DILLY

Good points Thomas, I agree we don't have to reinvent the wheel, we just have to start teaching it again without the Socialist agendas that permeate the current educational system. The closest I can find so far is Hillsdale College and their constitutional studies.

M, a reflection.

A  traditional christian and conservative author, Rob Dreher, has addressed our soul destroying malaise in his recent work "The Benedict Option".

His thesis is that those who want to save the culture/society of our forefathers; must seriously consider withdrawing from our current diseased and dying culture; allowing it to collapse of its own weight.

His example is the early European Christian Communities who did precisely that when Imperial Rome collapsed and the Barbarian hordes overran it; sacking what was left.

Now there's an Agenda that's food for thought, is it not??????????




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