We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Reprinted with permission of http://www.articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/editorials.html  Site Editor;

Don't think it's a hit piece on Moore, Read it.


 Why Judge Moore will never be a Senator
by; Oren Long

​As a retired cop I have been rolling this Judge Moore thing around in my head over and over, NOT because I am obsessed with Judge Moore, but because something else is going on and I couldn't quite figure it out.   The more this drama unfolds, the more we learn, and the clearer the "hidden agenda" becomes.   It both IS and is NOT about Judge Moore.  

True, Judge Moore is a conservative and, as such, is persona non gratis in the Washington Establishment.   There is no way they want him anywhere near D.C., let alone the Senate.   They will do whatever it takes, including incurring the wrath of the voters, to keep him out.   That much is true.

Judge Moore has pledged to support Trump and his agenda, something the Establishment is dead-set against.   That, too, is true.  

But, that does not explain why the GOP, with only the slimmest of majorities in the Senate, would be willing to sacrifice a seat to a far Left-Wing Democrat just to keep Judge Moore out of the Senate.   Something else is afoot.  

The missing piece of the puzzle is MITCH MCCONNELL.   Steve Bannon, at least for now, supports Judge Moore.   Steve Bannon has pledged to try to remove McConnell as the Senate Majority Leader.   Judge Moore is wholly in favor of that.   As Shakespeare would say, "Therein lies the rub".

This is 100% about Mitch McConnell keeping his power -- THAT'S ALL!  

McConnell couldn't care less who Alabama sends to the Senate UNLESS he/she opposes McConnell.   Judge Moore has pledged to do exactly that.   Therefore, he must be kept out at all costs.   That is why McConnell is working behind the scenes to have him voted out even if he wins by a huge majority.   When Judge Moore is denied a rightfully earned Senate Seat, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE AND MCCONNELL COULDN'T CARE LESS!   ALL THAT IS IMPORTANT TO MCCONNELL IS MCCONNELL!

I have said this before in other venues and on other subjects, but it is still true.   The Establishment does not care if the Ship of State sinks with all hands as long as they are in charge when it does.   The "Ship" is not important, only THEY are important.  

Judge Moore will win the election and McConnell knows it, which is exactly why McConnell has started the procedure to deny him the seat.   That will allow the Governor to appoint a replacement, probably Luther Strange, a "go along to get along" McConnell supporter.   I can't prove the following, but it only makes sense.   As a safety backup plan, McConnell has secretly asked the Alabama GOP to deny Judge Moore GOP "certification" if he wins.   That would make the election null and void and the whole election process starts over from scratch, at a date and time to be selected by the Governor.   Given that Judge Moore has no money, his chances of victory are greatly diminished.   Ergo, there is no way Judge Moore will ever become a U.S. Senator.

If Judge Moore is guilty of these charges, I cannot personally support him, but that's not the point.   Alabama has a right to send whomever it wants.   It's nobody's business,  even if it is the grandson of Adolph Hitler.   So what?   They send whomever they, not we, like.  

These accusations against Judge Moore are just a distraction, a ring of shiny keys being dangled in front of the monkey, "Look here, watch the shiny keys".   The Establishment and the media are using these false accusations to distract everyone and keep yet another conservative out of Congress.   Meanwhile, McConnell is busy, behind the scenes, destroying any opposition and preserving his power.   "Any port in a storm" comes to mind.  

Sadly, too many in Congress are obsessed with sex and Political Correctness and are distancing themselves from Judge Moore.   None of them can or will see what I see.   They are blinded by their own desire for political self-preservation.   What they simply refuse to see is that they are actually committing political suicide.   

What the GOP either cannot or will not understand is that denying Judge Moore a Senate Seat will come back to bite them in the mid-terms.   As I have said before, "We The People have had just about enough"!   Many, many RINOs will be voted out next year, along with many, many Democrats.   This is a perfect opportunity for Constitutional conservatives to challenge RINOs and Democrats in the primaries.  

Rush Limbaugh came close to it yesterday when he said that people like Judge Moore cannot be allowed in the Swamp.   He either could not or would not say what I am saying.  Personally, I believe he does not yet see what is actually going on.   Even when he eventually comes to it, he may not say it.   

Laura Ingraham pooh-poohed a caller who tried to point out the glaring inconsistencies in Mrs. Nelson's "testimony", calling the caller a wannabe Columbo.   Ingraham's mind is already made up.   You can tell by her words that she believes Judge Moore is guilty.   She just cannot or will not say it.   She dances around it by saying that she is being "pragmatic".   She is closer to the Establishment than she can or will admit.   She is taking the path of least resistance.   Like the general public, she can't see that this entire controversy has nothing to do with sex, but is just about McConnell.   She cannot or will not see the forest for the trees.   

Judge Moore will NEVER become a U.S. Senator.   The Swamp is fighting back!

People, that's just the way it is!  


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Dems are so bad. 

More good news for Roy...


As they say in physics, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".

Not only are Alabama Democrats about to find that out on December 12, but so too will both Democrats and RINOs find it out in the mid-terms.  



Oren..I also see the mid-terms swinging big for the Republicans. For us , we need to minimize the establishment. No more RONO`s .


I don't know if I believe it or just hope it.   It will depend on how many true conservatives challenge and win in the primaries.   

Keeping my fingers crossed,


I see it like this..If a man goes to school with ambitions to do nothing but politics his whole life. Then I will not vote for him or her. Human instinct will have them only care about their ambitions over the good of the citizenry. They may start out with good intentions ,but common sense tells me very clearly that he will make a deal with the devil to advance his personal agenda. Some say it is a blood sport. AND I AGREE...Big League.....Now you give me a Doctor or business person, that decides they want to take a shot at politics and they will get my attention..That is a basic rule of thumb that I have adopted.


We will all have to make our own judgements based upon the individual candidate.


That`s the American way

Kevin & Oren,

I see potential problems that need to be positively addressed well before the Mid-Term Elections.

Depending on how much traction the Flynn debacle gets, the mid term might not be as easy as we once thought. I find it disgusting that the opposition has been belittling and blocking Trump for almost a year now. That shows me there is serious money and political power behind the opposition. We must again try and unite every Conservative to oppose them. 

We need to start this year and get people into positions in every precinct as precinct captains, Precinct observers,vote counters,voter roll checkers/verifiers etc. We also need to get groups in every State to check and verify voter rolls at least a month prior to any voting then post any findings with the Local/State/Federal elections commissions and make the findings about ineligible voters public knowledge.

At least three months before the elections we need to have groups contact State and Local Elections commissions and find out if they have finalised plans to send out absentee ballots to Military personnel stationed away from their home precincts and demand verification they have sent them with sufficient time to have them returned and be counted, verifying that too.

When it comes to absentee ballots and registered voters we need to set up canvassing crews to go house to house,into Nursing home facilities,Businesses (with permission),Churches, Synagogues, etc. Canvassing covers items we need to verify;

1. getting unregistered voters registered (laws may vary on requirements for registering people properly and legally)

2. Checking and verifying existing voter rolls against addresses.

3. Finding out if people have transportation to and from the polls (more on this later),

Another way voter rolls can be checked and verified is to cross check them with the DMV files and sending the list to the postmaster to verify if any of the addresses are invalid.

This comes down to one more thing we must have in place, a volunteer transportation system to get people to the polls who do not have their own transportation.

Most if not all of this will probably need for the people involved to be official volunteers if they are going to canvass,check,work in precincts.etc. We can not wait until just before the elections, we must have all this in place and finalized before the first mid-term vote has been cast..

Any Further suggestions welcomed. We need really big wins in the mid-terms to survive as a nation.



First, I am already a Precinct Committeeman.

Second, Our Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach, is hard at work scouring voter rolls Statewide for illegal voters.

Third, In Kansas workers at the polling stations carefully check photo IDs against the voter rolls.

I don't know about other States, but in Kansas we are already on top of it and the Democrats know it, which is why they are screaming like gut-shot panthers.

M, I share your concerns about the mid-terms -- more or less.   However, I am coming to believe that the more the Dems try their usual, underhanded tactics, the more it is coming back to bite them.

Let's take Flynn, for example.   Flynn has not agreed to a real crime.   His "crime" is that he lied to the FBI -- that's it!   This is exactly the same thing that got Martha Stewart in trouble.   It's called a "Process Crime".   Flynn never confessed to any criminal "collusion" regarding the election.   IF he "colluded" at all, it was to get the Russians to agree on a plan to kill ISIS, which is EXACTLY what his job was as National Security Advisor.   Yes, he was ordered to contact the Russians, but ONLY for that purpose.   It is the Media that is twisting the truth.   Plus, once it was discovered that Flynn had lied to the VP, Flynn was fired -- WELL BEFORE he was targeted by Mueller.   In fact, Flynn was fired BEFORE Mueller was made Special Counsel.   Trump is safe on this.

That said, I agree that we need to be on our toes and get out the vote.   Personally, I cannot take people to the polls.   All I have is an old farm truck.   

Bottom Line:   I believe America (especially conservatives) is waking up.   We'll see.





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