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ALL MEN MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO! Jordan Peterson and Tucker on What's Happening to Men!

ALL MEN MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO! Jordan Peterson and Tucker on What's Happening to Men!  Jordan Peterson new 2018 Tucker Carlson 


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Yes Kathy, I just watched it.

One thought dominated my mind while listening the sad stats. Did any of this ever appear in print or TV ten years ago? I have no recollection. none whatsoever of disucssions that boys and men are slowly being diminiished in their msculinity. That was before Obama.

Now, it's after Obama. I can't help but feel the connection here - the unanticipated attack on men and  the liberal forces whose goal is to destablize our society. The attack on white men by other white men, those among the liberal in power? Sure, why not? That the mediocre are always jealous of the most succesful, and will do anything to bring them down? To even enlist the support of women, the mediocre among whom will gladly go along? And the minorities?

Sorry for the gloomy comment. But I berlieve the stats presented by Tucker are the result of intentional policy decisions in the Obama administration, some of which were already initiated under Clinton. Can Trump reverse them? Perhaps, if we give him another six years.

I used to be a real man before I got marri..what's that honey? Okay, um look, I have to go..

Who is more qualified to decide whether you are a real man: another man or a woman?

I think all men know that answer...

Bad bad to the bone, it is always the women's fault..boohoo




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