We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

First lets start with a 3 minute video to set the tone of differences;

Next, lets go through an actual debate between a dyed in the wool Left Liberal viewpoint and a Conservative viewpoint about Who the Social Security money belongs to. Consider this; The New Name for our Social Security Checks, "federal benefit payment". That is the biggest misnomer I have ever heard, because it ignores the fact that Social Security is a Tax taken from our earned wages by force of law, to be used as a supplement to our retirement incomes. It originally was proposed by the Democrats as a sort of annuity to protect the old and poor who did not have enough to create and fund their own retirement programs.


What follows is a (Debate?) concerning the article https://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/topics/social-security-an-int... .


For the purpose of this article I am going to remove the names of the participants and substitute designations Like Socialist/Left #1 Conservative Right #1 and so on. This is the interchange between the parties involved in the (Debate?).


Socialist/Left Party #1. This is the reply given to the presumption that Social security money is our money and not the Governments largess to us.;

I have no idea why you are worked up about this subject and I don't have time to research it. However, 16% of social security benefits go to Disability benefits to people who don't work. 

You are not receiving your benefits, you are receiving benefits from people actively paying into the system today so that you can receive benefits, whether earned or not. That's the way the system is set up. 

It is not Your money. Can we all stop complaining. Let's not come from a Scarcity point of view. You are doing just fine and we are all so very fortunate.


Conservative/Right #2 responded;

Actually Socialist/Liberal #1 it is our money. It was forcibly taken out of our pay checks over the time we worked. Originally It was meant as a supplemental insurance policy to retirement, and the original law forbade any commingling of funds with the General fund. It was so solvent in the 1950's that it was expected to be able to pay out without problems for the next Century. In the late 1950's a Democratic Congress decided they could take the incoming "Contributions" and just put an IOU into the fund to replace them. Then in the 1960's  the LBJ administration decided to take all the existing funds sequestered, to pay for the still failing Great Society Fiasco we are still saddled with including the things you have cited can be attributed to it. The incoming "Contributions" were then earmarked to pay out what the Government "Owed" the people on their "Investments" in that Ponzi Scheme. Everyone who works and pays into Social Security Tax, has a vested interest in what is happening with the fund.
So, the money actually is the peoples money who put into the fund, however the Democrats have decided that anyone including illegals are entitled to their share. I don't see how that works since the people who put into it are given their money based on how long they have payed into, and what amount of the yearly required for full return they have put into the fund.
Conservative/Right #3 responded;
There are several things I disagree with in your statement.
I have paid into SS since I was 16 yrs old and never missed a day of work in my life, in which I paid into Social Security. Every year I get a statement from them telling me how much I paid into it and how much I have gotten back since receiving it.
As of this date, I have paid in $313,852.00 into SS. I'd have to live to be 118 yrs old to collect back what I paid into it.
So for you to say, "it's not your money" couldn't be further from the truth. Had I of invested that money into even a slow growth stock, it would be worth millions on today's market.  But, of course I didn't have that option, I was required to pay into SS.  And, I will be lucky if I continue to collect back money before it goes broke, because our government put the money into the General Fund and now spends it for illegals, people who never paid a dime into it.
Just sayin'!!!
Conservative/Right #4 also responded;
Well said! And accurate, FDR named it old age supplement income. LBJ saw a huge pile of money so he put it in the general fund paying disability, widow, children out of the funds for old age income. Well the fund still has a surplus but will run out in around 2035?
Socialist/Liberal #1 responded to those comments with this;

Please grasp this concept. What you paid into SS has Zero to do with what you get out.  It has always been a 'pay as you go' system, not a savings account.

You also had the opportunity to have a good job that would afford you a greater return on SS. Women and ethnicity, other than the male European ethnic group were not offered the same jobs, hence their inability to climb the financial ladder. 

We judge a society's values by how it treats all its members.  This society has a lot of making up to do. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. 

Do something. 


Conservative/Right #2 Responded to Socialist/Liberal #1;

Social Security is only 10 years older than me, it was activated in 1939. I know first hand how it works and how it was supposed to work. The 1935 Act provided for "old age," or retirement, benefits, aid to dependent children, disability insurance, and unemployment insurance. Payments were made in lump sums until 1940 when a monthly payment system was put into place. And, it was paid for by Workers and Businesses. Workers & Businesses made contributions to a "trust fund" from their paychecks to pay for the retirement and other benefits they'd need in the future.( The fact it is a Trust Fund Annuity, is what makes the money OUR money. Any surplus and now any borrowed funds are covered by interest bearing US Treasury Bonds). 
At age 66 or 67, workers who contributed to the trust fund may apply for payments to help with everyday living and expenses and to offset the loss of income from their jobs. You may retire at age 62, but payments are reduced if you collect benefits before age 67 to offset the expense. The more money you make, the higher your retirement benefits will be up to the legal limit decided by Congress. Until the late 1970's people had their commitment to the Trust fund annuity usually paid up by the end of August, now it's a yearly deduction up to $128,400.00 in income. It's still mismanagement and political chicanery that has messed the system up. Don't forget we never got a choice on being invested in Social Security.
Socialist/Left #1 Responded with this;
I can't dignify this diatribe. 


You act like you have been mistreated. 


I want you to name in order all the female presidents of the United States. Zero


I want you to name in order all the male presidents of the United States. Then I want to ask you if you notice any similarities between the group? 


Zero. Have you ever heard of no taxation without representation? For the first time in history, we have 25% of the House of Representatives elected female with Muslims , gay, native Americans  as part of the mix. Prior, the ratio of white males to other groups in the Congress has been 95%-%100% white male.


Oh yes, we can make up all sorts of excuses why white males have dominated, but it truly is just an excuse. You cannot fathom the exerted pressure to maintain this status quo.


If the tables were turned, and your group would have been one of the groups that was ostracized and demeaned to keep you down, I would have rioted on your behalf to change this a long time ago. What have you done to move the ball forward?


Conservative/Right #1 responded to Socialist/Left #1;
So, finally, we get to it, the favorite Democrat and Socialist mantra/talking point in American politics -- Victimhood.
When Dems, Libs, and Socialists run out of facts, they always change the argument to name-calling and victimhood.
You open your reply by asserting that I am somehow claiming victimhood when I am not.  All I am saying is that I am sick and tired of being blamed for all the ills of America and the world, something you, yourself are doing when you point out that only men have been President.   You insinuate that I, as a white male, am some sort of "victimizer" because men, the "Evil" gender, have always been President and, until recently, comprised 100% of Congress, glossing over the FACT that women (including two Muslim Jihadists) now comprise 25% of Congress and are gaining in numbers.   We [Evil] men have no problem with that.   Actually, women are in Congress BECAUSE men voted them in.
 I can only surmise from your email that you want a female president so bad that you probably voted for Hillary simply because she is female, despite the overwhelming evidence of her treasonous crimes, according to no less than James Comey.
You seem to forget that all these [Evil] men voted into Congress and the Presidency were elected with the votes of women and minorities who, combined, far outnumber men, especially white men.   You seem to forget the tens of millions of white men who helped elect Obama.   
The REAL reason the other side hates Trump is that he WON -- PERIOD!   Hillary was supposed to win, hands down, and the Left just can't stand it.   In their world, her overwhelming criminality and moral corruption had nothing to do with it.
In your world, Obama, Hillary, and "Social Justice" are the wave of the future, but that "Goddamn Trump" got in the way.   Supposedly, that Goddamn Trump is trying to "Turn the clock back to White male dominance" and keep women and minorities "in their place".   Never mind that Trump's policies have reduced Black unemployment to its lowest level EVER and Blacks are, more and more, backing Trump.   Never mind that, under Trump, more Hispanics are rising out of poverty than EVER in American history and Trump's favorability with Hispanics is at an all-time high.   Never mind that the economy is booming.   Never mind that wages are rising.   Never mind that employers are actually running out of people to hire, stimulating even higher wages through supply and demand.   Never mind that ISIS is on the cusp of annihilation.   Never mind that trade deals are being renegotiated to America's (and your) benefit.   Never mind any of THAT!
ALL that matters is that Hillary lost!   You bemoan Trump for the simple reasons that he won,  is effective, beat Hillary, and (above all) is MALE!   Be careful, sister, your bias is showing.   
But, let's get back to what started this exchange -- over-taxation via Social Security and other mandatory "contributions" by employees and employers, something I clearly laid out in my arguments and you conveniently ignored.  It's all part and parcel of the real, underlying threat to freedom, the Constitution, and its Original Intent as envisioned by the Founders -- CREEPING SOCIALISM.
So, what's wrong with Socialism, you might ask?   Let me tell you.   In the history of the planet, Socialism has NEVER worked, EVER, not ONCE.   Of ALL forms of government, Socialism is the worst.   Socialism (Communism-Lite) has been responsible for mass murder, death, destruction, chaos, ignorance, and slavery on an epic scale.   I give you Hitler.   Yes, he was a SOCIALIST (NAZI stands for the "National SOCIALIST German Workers Party".   Contrary to Left-Wing propaganda, he was NOT a Right-Wing lunatic, he was a Left-Wing lunatic.
As further evidence I give you Stalin (40 million killed), Mao (60 million killed), Pol Pot (unknown millions killed), Kim Jong Un (unknown millions starved and/or killed), and now Maduro in Venezuela (millions more starving and/or killed).   And let's not forget the Castros in Cuba.
But Socialism is great!   Everyone is equal!   No one has more than anyone else!   Have you ever read "Animal Farm" where all the animals were equal, but some (the leaders) were just a little more equal than others?   That's Socialism, plain and simple.
Under Socialism, everyone thinks the same, talks the same, lives the same, etc.   Socialists especially American Socialists, love to talk about "diversity" (defined as race, gender, sexual identity, etc.), but forget that true "diversity" is diversity of THOUGHT AND OPINION, concepts that are strictly forbidden in true Socialist societies (read George Orwell's "1984").   Anyone who has the temerity to disagree with or challenge the Almighty State is often killed.  In fact, the Radical Left openly talks about just KILLING anyone and everyone who simply disagrees with them.   Wow!   I know I can't wait!
In fact, have you noticed that it is ALWAYS Radical, Left-Wing Socialists who physically attack conservatives, often just for wearing a MAGA hat, Trump shirt, or having a Trump sticker on their car?   Have you noticed that conservatives and Trump supporters NEVER physically attack Lefties or Democrats?   Did you notice that it was REPUBLICANS who were shot at a lousy softball game in D.C.?   Have you noticed that it is ALWAYS Republicans and conservatives who are shouted down at universities and not allowed to speak?   Have you noticed that it is ALWAYS conservatives, Trump supporters, and Christians who are attacked in resturants?   Have you noticed any of that?   And all in the name of "diversity" and "tolerance".   Wow, I guess it really IS we conservatives who are Evil.
And yet, despite the OVERWHELMING evidence of Socialism's repeated failure EVERY time it is tried, the Democrat Party has been seduced and indoctrinated into believing, "This time for SURE, WE'RE in charge now".   Yeah, right!
And that is the crux of it, isn't it?   We conservatives just want to keep our FREEDOM!   Lefties want to take it away in the name of "Social Justice", whatever that is.   We conservatives just want to be left alone to live our lives and make our own way.   The Socialist Left cannot abide that.   In their world, it's their way or DEATH, PERIOD!   
True, America is imperfect, I'll give you that.   BUT, America is the ONLY country that has openly recognized and admitted her mistakes and actually tried to correct them -- THE ONLY ONE!   Yet, the Left would destroy what IS working, however slowly and imperfectly, and replace it with a system that has NEVER worked, all in the name of some ideology they cannot even define (define "Social Justice").
The Left's mantra is that we need to get rid of the Constitution because it was written by White, Male, Slaveholders and is, thus, "Evil".   Strangely, you are very close to using that excuse when you bemoan historical male political dominance.   As said above, never mind that more and more women and minorities (including Muslim Jihadists) are in Congress, in State and Local government, and will continue to gain in numbers.   You want it NOW!   You bemoan that men have historically been politically dominant, and want women in charge for no reason other than that they are women, assuming that that gender-shift alone will somehow magically bring about "justice". 
And how would a Socialist State achieve this great Socialist Utopia?   It would take EVERYTHING from EVERYONE and redistribute it according to what the STATE decided they actually need.   It's what they ALWAYS do.   Under true Socialism, YOU would not have a job!   The State would own EVERYTHING (right down to your underwear) and would assign housing according to what IT determined was appropriate.   Didn't think of that, did you?   
That is what we are talking about with Social Security and other Social Programs.   They are all designed by Socialists wearing rose-colored glasses to achieve what has not and CANNOT be achieved, equality and Heaven on Earth -- through the enslavement of the masses.   Socialists do not want equal OPPORTUNITY.   They want equal OUTCOMES, at ANY cost, even if it means the "equality" of poverty, destruction, and death.  Well, for everyone but them, of course.   They would "remedy" current injustices (which I admit exist, but are being corrected, however slowly) by replacing the supposed "victims" of White Male dominance with white males as victims, mostly for revenge (though they will never admit it).
And you, sister, are angry that we would dare object.   Well, get used to it.
Be careful what you wish for.   You might just get it.
Conservative/Right #1 also responded to Socialist/Liberal#1;
Sorry, but I HAD to respond to this.
You said two things of importance.
First, you said, "What you paid into SS has Zero to do with what you get out.   It has always been a 'pay as you go' system , not a savings account."
Second, you said, "We judge a society's values by how it treats ALL (my emphasis) its members".
Your first comment is so wrong I don't know where to begin.   Social Security IS a "savings account", plain and simple.   Our point is that, despite its original intent, it has been turned into a ponzi -scheme as I outlined in my first email.   The original intent was to provide for retirement via FORCED contributions, from the employed, for themselves, their spouses, and a very limited number of others who, through no fault of their own, cannot provide for themselves. This is NO different than a person voluntarily putting money away for retirement, say, in a savings account.   But, over time, and due to government incompetence and mismanagement, it has been turned into something it was never designed or constructed to be, "qualifying" anyone and everyone to receive benefits when they often never had "skin in the game", and FORCING the "contributors" to support the "receivers" just so people like you can feel good about how much you "care".
Your second comment belies your underlying philosophy, to wit, that anyone and everyone including illegals , are "members" of American society when they are NOT.      Yet, at the same time, and out of the other side of the mouth, Liberal Progressives berate and belittle European, working, contributing, conservative, heterosexual males as some 'lower life form'. As one black, CNN host (I forget this idiot's name) said, "The biggest terror threat in America is White males".   No, REALLY, he said it!
Apparently, we are all supposed to just commit suicide and turn the country over to all the takers.   Then, magically, mysteriously, mystically, all will be right with the world.   Never mind that, without working people (you know, all us "dirty, little people") those "downtrodden" you Libs love to elevate would starve.
Sister, yours is the kind of "thinking" that will usher in the much vaunted "Green New Deal", destroy America, and usher in a new Dark Age of poverty, disease, destruction, and death; and all in the name of "FAIRNESS".   
As I said before, "Life has casualties, don't be one".   AND, I MIGHT ADD, "DON'T MAKE ME ONE!"
Socialist/Liberal #1 responded;

I am not a victim, I am a survivor. 


I am not responding after this as I can see it is pointless. That you cannot see how European males have dominated since this country's inception, shows a prejudice that cannot be easily undone. 


Think lynchings- these millions of Americans would not have run to the polls for recourse. Today, there is still mass voter suppression. This should disturb you as much as it disturbs me.


Think of all women who constantly battle to control their bodies. Think and acknowledge that 2/3's of minimum workers are women. The United Nations acknowledged that women do the lion's share of work in the world, yet are paid a drop in the bucket for their work.


I can see that you guys are coming from a place of fear. There is no reason to be frightened. We will be treated as we treat others. Mother used to say, 'we become what we see'.


Conservative/Right #3 responded;

She has no facts so she calls names and attacks genders then runs away to California asking for Federal Money to bail out their bad decisions regarding illegal aliens? Oh well, there goes the neighborhood? Have some fun in California the end is near?

Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance: Plato.


Conservative #3 said to Conservative #1;

Here is what history tells us about Socialism and the desire to make all people equal: Argue the concept but recognize the gross failures of the past attempts to rule over all people in all aspects of life?


Conservative #2 responded to Conservative #3;

With all due respect, I don't believe that Socialism was ever intended or desired to "Make all people equal". In it's every iteration it has always been to suppress the people, force them to comply with the leaders wishes in every aspect of their lives with no individual freedom. Dissidents were summarily shot, or worked to death in concentration camps. The standard of living for the 'Proletariat' was degraded by approx. 75%, with available staples in constant short supply. Extreme killing poverty,technical and actual enslavement, famine and privation, was DeRigueur of any Socialist system ever tried. I actually see Socialism in all of it's forms as an attempt to return to the old ways of a Monarchical Oligarchy where laws and rules were dictated to the masses,also arbitrarily changeable. Rule by Whim of the Leaders instead of Rule by Written Law. Progressiveism is just another unworkable form of Socialism like Communism and Fascism. In my estimation you can likes Socialism to the old Master/Slave system in the antebellum South with the Master s the Leader s, the crony s the Overseers, the Slaves, the rest of the population. To me that is an apt representation of all forms of Socialism.


Conservative #3 countered with;

Oh I would say that the leaders desire all to be equal in their minds and possessions. Only the 1% which were communists in Russia were party members they had dachas on the shores while the people lived in hovels. In China the 1% is the owner of 51% of the manufacture ventures with outsiders. I was involved in a few transactions and joint ventures in China and have met communist leaders of each Provence where the factory was to be located. they arrived in black limousines wearing very expensive Italian suits. Yes; They live well and the people starve.


These (Debates?) show a graphic disconnect between the two sides and their differing thought process as modified by their basic bias on how things should run. THINK ABOUT IT!


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Responding to the Liberal Left Idiotology Agenda;

You are not receiving your benefits, you are receiving benefits from people actively paying into the system today so that you can receive benefits, whether earned or not. That's the way the system is set up. 

It is not Your money. Can we all stop complaining. Let's not come from a Scarcity point of view. You are doing just fine and we are all so very fortunate.


Point #1; That is the way it works now. It originally worked as an annuity the people paid into just like a commercial annuity and the money was to be invested and the proceeds from those investments were to be used to distribute the Social Security Checks just like an Annuity payment disbursal is made. It was the Democratic Congress at the end of the Eisenhower Administration that started meddling with the money they wanted to get their greedy little robbers hands on to spend on their agendas that started the ball rolling for them to strip our investment money out of the system. It was the LBJ Administration that finalized that robbery to fund and support his "Great Society" Fiasco. That Robbery of our money was the reason we must live from hand to mouth on what's coming in from collected taxes.
Again the same Idiotology;
Please grasp this concept. What you paid into SS has Zero to do with what you get out.  It has always been a 'pay as you go' system, not a savings account.
 Point #2; the same answer applies, It only works that way now because of Democrat Robbery of funds that were deemed sufficient to carry through for a Century before the Democrats stole money out of the system.
 Aggressive denial and change of the subject:
I can't dignify this diatribe. I want you to name in order all the female presidents of the United States. Zero. Have you ever heard of no taxation without representation?
Point #3;
We were talking about Social security money and who it belongs to, non related emotional hot button issues were injected into the argument to alleviate the fact that the original opinion that it's not our money is invalid. Socialists use this ruse to slip slide away and create chaos in arguments they are losing.
 Another change of direction by Socialist;
I am not a victim, I am a survivor.
I am not responding after this as I can see it is pointless. That you cannot see how European males have dominated since this country's inception, shows a prejudice that cannot be easily undone.
Think lynchings- these millions of Americans would not have run to the polls for recourse. Today, there is still mass voter suppression. This should disturb you as much as it disturbs me.
Think of all women who constantly battle to control their bodies. Think and acknowledge that 2/3's of minimum workers are women. The United Nations acknowledged that women do the lion's share of work in the world, yet are paid a drop in the bucket for their work.

Point #4
Once again the Victim card is pulled when there is no logical argument to counter the reality of whose money it really is. This is a classical response from Socialists called shifting the blame to other of their talking points to control the conversation. As you can see, Socialists seem to be incapable of seeing anything but what they were indoctrinated with, and it works best on the lower informed the best.

I missed posting Conservative/Right #1's final thoughts. Here they are;

I am sending this to you, but not my sister.   I have some thoughts.
Our back and forth was, I hope, very enlightening for all of you.   That is why I was so vicious with her.   I knew what would happen before I sent her the first email.   I wanted to demonstrate, to all of you, the Socialist mindset by presenting her with actual facts I KNEW she would gloss over and ignore in pursuit of her ideology.   
Explaining Socialism's dangers to her is like trying to explain sight to a person born without eyes.   It cannot be done.   She neither CAN see nor WILL see.   And, she is typical of the Left.
Do you recall her initial response to my initial post regarding Social Security wherein she regurgitated the Left-Wing mantra that our Social Security "contributions" are not really our money?   It was straight out of the Socialist/Collectivist playbook, to wit, that we are all essentially just ants in an anthill, working for everyone else, but never for ourselves.   BTW, she works HARD, for HERSELF.   But we -- NOT HER -- are supposed to "whistle while we work" -- for the collective.   
This perfectly exemplifies the mindset of Socialist Leadership (and, to a lesser extent the Socialist rank and file), "Do as we say, not as we do.  Never mind that we are rich and living high on the hog.   You 'dirty, little people' need to be gloriously happy in your poverty.   It's for the greater good, don't you know?"
Our exchanges reminded me of a 'discussion' my other brother and I had with Dad, a Socialist and closet Communist.   Dad and my brother were arguing politics and Dad would spew all the Leftist talking points.   Brother would repeatedly shoot them down in flames, time after time, point after point.   Dad became increasingly angry.   Finally, he just threw up his hands and said, "DAMMIT, stop telling me all these facts!   I know what I believe!"   I started laughing and Dad whirled on me, "What are YOU laughing at?"   I said, "You, Dad.   You just said, "My mind's made up, don't confuse me with the facts".   Dad gave a "Hrumph!" and stormed into the house. 
In another conversation with Dad he said, "The best thing that could happen is for humanity to go extinct".   I got up, walked over to Dad, laid my .45 on his lap and said, "There you go, Dad, go out behind the chicken house and blow your brains out.   Lead by example."   He didn't, of course.   But it, again, exemplified the Socialist mindset, that WE are supposed to die or be enslaved, but not them.   NO, NOT THEM!   THEY'RE ENLIGHTENED!  
This is what we are up against, total fealty to the desert mirage of Socialism's false hope, promising the moon, then delivering great, heaping mounds of rotten green cheese.   Socialism's acolytes neither CAN nor WILL see it for what it always has been and always will be.   As I told Lisa, Socialism's true believers KNOW it has never worked, but truly believe, "This time for SURE, WE'RE in charge now".
They remind me of Jesus' words on the Cross, "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do".
Or, "There are none so blind as those with eyes who will not see and none so deaf as those with ears who will not hear".
Or, as Jesus also said, "When you meet a man who will not listen, shake the dust from your feet and move on down the road".
Or, as Limbaugh says, "You cannot argue with them.   All you can do is defeat them."
Mike suggested that I "give it time".   That would be great IF we had time.   We don't!   We are in the fight of our lives, a fight that will ultimately make the Civil War look like a skirmish.
Unbeknownst to my sister, I used her as a palate to paint, for you, a true picture of Socialism's true believers and their blind fealty to its false hope forever chasing that desert mirage.   I hope I succeeded.

Let me make a couple of points and respond to something the Lib said in her final email.

As usual, and in typical Liberal/Socialist fashion, she tried to redirect "blame" back to conservatives and especially white males by pointing an accusing finger to lynching and voter suppression.

What I should have said, but forgot at the time, is that it was Southern White DEMOCRATS, members of the KKK, an organization started by the Democrat Party who did the lynching.   This was the ultimate "voter suppression", designed to keep "dem niggas" in their place and discourage them from voting or running for office.

In short, Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats lynched them.

So, my Lib sister, as always, ran to "Original Sin", accusing white males of things that cannot be "fixed" for the simple reason that you cannot change history.   Ergo, we are and always will be GUILTY and must be severely punished.

Something else she conveniently overlooks is all the voter fraud being perpetrated by Democrats.   Think Al Sharpton who was "elected" thanks to hundreds of "ballots" conveniently "found" in a car trunk outside the polling station.   Think "vote harvesting" where "volunteers" go door to door, filling out ballots (again, away from the polling station) in tight races, said ballots always swinging the election to the Democrat.   Think the New Black Panthers openly intimidating voters at the polls.   Think about the millions of illegals and other ineligible "voters" who cast votes for the Democrat Party.   Think about all the voting machines, programmed by Democrat Union Thugs, that record actual Republican votes as Democrat votes.   Think about that and tell me, again, that the Democrats don't cheat like crazy.   I know I'm convinced.

As further "proof" of our overarching guilt, she points to pay disparity between men and women, even though new studies show that the pay disparity gap has pretty much closed.  More and more women are supervisors and even business owners.   But, don't tell my Lib sister that; she's not listening.

Perhaps the only solution is what my other brother said, "We're already two countries, so let's just get to it.   The last person standing, wins".



It started here: http://articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/the-new-deal.html and then LBJ put the surplus (evidence is the existence of T-bills to prove the money was deposited) in the general fund and used the money to add SSDI, more money for children of those that died before 65? There were many items funded by what was to be for retired worker payment?

I hope everyone "reads between the lines" and understands that this is the "thinking" of the Liberal, Progressive, Socialist Left.   

In this debate the Liberal is using emotion while the Conservatives are using logic and facts, concepts that bounce off of Liberals like BBs off of a battleship.

In the end, it's either all of them or all of us.   And, make no mistake, Socialists will HAPPILY, WITH A SMILE ON THEIR FACE, KILL US ALL, for the "Greater Good", of course.





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