Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Crooked politicians must be held accountable for the crimes they have done. Trump is the only one who will do it. To elect a POTUS who will not prioritize fixing our criminal political system will not be good enough for me.We will not get another one like Trump ,who will bitch slap the evil out of Washington politics..No one can deny that Trump is crazy enough to do it. But he needs us to want it fixed. He can not stand alone..This is that time in history. The time that many have hoped. Turn your back on this opportunity,and we are done. THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.
As much as we love ,like Trump. I think it is necessary for us to demand accountability . I can envision him just wanting to move on and uniting by forgiving. We all now this would send the silent majority back peddling in silent disgust for our government...This could be a weakness of Trump....M, Thanks for this video. It is exactly what I ,and probably many have worried about at this point in time... We need the MAGA movement to keep moving forward. Trump`s new saying is wrong. Keep America Great will be fitting once America is Great. We still have a long way to go...WE ARE NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING SICK OF WINNING YET....Mr. President, do not weaken your will. YOU HAVE NOT EARNED YOUR STATUE YET.
M, Kevin, and others,
There is an old saying, "If you control what a man knows, you control what he thinks".
This is what Trump is up against. Trump is not a Constitutional Scholar. He is a businessman and administrator. Of necessity, he relies on his advisors to tell him what his legal and Constitutional options are.
I have long suspected that there are those in Trump's circle of advisors who are, in fact, closet never Trumpers posing as supporters, but secretly pursuing their own agendas. All the evidence points to it.
The ongoing and worsening invasion at the border is a perfect example! Every time Trump tries to keep his core promise of securing the border, he is stopped, often by members of his own team and members of his own Party.
Article IV, Section Four of the Constitution, along with federal laws 10 USC 284 and 8 USC 1182(f), if activated and implemented, would allow the President to send the military to the border and almost INSTANTLY stop the invasion, repel the invaders without all the legal 'niceties' imposed by the courts and politics, build the wall out of DoD funds, and stop all immigration along the border WITHOUT impacting trade with Mexico. Yet, he is never told of these legal and Constitutional options!
I have come to believe that President Trump is INTENTIONALLY not told. We all know that Fortress Washington does NOT want the invasion to stop -- WE KNOW THIS!
I have repeatedly, consistently, and constantly tried to get this information to the President. Yet, I feel like my message is being intentionally kept from him. I am just one, lone voice whose message is lost in the cacophony and din of daily 'news' distractions.
It is IMPERATIVE that we get the Article IV, Section Four and federal law options in front of the President. We have no choice. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!
I am asking, no, BEGGING, everyone to hammer the Article IV, Section Four and federal law options EVERY DAY, OVER AND OVER AND OVER.
Article IV, Section Four and federal law are not "Options". They are MANDATES! The President has NO CHOICE -- if he just knew it. Trump is not a constitutionalist. He is a businessman and administrator. That those he relies upon to tell him his legal and Constitutional options do not tell him tells me all I need to know about them.
THIS ISSUE IS THAT IMPORTANT! Unless this invasion is stopped and reversed, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! It will not matter if the economy booms. It will not matter if wages go up. It will not matter if unemployment declines. Trade deals won't matter. NOTHING WILL MATTER IF WE ARE OVERWHELMED BY A TIDAL WAVE OF ILLITERATE, INSKILLED, DISEASED, DEPENDENT HUMANITY -- PERIOD ! ! !
We must ALL do everything we can think of daily, HOURLY if necessary, to get this message to Trump.
F A I L U R E I S N O T A N O P T I O N ! ! ! !
If we fail to act, it will be as Pogo said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us".
Jordan Peterson: The fatal flaw in leftist American politics.
This is a treatise explaining the basic differences between the Conservative and Liberal movements, and the intellectual and psychological reasons the Leftist politics are fatally flawed.
Dr. Peterson does what so many, waaay tooo many, 'intellectuals' do -- he over-processes.
That said, he does make a couple of salient points while, simultaneously, missing the target. He identifies the Left's obsession with "equal outcomes". The Left demands that everyone be 'equal' in every regard without even considering how that will be achieved. Dr. Peterson does state that "equal outcomes" can only be achieved via an impersonal, overarching federal bureaucracy, manned with trogolodite (sp?) bureaucrats who mindlessly impose their rules upon everyone with little or no regard for the realities of life. What he misses is that this approach would, of necessity, lead to only one ultimate outcome -- the impoverishment and demeaning of everyone on the planet. Of necessity, achievement of this utopian goal would have to be imposed on ALL of humanity, worldwide, regardless of the fact that it is unachievable. This 'unachieveability' would only result in the enslavement of all of humanity -- for their own good, of course -- and without ever achieving the desired result.
Dr. Peterson also misses the core, underlying motivation of the Left and its acolytes -- jealousy and rage. They seek "equality" without ever identifying why it is so important to them, personally. In short, they are jealous of, and angry at, anyone and everyone who is more successful or who has more than them. In their world, the only cure is to make sure that no one has more than them or is more successful than them. In their world, everyone would just be ants in an anthill. Then, magically, all would be right with the world.
Here is little on McCain
This is a cautionary tale about what happened in Iran, which was a predominant Muslim, but Westernized Nation. Coincidentally the only mid-eastern ally of Israel at that time, when it became a Muslim Theocracy. This Video how that Theocracy changed a Nation that had a Constitution just like Americas but without the 2nd Amendment.
This is what happened to women as told by a survivor and later an escapee from a Muslim Theocracy Based Nation. This is what the Islamist/Radical Muslims want for the entire world. I suggest everybody watch it because the Progressive/Democrat/Socialists are trying to get it instituted here.
M, and everyone,
I give up. A couple of days ago I posted a new Discussion explaining that the ongoing and worsening invasion at the border is far, far more important than EVERYTHING else in the news that we obsess over. Not one reply!
I'm not seeking accolades, really! I'm just trying to get peoples' attention and focus them on the clear and present danger we face.
If this invasion is not stopped and reversed NOTHING ELSE WILL MATTER! It won't matter if the economy is booming. It won't matter if unemployment reaches zero. It won't matter if Mueller and gang all go to prison. it won't matter if Trump gets great trade deals. It won't matter if terrorism is wiped out. It won't even matter if Trump is re-elected in a huge landslide and Congress is 90% GOP. IT WON'T MATTER!
Everyone, including us, is constantly obsessing over everything BUT the elephant in the room! Oh, we occasionally give it some lip service, but pivot back to the 'Evil' Democrats, media, millennials, and other Lefties.
A N D T H A T ' S E X A C T L Y W H A T T H E Y W A N T U S T O D O ! ! ! !
They WANT us talking about Mueller, Pelosi, AOC, Muslims, etc. They DON'T want us focusing on the border.
Think I'm crazy?! Think I'm over the top?! Just look around! Europe is the perfect example of what will happen to us unless and until we WAKE UP AND STOP LETTING OURSELVES BE DISTRACTED.
Many formerly prosperous and peaceful European countries are now in turmoil due PRECISELY to the invasion of millions of illegal, illiterate, unskilled, permanently dependent, and HOSTILE invaders. These countries are ALLOWING their cultures, religions, social services, legal systems, law enforcement, etc. to be OVERWHELMED! In Sweden, women are no longer able to go out alone. In France, over 600 churches have been burned this year. Germany's entire social welfare system is on the verge of collapse. Mosques are popping up in England like mushrooms. It is out of control!
This is America's fate if we don't take action NOW! No, we're not talking about a Muslim invasion, though Obama was very successful in starting one. We are talking about MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of illegal, illiterate, unskilled, permanently dependent aliens from backwater, dysfunctional, and often hostile countries. These invaders are not limited to Latinos, but include invaders from every part of the globe, including closet terrorists.
And, despite the magnitude of the crisis and overwhelming evidence of its clear and present danger, the Democrats and Fortress Washington DO NOTHING!
I have tried repeatedly to alert President Trump to his legal and Constitutional options and his DUTY to activate Article IV, Section Four of the Constitution, along with federal laws 10 USC 284 and 8 USC 1182(f), all of which he could implement to STOP AND REVERSE this invasion. I have BEGGED members on this Site to help get him this critical information. The silence has been deafening.
So, let's keep obsessing over everything BUT the elephant in the room. Then, let's all go to the bar. Or, as in the song, "Let's just keep dancing, break out the booze, and have a ball". Why not?
OR, and here's a radical thought, we could contact everyone we know, use every possible means, daily and even hourly, to get President Trump's attention and go around those 'firewall' advisors keeping this information from him.
It's up to you.
Yeah, I'm PISSED!
Watch a MAGA rally...Oren, Trump hears us. He is doing much. ...All at the same time.,,,He is the CHIEF....We need to be good Indians... You want your squabble taken care of . He will do it. In fact he is doing it.... He handles everything well....The wall is being built....We here know everything you said in your post....You are preaching to the choir.....But opinions are good to hear....Oren, you need to relax and not put the world on your shoulders.
First, thank you. I honestly thought I might get skewered for my post and am glad I didn't.
Second, not to be rude, but this issue is not "my squabble". America is in REAL -- RIGHT F**KING NOW -- DANGER! As I continue to say, unless this INVASION is stopped, repelled, and reversed, NOTHING ELSE TRUMP DOES WILL MATTER IN THE END! Why others cannot or will not see and understand that is beyond me! I sometimes feel like the guy on the corner with the sign, "The end is near". He may actually be right, but everyone just blithely saunters past on their way to the 'big game'.
Third, I know Trump is the "Chief" and we are the "Indians". But, I have a Masters in Management and Administration. One of the Prime Rules of good management is, "Keep those who disagree with you close at hand; not to keep an eye on them, but because they sometimes think of something you haven't and you need to hear it." This is America and all our voices, even mine, count.
Fourth, I am fully aware that Trump is trying to secure the border -- I know that. BUT, he can only take whatever action he is told he can take. As I have stated repeatedly, he is not a legal or Constitutional Scholar. He is a businessman and administrator. Of necessity, he relies on his legal team to tell him what his options are, and "therein lies the rub" as Shakespeare would say.
I still believe that many (if not most) in his legal team are either closet Never Trumpers or are playing politics with the issue ignoring Trump's Constitutional and legal DUTIES and POWERS. In either case, they are not advising him of his clear DUTIES under the Constitution and federal law. There is an old saying, "If you control what a man knows, you control what he thinks". Ergo, Trump simply may not know his options. If he did, given his persona, I think he would do it.
The law is clear. The Constitution is clear. Their use would allow the President to go around and ignore both Congress and the courts and secure the border, repel the invaders, and end this mess. It is incumbent on us, We The People, to tell him what his 'advisors', for whatever reason, refuse to tell him.
I stand by every word I wrote. Unless and until this INVASION is stopped, repelled, and reversed, NOTHING ELSE TRUMP DOES WILL MATTER IN THE END -- NOTHING!
Kevin, I'm not trying to make enemies or look like a lunatic, but neither am I here to make friends. I'm a little busy trying to save the damned country!
All I'm asking -- ALL I'M ASKING -- is for everyone to do everything they can think of, daily and even hourly, to contact the President, by any and all means possible, and tell him of his Constitutional MANDATE to "protect the States against invasion" and tell him about federal laws 10 USC 284 and 8 USC 1182(f). I have tried, daily and often hourly, to do this, just as I ask everyone else to do it. Is that really so much to ask? Or, will we all someday say to ourselves, "Dang, shoulda done that"?
You come across as angry sort with a hammer in your hand and everything you see looks like a nail.
Your correct on many fronts, I don't think anyone posting here will find a strong reason to disagree with you on the issue, just on the tool your using.
How does millions of Trump think alikes like you, like me and millions more help Trump and most importantly keep his fight going after he leaves office (in 6 years).
Simple, we steal a few pages from the Leftist handbook. We fight the good fight on every issue and at every level. We get Conservatives in office and in position where they can effect Conservative ideas and principles.
Reagan was even frustrated by the many layers of resistance in government in his time. You can replace the heads of departments but the underlying layers resisted all change. Today it is worse than then. It takes years to effect change in governmental departments.
Conservative Americans ourselves and many of the Republicans we elected are to blame for things being as they are today. We shut up. We did not want to make other uncomfortable with our self reliant views on fiscal responsibility for Joe over there has an unmarried daughter with four kids on welfare and we don't want to hurt their feelings. We coughed it up, the money that is to send our children to college and have them come back and tell us how screwed up we are. We were told not the be selfish, share what you have, told not to be politically incorrect, even when we knew we were 100% in the right.
We excepted less and got it in spades.
So by all means burn your phone up. But Trump hears us. I think we all are on the same boat.
But it is not Trump that needs to hear us, All of America needs to hear us!
I posted this when the Tea Party was strong but no one wanted to listen then, too much trouble. But it ended up being used by Trump himself.
What if once per week, or even once per month Conservative Americans started assembling in the parking lot of the local Post Office, a vacant lot somewhere or anywhere, a parking lot of a business? And we were to assemble ne the appointed time and date each week or month.
No agenda, no planned speeches or messages. Just gather in the parking lot with your kids. Bring a lawn chair and the thermos of coffee with you.
And every week the crowd grows, it gets larger and lager as is gets more and more organized?
And welcome those from the Left! Invite then in and share your coffee with them. Discuss the issues. No shouting,pushing or cussing. Just share opinions, ideas and objectives.
Then watch the change in many on the Left. If you can hold a civil conversation with them many of them will realize their side is self conflicting, can not hold water.
And what if 3 months, 6 months and one year from now these gathering every week are made up of tens of millions of Americans? How will that change the character of the people that run for local offices in your community and state?
The surface of Liberalism is radical, violent and unhinged. But beneath that surface we see is a determined, well organized and agenda driven machine. We should operate the same.
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