We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Source; An E-Mail from Oren Long.

'Der Fuhrer', Kansas Governor Laura Kelley (D) has just issued an Executive Order mandating that ALL Kansans wear masks when in public when "social distancing" cannot be observed.  At least, that's the spin the milk toast, weak-kneed, middle-of-the-road Kansas media is putting on it.  
The reality is that NO ONE will be able to appear in "public" without a mask, period!  Even if someone is alone, but has to go into an establishment, how are they supposed to do that without a government-approved mask?  How many people go out in public without intending to go somewhere?  How many people just drive around for the sake of driving around?  Answer:  NONE!
Well, I have some questions.
First, I WILL NOT SUBMIT! ! ! 
Let's say I am going to a store (they will ALL mindlessly comply) for some "essential" supplies.  I walk in without a mask and am stopped by some store employee or security guard.  What if I refuse to comply and try to walk past them?  How exactly, with specificity, do they stop me?  Do the wrestle me down physically, in violation of Dr. Fauci's and Governor Kelley's orders against six-foot social distancing?  Really?!  Assuming I am wrestled down in violation of the six-foot distancing rule, do the employee and guard then have to go home and self-distance themselves and their families for two to four weeks?  Oops!
What if they call the cops and the cops arrest me (without violating the precious "six-foot" rule) for violating 'Der Fuhrer' Kelly's rules?  On what charge, specifically?!  Just how and why does the governor think she has somehow, magically attained legislative powers in open defiance of the Kansas Constitution?  Just asking.
What if I am arrested and thrown into a police car without a mask?  What if I sneeze or cough?  Does the cop then have to call a hazmat team and have the car sterilized?  Does the cop then have to  self-quarantine himself/herself and their entire family for two to four weeks?
O.K., I am being booked into jail.  What happens then?  Let me tell you.  The jailers take my photo, fingerprints, and personal information.   Then, they fill out a form and tell me to "sign here and you can go home".  What if I refuse?  Well, signing a bond is a promise to appear in court, on the specified date and at the specified time.  What if I refuse?  Answer:  I cannot be released.  I have "promised" NOTHING!  Oops, again.  They then have to get me to court and before a judge.  The judge will try to [verbally] beat me into submission so he/she doesn't have to deal with an issue he/she doesn't want to deal with in the first place.
What if, during 'booking', I tell the jailers I am a vegan and cannot, for personal or religious reasons, cannot eat meat?  Oops, again!  No bologna sandwiches or standard jail food.  Now, I have to have a special diet, specially prepared.  Dang!  Hate when that happens, don't you?  
The bottom line is, at least in Kansas, when stopped or questioned by law enforcement, you only have to provide THREE pieces of information:  Name, address, and date of birth -- PERIOD!  You DO NOT have to tell them why/why not you are/are not wearing a mask, where you are going, or why.  Obviously, if you are driving, you have to provide the vehicle registration and proof of insurance.  But, that's it!  BUT, if the cops are called to a store because you are mask-free, you ONLY have to give your name, address, and date of birth.
Look, I know I am asking a lot here!  I have talked to my wife and she [reluctantly] agrees.  No one wants to pay that price -- I don't, either.
BUT, as Jack Kennedy said, "The price of freedom is high and Americans have always been willing to pay it".
As Benjamin Franklin said, "Those that would trade a little bit of freedom for a little bit of security will soon find they have neither freedom nor security".
As Thomas Jefferson said, "Stand fast to principal!".
OR, as Ronald Reagan said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."  He also said, "The day may come when men tell their children and grandchildren what it was once like when men were free".
It's up to you!  Will you resist, even at great cost?

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This video shows how wearing masks lowers the oxygen content you breathe beyond the OSHA lower limit for a safe work space. Maybe we could use this to end the mask requirements in general use legally.



Where do I begin?!
Let me summarize the absolute STUPIDITY of wearing a mask to supposedly stop spreading (or getting) the virus.  The virus is so small that you need an electron microscope to even see it.  That means two things.  First, if you wore a mask 'tight' enough to stop the virus, you would suffocate.  Second, trying to stop the virus with a mask is like trying to stop a flood with a screen door.  Staying home to avoid the virus is like hiding in a closet from a home invader.  Yeah, that'll work!
All these "experts" urging everyone to wear masks social distance, and stay home KNOW the above is true, so why are they pushing it?  What is their [hidden] agenda?  Why weren't we all told to wear masks and social distance EVERY flu season all the way back to the 1918 flu pandemic?
   Answer:  It's all about "GETTING TRUMP!", at any cost, even if it means destroying the entire country in the process.  All 330 MILLION Americans are just collateral damage in the quest to get Trump.
{( Actually the 1918 Pandemic did require masks and distancing by decree. I inserted this- M)} 
Masks, social distancing, and "Pandemic Panic" are just the latest in a never-ending series of failed efforts to attack and defeat Trump.  It's pretty much all the opposition has left.  After all, they've tried everything else:  Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels, Access Hollywood, yadda, yadda, yadda.  It's ALL bounced off Trump like BB's off a battleship.  
Trump's popularity and support was actually GROWING, even among such traditionally reliable Democrat voting blocs as Blacks, Hispanics, union workers, etc.  This was a disaster for the Democrats.  No doubt about it.
Trump was successfully accomplishing everything he said he would do if elected -- the ONLY politician in my lifetime to even try to keep his promises, let alone actually DO it.  This has put the Democrats, the Left, the Left-Wing media, RINOs, and the Deep State into a state of abject panic.  Politicians perennially make promises they have no intention of even trying to keep.  It's just what they do.  We know that,  They know that.  They know that we know that.  And, up to this point, we have just accepted it.  
Then came Trump.  He actually did what he said he would do.  Horror of horrors!  THAT CANNOT STAND!  Future political candidates might be expected to keep their promises!  Say what?! 
The wall, the economy, jobs, lower unemployment, rising wages, improving trade deals, victory over terrorism, growing voter support, rising consumer confidence, skyrocketing stock market, etc. were making Trump a shoe-in for re-election.  The opposition knew it!  Clearly, something had to be done if Trump was to be defeated and Washington could pivot back to the "business as usual" status quo.  
Then, JUST IN A NICK OF TIME, came Covid-19, the latest "gift" from China (another anti-Trumper).  It was used as a bludgeon to scare everyone into submission and get them to vote Democrat, even if it means voting for Biden (who probably doesn't even recognize himself in the mirror).  Talk about voting for an empty chair!  
In pursuit of electoral victory, the virus was used to impose maximum impact and damage on the American People in an effort to get them to vote against a president presiding over an economic/social calamity, even when it is caused by the opposition.  This according to prevailing political "wisdom" (never mind that FDR was re-elected repeatedly during the Great Depression).  
Democrat politicians literally shut down their own States, ruining millions of their own constituents, destroying their own economies, and bringing EVERYTHING to a screeching halt, all in pursuit of their HATRED for the one man actually helping Americans.  Pure insanity!  That's what hate does to people.  When hate sets in, all reason leaves.  
As I previously posted, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly (D) has ORDERED that effective tomorrow, Friday, July 3rd, masks MUST be worn in public when social distancing is not practicable and/or when people congregate in groups -- JUST IN TIME FOR THE JULY 4TH HOLIDAY!  How convenient for the never-Trumpers!  
ALL the people in Kansas I talk to are mad as Hell at Governor Kelly.  She is toast when she comes up for re-election.  She doesn't care.  I believe she is hoping Biden wins and she will get some big-time appointment in a Biden Administration.  Either that, or she is just another mindless anti-Trumper reflexively doing the bidding of the DNC.  
This is what happens when you elect Democrats.  This is what happens when you put Democrats in charge of medicine and doctors in charge of public policy.  The Democrat Party's handling of this pandemic is all the evidence anyone should need that putting government in charge of healthcare is a terrible idea.
But, isn't that what Democrats always do, promise the moon and deliver great, heaping mounds of rotten green cheese?    
In short, FACTS DON'T MATTER!  Even talking about masks, social distancing, staying home, etc. is a waste of time.  The FACT that masks, social distancing, staying home, and economic shutdowns are exercises in futility is IRRELEVANT to the Democrats.  The FACT that government-run healthcare would be a disaster is IRRELEVANT to the Democrats.  ALL that matters to Democrats is victory at ANY cost, including the death of America.




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