We The People USA

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So who is really causing climate change? And Why? From Deborah Tavares

This was posted to me from Karen Bracken.

I have followed Deb Tavares for years.  She is an amazing researcher.  What she has shared over the years is hard for most to believe but just let me say this:
I have found with most people they will believe a believable lie before the unbelievable truth. What you will hear is the unbelievable truth.  But true just the same.
Anyone that has researched and understands UN Agenda 21/2030/Green New Deal/Great Reset (these are different names for the same agenda of mass depopulation/total control of ALL human activity/global communism/corporate fascism.)
The Great Reset calls corporate fascism Stakeholder Capitalism to make it sound more appealing.  They are masters at wrapping pretty names around dangerous schemes. But make no mistake it is corporate fascism.  This is reason for the lockdowns.  They must destroy small business.  I know many have wondered why the small community hardware store had to close down while Home Depot and Lowes remained open.  Because only the large box stores can afford to do business under Stakeholder Capitalism.  They will march to the orders/regulations of the Great Reset or they too will close down.
Money hungry communists like John Kerry, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and many others think when it's all over they will have a seat at the table but those behind all of this will have no time for these useful idiots.   
In this interview with Deb Tavares you will learn who is REALLY creating a climate crisis.  WHY?  To create fear in order to control.  The same pertains to the yearly flu they turned into the crisis they needed to finally drive the last mile to completing an agenda that has been in the making for many decades.
Be sure to have a pen and paper handy.
I thank my dear friend Al D. for sending Deb's latest interview to me.



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  Currently there are about 10% of deaths/adverse reactions reported to VAERS so although these numbers are concerning they only represent a small portion of the deaths and adverse reactions. 



Please listen to a weekly call that I attend with experts from all over the world talking about COVID and vaccines.  Dr. Lee Merritt is outstanding but if you have time please listen to the entire meeting. 



PLEASE share.  The truth is now a matter of life and death.  We are humans reduced to lab rats and they are experimenting on us.  The by-passed animal studies and Dr. Merritt gives you enough to understand why they by-passed the animal studies.......because they knew the animal studies would produce very negative results and big pharma would miss out again.  






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