We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Proposal to clean up elections and minimize election fraud to it's lowest possible point.

Proposal to clean up elections and minimize election fraud to it's lowest possible point.
No matter which side you are on, you probably will think the elections are somehow rigged. Lets assume they are and work together to fix them.
The first problem both sides have mentioned in this and past elections is the vulnerability of the electronic machines to be hacked. Lets assume that is a correct assessment. How do we fix it, and still maintain the right of every Citizen to vote?
 I propose that we return to paper ballots and hand count them. Many on both sides will say this is the main way Voter Fraud is perpetuated. A simple solution to that exists. Outlaw the use of all electronic and/or mechanical voting or tabulating machines.
1. First clean the voter rolls of every person verified as ineligible to vote because they are not a citizen, adjudged mentally incompetent, or are dead and have not been removed from the rolls. Make it mandatory with severe penalties and personal fines on those who are charged with keeping elections fair and honest with Federal Election Laws and complementary State Election Laws who do not fulfill their legal obligation. Simply put a Federal Law that requires state legislatures to pass laws compelling election officials to regularly CLEAN and VERIFY the active voter rolls. How the election officials are to do that is up to the State Legislatures with a subsequent Federal Penalty if they don't comply with the laws.
2. Count the verified voters in every precinct and send out absentee ballots to only those who are on the verified voter rolls in their precincts. This means everyone on the list all gets a Paper Ballot.
3. Starting right after the election and going up to 3 months before the next election. Verify those who can't make it to the polls to drop off their ballots, make a current list of the names and allow them to mail their ballots in with the State Paying for the postage, and check the mailed in ballots against the list with all parties running. Have a watcher from all parties running to verify the names.
4. Set up drop boxes outside the county Clerks Offices, keeping them under 24 hour video surveillance where people can drop their ballots off up to 5 days in advance of the election but not after when the polls close on election day. The only exceptions being deployed Military votes and authorized mail in votes from the eligible absentee voters list must be counted.
5. Set up drop boxes outside and inside precincts, keeping them under video and elections personnel surveillance where the public can drop off their absentee paper ballots on election day.
6. Have a system where people can turn in their damaged ballot and after being verified on the voter rolls and with picture ID as eligible to vote can be given a provisional ballot, and their turned in original ballot must be destroyed/shredded in front of them and let them be allowed to fill out their provisional ballot and turn it in.
7. Require Picture ID on voter registration. It can be any picture that comes from a government source like a drivers license, or a state identity card. Require a birth certificate or naturalization papers to verify citizenship.
8. Make it a federal Law that all ballots must be kept intact in their original form and stored for 10 years as such, then be transferred to digital "true copies of originals", and kept for posterity.
9. Mandate by law that all counting will continue unbroken, with authorized poll watcher/vote challengers allowed unrestricted access to count, until every turned in ballot has been counted. The only exceptions being deployed Military and Authorized mail in absentee ballots, for 14 days after the close of polls may be added to final count.
10. All votes must be certified within 14 days of the closing of polls and NO Preliminary counts or trends or winner calls be released, until the final poll votes are counted and verified. Certification to come at the 14 day period when any military/authorized mail-in votes are counted.

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We know the Democrats will never stop their drive to have Mail-in (absentee) Ballots the rule for all elections now they believe it will give them the edge every time. We need to revamp and modernize the entire system, keep the mail-in ballots and set new rules the left can't come out against. 
It all starts with Voter Rolls. Erase all existing Voter Rolls and have those who want to vote reregister with picture ID enhanced Driver Licenses verifying Age, Citizenship, State Residence,  Voter Registration Certification. State issued Identity cards of the same enhanced nature would work just fine.
The people who want to vote re-register through their State DMV, apply with the proper paperwork to prove citizenship like a Birth Certificate or Naturalization Papers. 
People who want to vote but can't register for some reason, the State would set up verification process to facilitate their registration. 
State Elections Officials could keep current with a simple computer algorithm that would compare the persons Driver License with Birth and Death Records and with post office addresses to keep the voter rolls clean and constantly up to date automatically. 
Overview checks and balances would be incorporated to eliminate any tampering with the system. 
If a voter has just moved into a State and has not had enough time to get a new Driver License from that State. Or if they are registering at a DMV just prior to election day by showing existing enhanced verified ID's to register on a one time basis, and be given a distinctive sized/colored Provisional Ballot to insure that only the new location will be counted with notification sent to old voting precinct.
The voter roll numbers would be counted, and that exact number of ballots would be sent out to the addresses on the rolls. 
Everyone who is on the NEW voter rolls is sent a ballot to fill out. 
The ballot delivery envelopes to be counted and numbered before sending, the return envelopes would be randomly numbered from 1 to the number sent out. 
Military Ballots would by law be sent out six to ten weeks in advance of the election, and would be counted up to 14 days after the election. 
Failure to do that would result in severe criminal penalties for the election officials who failed to do that. 
Any Duplicated return ballot numbers will be investigated by a member of the police/sheriff, election official/county clerk, an officially designated representative from all parties running in election. The person listed will be contacted and asked how and where they turned in their ballot and have their signature verified. Same rule for Undated, Unsigned, Illegible Date/signatures.
"Mail-in Absentee Ballots" would only be issued to deployed Military, or persons who for physical or verified transportation problems, had officially requested absentee mail-in ballots, and were approved. 
The color of the return envelopes would be the official designation/permission for the USPS to process those ballots through the mail system. Any other color ballot mailed, to be logger with chain of custody record, and turned over to Police/Sheriff for investigation.
Drop Boxes would need to be placed around their precincts in various locations and in areas that would facilitate monitoring from visual, camera, and physical security, and also would, provide 24-7 surveillance in those locations. 
Boxes would have to be locked out from receiving ballots until 5 days before the election, and locked immediately after the polls were closed election day. 
Places like Police Stations, Fire Stations, Public Libraries, City Halls, Clerks Offices, Banks, Outside Post Offices, The Actual Polling Place etc. 
Those Boxes would have an interior box that would be numbered and would close, lock, and seal like the old pay phone boxes did back in the day, so they could not have extra ballots put in or removed from them when the interior boxes were removed for transport to counting. 
Only Official "two person teams" equipped with lapel cameras that record the original placement of the interior box, and any full interior boxes. Any overflow ballots not sealed in the interior box would have to be counted if front of the lapel cameras and site cameras to show date and signature, placed in special sealed containers and attached to the sealed interior box. The interior boxes are to be taken to their respective polling stations and locked in a room with the room having chain of custody record for interior boxes signed out for original placement in exterior drop boxes, to pick up of interior boxes and transport to polling place locked counting room, to which counter opened that particular box.
The counting areas in all the precincts need to be able to be secured and have camera coverage from all angles inside the room with a minimum of two different camera angles on each counting station. 
The only people in the counting Rooms are to be the official counters, Official Poll Watchers/Challengers. 
At that time, the numbered interior boxes will have their box numbers verified against the Chain of Custody Records and have no breeches of the seals or locks, then opened one at a time, to take the ballots out for the counters. 
The numbers on the return envelopes will be recorded and a separate true copy of the original be given to the Watcher/Challengers, the room election officials, each counter. 
The original record sheet sealed in an envelope to be kept intact with chain of custody written on it until it is put in the archives with the preserved return envelopes and counted ballots. 
This will be done in plain view of at least two of the cameras and more if possible.  
The Watchers/Challengers are by law given unrestricted access to watch the counters up close. 
The Counters and Watchers/Challengers are to be locked in the room and kept there until all counts are done. 
The rooms will be equipped with facilities for running water, coffee machines, snack machines, Port-a-potties. 
All ballots will be hand counted, and there will be no stopping of the counts until they are completed. 
Should an emergency arise, everyone will stay at their stations unless it is life threatening. 
If so, the rooms will be evacuated, that evacuation will be overseen by the Poll Watcher/Challengers, Election Officials, State and Local Police to insure everyone has left the room. 
The cameras will be left on, and the room locked and sealed.
Since all ballots are to be hand counted, no other electronic devices except the cameras, snack machines, hand held emergency lighting/lanterns/flashlights, and a direct wired intercom to contact officials outside the counting room in case of an emergency. 
Emergencies will be considered anything life threatening. 
The emergency will be dealt with in as concise manner as possible while all counting is temporarily paused in place, continuously observed. 
Everyone not involved in the emergency will remain at their station until the emergency is over, the room relocked, and counting resumes. 
Cameras will remain on throughout with no exceptions. 




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