We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Something from Jack Keel Vietnam Vet and True American Patriot;

What is amazing about General Flynn is that he isn't the first general to be felled by democratic party sedition, the worst facilitator of what is happening today was preparing to run for his third presidential term, he was mentally and physically unfit and war was looming in Europe and his party was all powerful,  General Smedley Butler was approached to conduct a coup, declare martial law so they  could appoint a new leader who would yield to their demands. Butler was trusted by members of all military services and could have easily pulled off a coup, he declined to participate and maintained his honor and let the electoral process determine the presidency.  Butler died in 1940,  an honorable man and a distinguished general...

Have you ever had that nagging little feeling that things aren't right? I have.

It isn't anything definitive, it didn't just pop into the psyche, it has been building for a very long time. A conscious sense of malaise that something is wrong in this country.
For me it goes as far back as 1945, little things like the formation of the UN, the Korean War, Joe McCarthy, Fidel Castro , the Berlin Crisis and the Diem and Kennedy assassinations.
Beginning in the late 1940's, as the Cold War escalated between the United States and the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, the United States went through a period of intense anti-communist tensions and suspicion.
By February 1990, the Communist Party was forced to surrender its 73-year old monopoly on state power in the Soviet Union. By December of the next year, the union-state also dissolved, breaking the USSR up into fifteen separate independent states.
Even though Gorbachev and George H.W. Bush declared the Cold War officially over at a summit meeting in Malta, was the Cold War really over?

The Soviets had been in power since 1917, 16 years later Franklin D. Roosevelt took office, he dismantled the system we had and set up his New Deal of Socialism, nudging us on the road to totalitarianism. It took 73 years for Communism to break the economy of the USSR, we've had 86 years of Socialism and it's still increasing it's tentacles of a failed system in this country.

Have we too been duped? There are signs everywhere of duplicity by our government and elected leaders. We had an attempt to rectify corruption in government, when the Republican Party made their Contract With America, that ultimately was torn down by both political parties in bitter partisan bickering.
Open acts of treason go unchallenged, sedition is practiced almost daily, an entire political party has swung so far to the left that they are unrecognizable from their Communist counterparts.
We have abandoned the tenets that this nation was founded on, subverting the United States Constitution in favor of laws that bypass the constitutional safeguards against government tyranny.

To date we have had presidents who are nation building in the Middle East while at home they are giving away the nation to illegal immigrants. We have Communists in control of both houses of Congress, we have like minded agents in the Judicial branch making laws from the bench, bypassing the legislative process and subverting the Constitution in the process.

We are being invaded by Islamic forces who are treated with immunity to native born Americans.
We allow a Moslem and sworn enemy of our way of life to be sworn into office on the Quran.

You don't have to be Christian to acknowledge that the Bible is the source of America's values. Virtually every founder of this country knew that and acknowledged it. The argument that founders such as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were deists, makes the point. The founders who were not believing Christians venerated the Bible as the source of America's values just as much as practicing Christians did.

We have a broken judicial system that rewards criminals, advances Communism, and overrules the penal system.

The ACLU was founded by Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman in 1920. it is a Communist lawyers agency that tears at the fabric of this nation with it's atheist and Communist viewpoint and stance. The NLG founded in 1937 as an alternative to the American Bar Association , this is the same organization that gave us Lynn Stewart, in many ways it's worse than the ACLU, because it's less known.
We have Ramsey Clark's International Action Center, another subversive organization that openly and actively works against the Unites States and it's policies.

Then there is that loose cannon in California called the Ninth Circuit Court who consistently appeal, override or legislate judicial decisions outside of the judicial and legislative process in favor of liberal causes.
Yes I feel very uneasy about the direction of the nation and the power being wielded by our Komrads on the left in their vehement retaliation for the rest of us trying to follow Constitutional and traditional American values in the quest for our way of life.
They have closed the door for bipartisan talks for the first month of 2019 hours just like FDR did for his first 100 days.

We have  Moslems, Socialists,  Traitors,  even had a Murderer in the Senate, with anywhere from 50 to 70 Communists in the House.

Could Stalinist type purges be that far off?

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