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Nice set of information.
Bear in mind:  First cellular life formed about 3.5 billion years ago.
The ice core record of 425,000 years covers just the ice ages of about half the coldest portion of the current ice epoch (ice epoch marked on time, x, axis; ~2.4 mya to present):
Oxygen isotope ratio is a proxy for temperature.
The current ice epoch, 2.4 million years (my) represents just 0.069% of the time life has existed on Earth.  Current year-round polar ice glacial/interglacial cycles (0.8 my) represents just 0.023% of the time life has existed on Earth.
Note the longer term ice age cycles of the past 800,000 years in the above chart.  These are the only times when year-round polar ice exists at sea level.  Prior to about 800,000 years ago, no polar ice in "summer" seasons.
While the 425,000-year record was made infamous by Mr. Gore's climate change propaganda book & film (he knowingly lied about it), a longer look from the deeper Vostok Antarctic ice core shows the extent of the long-period ice ages during the past 800,000 years of the current ice epoch:
You can see the 425,000-year record (right side) is similar to the preceding cycles (though the interglacials weren't as warm as the more recent).
And no, the CO2 cycles did not "cause" the temperature cycles… just the reverse.  CO2 change lagged temperature change by an average of 800 years.
Why?  Because warmer oceans emit relatively more CO2 to the atmosphere; colder ocean absorb relatively more CO2 from the atmosphere, consequently the cycle visible on this time scale. 
Greater time scales and lesser time scales are less suited to show this because the large deviations of temperature have nothing to do with the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and little to do in the reverse relationship dominated by geological, geothermal and astronomical changes.  The oceans are the greatest source of CO2 on the planet.
You won't see an extension of the 800,000-year record, because there wasn't a year-round ice cover over which to extend the record (see the first chart above), i.e., the core reached bottom (land).
But the current 2.4 my ice epoch is just a tiny snippet of time in the 550 my record (geologic)… in fact, so small (0.4%) a timeframe that it can't be distinguished:

This 550 my record is 15.7% of the 3.5 billion years since life appeared.  It shows three of the seven ice eras Earth experienced over the past 3.5 billion years.
Basically, right at the zero on the right side of the time scale.  The blue line represents temperature which seems to have a practical cap of about 22˚C (today is 14.5˚C)…  22˚C = 71.6˚F and 14.5˚C = 58.1˚F.  Also referred to as global atmospheric surface temperature (GAST), a global index for atmospheric temperature.
The changes in ice and land masses over the relatively short periods are much more dramatic over the longer periods.
Note there are three ice eras shown in the above chart (450 mya, 290 mya, and current).  The temperature dip around 150 mya is insufficient to constitute an "ice era" and was about 5˚F warmer than at present (head for the hills!  We're all going to dieeeeeeeeee!).
Clearly, humans have never experienced Earth's typical climate.  It is a combination of dishonesty and hubris that allows people to believe humans have any capacity to alter global climage.
Next thing we'll be told is that ants built Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids.  Just as likely as humans altering global climate!  The hubris!
Bob Webster

On Jul 26, 2022, at 8:56 AM, Alan DeCarlo a rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" shape="rect" target="_blank" href="mailto:decarloalan@gmail.com" class="yiv7801487023">decarloalan@gmail.com> wrote:

This is redundant.
Most of you know these facts. However, these facts should be widely disseminated.
Climate change politics is an insidious propaganda fraud perpetrated on the public because they project micro changes into  a macro environment. Politicians prey on micro matters...just like the size of their brains.
Examples: The recent heat wave is the result of mankind polluting the atmosphere with carbon emissions. The same goes for violent tornadoes and hurricanes and rising sea levels.
Yes. Sea levels are rising. (But this has been going on for thousands of years, weather cycles are always in flux, and sea level rises are tapering off. It's just bad luck if you happen to own a beach house) 
In addition, the claim that tornadoes are more violent is because there are people now living in areas where peo[ple never lived before to witness them.
FALSE LOGIC that needs to be countered by truth and facts.
The Siberia/ Alaska land bridge no longer exists. England was once part of mainland Europe. You could walk from what is now London to Paris. All due to ice melt. On and on. 
Temperature cycles follow a multi-thousand year repeating pattern.
Most of this is due to Earth orbital repeating patterns. The earth is not flat, ( we got past that one), its solar orbit is not a perfect circle, and it wobbles on its axis. Why? Because the earth was once hit by a planetoid that blew enough matter off to eventually form the moon. And without the moon there would be no tides. Without tides, ocean life would not be what it is today... and weather would be different too.
Good overall source of facts made simple
Explanation of ice ages
Earth orbital cycles and its effect on climate
<Dogger land.png><Dogger.jpg><Earth Temperature.jpg><Sea levels..pdf>

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