We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Vaccines Part of the Plan to Undermine the Constitution

New Vaccine Bills Introduced in States: Take a Stand!

The 2015 legislative session was flooded with attacks on state vaccine exemption laws, and attempts to expand vaccine mandates and the government's ability to track citizen vaccine decisions. Through it all, NVIC's Advocacy Portal stood strong and supported Americans in defending the human and informed consent right to make voluntary, private vaccine decisions without sanction, and tracked 160 bills across 41 states and four national bills in 2015.

While the media and gloating lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry and organized medicine focused the nation's attention on the loss of vaccine exemptions in California and Vermont, citizen action fostered by NVIC's Advocacy Portal (NVICAP) resulted in huge successes and derailed legislative attempts to restrict vaccine informed consent rights in several states.

As the 2016 legislative session picks up steam, bills have already been filed in Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Virginia. Though some of these bills restrict voluntary vaccine decision-making and must be opposed, there are also vaccine related bills that need your support.

Read an article written by NVIC Advocacy Director Dawn Richardson "NVIC's Advocacy Portal Empowers Americans To Stand Against Forced Vaccination Laws," and make a comment here. http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001HyjpYa49X9XPRnbtgcbgXdvDNguh_uKfgBdg...

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I have been refusing vaccines for years now. And refused several for my kids, the later ones.  Refuse, flue shots, pneumonia, and any of the newer ones that are coming out. I have been encouraging my daughter and granddaughter, to be very careful on which vaccines they should allow their children to receive.   My reason is - I believe that ADHD and some of the other children issues are either caused by what is in the vaccines, or are misdiagnosed issues that are not real problems.

For example, my behavior in school, would have been a flag to be diagnosed for ADHD. In Social Studies, I sat in the front row, and would peel off the paint from my pencils. Bored!!  And I sometimes swung my legs to an internal beat. When given a chance to speak out, I'd runoff at the mouth (perhaps you'll notice my posts are sometimes very long.)   This type of behavior has now been considered an indication of ADHD. 

One of the girls I've been tutoring for Kids Ranch, has all of the same behavior issues. She is also one to talk forever, if given an opening. She has been diagnosed with ADHD.  This young lady is now 13, and is working with me during the summer as a junior councilor at the Kids Ranch day camp. I really like working with her - ADHD?  Not a DR. but I feel she is just fine. 

So next thing you know, we'll all be diagnosed with something and will  be controlled by vaccines created for controlling the "We The People.".   




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