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Comments from a very brilliant and politically savvy man..Jeff Willis

I am not certain if anyone truly caught the point of this post!

There was never an attempt to impugn Senator Ted Cruz. He is an eloquent orator. He spews clear logic that speaks for a huge percentage of Americans. His is likewise a "crystalizing" element, defining the ideological divide in present day America.

Anyone who watched Hillary Clinton's performance during last week's hearings, and the subsequent Democrat response, can safely conclude that we are at a standstill. Liberals will continue to view Mrs. Clinton through "rosy colored glasses." Their grand strategy is a simple one. Create a society where more than half of the population is receiving some sort of government assistance. Granting seventeen million illegals unconditional amnesty should do it.

 Cruz is potentially troublesome for the left. His his ability to articulate the advantages of a "red" and a "blue" America could gain traction in 2016.

Donald Trump's candidacy might serve as a reprieve for Dems.. Assuming "the Donald' doesn't fade, Republicans will either attain a close general election victory or incur a decisive loss that will stamp a Socialist destiny on the land. Conservatives will be confused,  ideologically handcuffed.

There is a chance that Trump may yet lose steam. Odds are shrinking that he will. But, we are operating on unchartered ground! I do think that it is a mathematical certainty that Dr. Ben Carson will fade. He has not been vetted but will be! When he is, one might say, "turn out the lights, the party's over!"

Assuming Trump does fade and America awakens to the truth about Carson, it is probable that Cruz will pick up most, if not all of their support. Then things could get REAL interesting!

Could Cruz defeat Hillary? I wouldn't' bet the ranch on it! The former Secretary of State has a truckload of cash! A negative campaign for the ages will be imminent. She will literally try to "scare the socks" off of America, positioning Cruz as a right wing extremist who will do outlandish things to weaker Americans. If you aren't convinced, dig into the archives and review the Goldwater-Johnson campaign.

I was only eight-years-old at that time. But I distinctly remember how strongly my parents supported Barry Goldwater. He was seen as the "American savior" by conservatives. Unfortunately, there were too many Americans who allowed fear to overcome logic when they entered the voting booths.

Don't interpret this thought as a plea to pick another moderate! It isn't! We are fifty plus years later. Americans have moved south and west. The population of our country has nearly doubled. The ideological divide has not been so profound since 1861. Conservatives are seeing liberals increasingly as enemies.

That is why a Cruz nomination, coupled with a close electoral loss could result in a permanent split. For those who googled Woodard's map, the Cascadia, North Star, Lincoln and separatist Quebec movements, you likely see where this is going.

There are approximately 360 million souls in the United States and Canada collectively. When you remove the approximately 13.5 million who would make up Cascadia and 6.5 million accounting for Quebec, there would remain 340 millions. Following Woodard's map, it could be concluded we would have two Americas: a "blue" one with 90-100 million  residents, and a "red" one with 240 to 250 million.

"Blue" America could pursue it's Socialist dream, ala France on the west side of the Atlantic.

"Red" America could finally achieve her destiny as an economic powerhouse, aided by the planet finest farmland and abundant energy resources. A military, stronger than any imagined would promote peace through strength. Public-private partnerships would emerge in an effort to reap the solar systems untapped resources.

What's wrong with this vision? A lot! Our oligarchy includes perhaps 500 mega-rich families who aspire to run everything. Such a development would complicate matters. Especially when considering the new currency that would be certain to accompany a "red" versus "blue" America.

Thus, a Cruz nomination potentially opens a "can or worms." Yet, that "can of worms"" may be what most conservatives want! There are advantages. The country is clearly sick. It will take a lot more that brave words and soundbites to alter the demise that is unfolding!

Conversely, a life can be saved when a gangrenous limb is amputated. To label "blue" American as "gangrenous" is unfair. Their advocates see themselves as enlightened. They consider "red" Americans as "Neanderthals," their ideology "an anachronism." 

In essence, we are unveiling "a clash of perceptions."  

Sadly, there is no right or wrong when encountering a "clash of perceptions." The side with the most power wins. Hopefully, we have moved past1860's methodology. Contrary to the beliefs of many, there may yet be a chance for reconciliation.


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Great and savvy political mind.....

True enough - now the bottom line. Money. So if Trump and Cruz got together (can't see Trump wanting to be Vice-Pres. though) that would be a plus to take down Hillary's money advantage.

Anyway, my husband is for Cruz, says no way to Carsen, and me, I'll vote for the nominee. though hoping it will be Cruz.

Here is the reality, if the nominee is Trump, our side loses 20% of the republican voters, Carson, 10% of the republican voters, Cruz 30% or more of the republican voters, Bush at least 15% of the republican voters and the rest it dosen't matter because they have nearly 0 chance to win the nomination. So you can clearly see there is no viable plan to victory for the republicans in 2016.




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