We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Here is why we must unite in common purpose against a common enemy; Progressive/Socialist Federal Government.

There are several Major attempts to reform the Current Constitutional Amendments to bring the Constitution back into line with what the Founders intended it to be. Having all these separate movements detracts from our strengths just as those in power want it to be weakened so they may maintain their strangle hold over the people and the nation.

We have The Article V Project To Restore Liberty's proposed 28th Amendment that states;


We have the Compact for America that has a major movement going;

We also have the Convention of States;

The Convention of States (COS) Project was founded by Citizens for Self-Governance for the purpose of stopping the runaway power of the federal government. We believe Washington, D.C., is broken and will not fix itself. The federal government is spending this country into the ground, seizing power from the states and taking liberty from the people.

All these movements are dedicated to wresting the power that was stolen from the people by the Elitists in Government and returning it to the people. Those are Good & Laudable intentions, but as my father used to say,"The road to hell is paved with good intentions". 

Here's what is wrong with having multiple movements going about it in differing ways. All the manifold movements are good in themselves, but what they lack is cohesion and numbers large enough to overwhelm the politicians. I seriously doubt the Washington Politico's and their hidden puppet masters would even blink if 90% of the American population demanded they relinquish even an iota of their stolen powers. So how do all these movements plan to succeed individually?

My point is they can't if things remain as is.

I know there are many reputations involved, some big, some average,some small. All those reputations are on the line, and they shouldn't be. They should be working in concert with each other as our Founders did, to create a workable agenda to Restore the Republic, and to Return the Constitution to it's original form with the checks and balances restored to their original strengths to maintain a healthy balance in Government. Never forget what the elitist politico's want you to forget; The Constitution was designed and intended to be the ironclad collar on the Federal Government to prevent what is happening today. It's happening because the people were lulled into the belief that the Federal Government and those rapacious Politico's running it were acting in the best interests of the people instead of themselves.

We need a workable plan to fight the Elitist  Monied  Powers that want to rule over all of mankind by first destroying the hope America gives the world to resist them.

My proposal is for all of us who want to see a resurgence of the American Ethics of Freedom,Liberty,and Self Rule under Constitutional Law, individually contact the leaders of these Patriot and Constitutional reform groups.

The message to them is "United in Common Purpose with an agreed upon Unified Agenda, will have an unstoppable force which will bring about the desired ends that have not been attained separately." We also know we will have extremely limited acquiescence from the Elitist Politico's entrenched in Washington's Clan Locked and Self Aggrandizing environment. The few True Constitutional Patriots there are always being over whelmed by the entrenched hydra like power mongers.

This begs for a workable way around the Washington Labyrinth of Elitist Controllers.

In my opinion we must all focus on our state Legislatures and force them if necessary to accede to our demands they petition for an Article V amendment proposal convention, or for them to unite with all the 50 state Legislatures and send  a proposal for an amendment with the same exact wording about repealing the 14th,16th,and 17th amendments. This must be done first to give the people and the states the Legal upper hand that cannot be degraded by Congress or from a Bench Edict from SCOTUS.

From there we can move forward and push for an amendment that will establish term limits for Congressional Representatives, and any other amendments we decide we need to maintain our Liberty and Freedoms, including returning to the states the usurped controls of the EPA,Dept of Education,Dept of Agriculture, etc. We can even put in place an agreed on method to stop the abuse of Eminent Domain and all the other abuses the Elitists took from the States for their own gratification, advancement of their personal and political fortunes.


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It all starts within the local governments, and the states.

Actually Virginia, it starts with the people working up the courage to overcome the imposed ennui the progressives have infected us with to lessen our ability to revolt against and challenge their their foul agendas. It starts when the people rise up in common cause/protest and carry it through peacefully to the conclusion they want to happen.

True enough.

Here's a little from girls just wanna have guns;

Check out Doug Giles’ latest column. He has a very good point… as sad as it may be.
After watching Hillary’s Oscar winning performance last Thursday before The House Select Committee On Benghazi, I’m now completely convinced that Hillary could stand naked on the smoldering carcass of Chris Stevens while smoking a fat Bob Marley-sized joint, as she screamed aloud the contents of Mein Kampf, and the Left would hail her a Warrior Poet. She’s the new Lizard King … she can do anything.
Matter of fact, if I were Satan, I’d start sweating my crimson butt off because The Hildebeest made the Serpent of Old look like a clunky, overly honest used-car salesmen.  Our Faust has breasts, y’all.
Not one person and not one question rattled Hillary.  As in not one.  As in nada, nothing, zilch, zero, zippo got under her wrinkled, Bill-averse flesh. Bow and kiss the ring, peeps, and meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Hillary’s flawless and skillful execution wasn’t because she was telling the truth — because she wasn’t. She knew she was peddling crack and everyone and their iguana knew that she was lying thru her Frito Pie-hole.  But it didn’t/doesn’t matter because she did it with such amazing precision. And that’s all that matters in our unfortunate day; namely, an adept ability to con abecedarian Americans.
The only weird moment Hillary had came via that coughing fit, which was completely understandable because one can only spout so much bullcrap until it triggers mucus to drain down the back of one’s throat causing one to cough.
Yep, folks, I obviously thought she was good and that she took blowing bollocks to an Olympic level that Obama could only wet-dream of. In comparison to and in contrast with Obama’s attempts at regaling us with his gobbledygook, please note that she didn’t have all the “uhs” and and “ums” that accompany BHO when he’s slinging hash. It was deception perfection on steroids, ladies and gents.
That said, I predict salesmen, shady evangelists, “journalists”, members of Congress, psychopaths, mean girls and Facebook stalkers, in days to come, will study her subtleties because what she wielded was some world-class wiles.
For stage purposes, Hillary looked completely “presidential” during her Benghazi cross.  Completely comfortable.  Nearly too comfortable.  At one point, I thought she was going whip out a Bic razor and start dry shaving her chest, bite her toe-nails off, and start sexting Elijah Cummings for covering her haggard backside during the hearing. Wonka. Wonka.
I don’t believe any of the GOPers could’ve even come close to doing what Hillary did in deceiving The United States of Duh.  Especially, Marco Rubio. Rubio would’ve never been able to pull off that slight-of-hand.  Marco sweats when he tells the truth. He perspires more that a 15-year-old, white, Presbyterian boy at a Beyoncé concert. He’s a rookie. Hillary’s a pro.
And that’s what our presidency has come down to, folks; namely, the ability to adeptly deceive, blame-shift and bamboozle a daft, distracted and dilatory electorate. And if one has, like the Hillary has, a demonic ability to spin, coupled with an adoring media that’ll run interference for you, then boom! You’re our next president.
Finally, and hopefully, God willing, I’m wrong. But if you under-estimate this old chick and the nefarious forces behind her, then you do it to our nation’s detriment.
Share if you think Satan has competition with Hillary

What to make of this?????
The Pentagon and National Guard paid professional sports teams to publicly honor soldiers at sporting events, according to a Senate oversight report released Wednesday that labeled the practice “inappropriate and frivolous.”

Since the end of 2011, the military has spent $6.8 million on sports marketing contracts, according to the report, released by Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake, both Republicans from Arizona.

“By paying for such heartwarming displays like recognition of wounded warriors, surprise homecomings and on-field enlistment ceremonies, these displays lost their luster,” the report said. It is unclear how much of the money went to paid tributes.

The military branches use paid advertisments to encourage enlistments, this is very little different from that.

I would like to think that the two flakes from Arizona had better things to do other than bash the military for 7 million dollars over 5 yrs, while the country is on par to be over 20 TRILLION dollars in debt very soon...

just another distraction so the real problems can continue

how much did that turtle tunnel cost?????

I have to consider this reply from Blades and I do believe he is correct. Perhaps this could be set up with 2 or 3 main discussions that each member inserts their opinions, ideas. 2016 Elections category would be the most important one, and Immigration another. Then the other subjects (for which I  have become addicted to review) can be left as is.  And as some of these subjects gather more involvement, they could also be moved to the open opinion section. Not sure if that is what Blades had in mind, but that's my thoughts for the day.  

Not what I had in mind at all, It was to show that the progressives inside the GOP are doing exactly what the dems are doing which is wasting time and money on useless investigations/programs while money is pouring out of a hole the size of texas on useless and unconstitutional items...

mccain has lost his hero status and is now in the traitor category by failing to abide by his oath of office

You make an excellent case for us becoming united against the politicians that are destroying America bit by bit. We can't do it alone so we must take a Caveat from Benjamin Franklin and "Join or Die."

the first step in any endeavor is of course  acceptance of the problem or the denial that it exists...the biggest problem I  have had is the resistance of those that refuse to accept or see the problem..

as for the join or die..I started 35 yrs ago and even after being deleted several times over the last 2 yrs I refuse to be silenced from speaking the truth regardless of who doesnt like it





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