This is the image of America that Obama wants to give the rest of the world – and it is shameful.
In an act that could be charitably described as a breach of decorum—or seen as an unforgivable slight to those who perished in Friday’s terror attacks, President Obama arrived late to the conference room for Monday’s session.
A video posted to Youtube shows the seat beside Turkish President RecepTayyip Erdogan, reserved for the American president, was empty as Erdogan called the group to observe a moment of silence.
In the video, the placard to the right of the Turkish leader was clearly labeled “United States” in front of a very empty chair. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was shown looking over her shoulder, as if to see where the missing Obama might be.
As the group rose, the U.S. president could be seen walking to his seat from the right as the other leaders stood in silence. Later in the video, Obama was shown standing next to Erdogan, behind his chair.