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Lets Debunk Most Of The Myth/Spin In This Subtle Progressive Propaganda Piece

Source; http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/01/gun-control-nra...

I am going to try and take apart this seemingly mundane and deliberately misleading piece of propaganda. My comments are situated within the article in Italicized Bold print.

Good News for the Gun Lobby

President Obama’s attempt to tighten ​​firearms laws could​​ benefit advocacy groups, dealers, and manufacturers.

The politics of gun control are shifting. Democrats have long feared that loudly advocating for stricter gun laws, and attacking the gun lobby, would cost them elections. But now President Obama and Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton are unapologetically picking a fight with the National Rifle Association.

At a televised town hall on gun control Thursday, Obama accused the NRA of having “a stranglehold on Congress.” Meanwhile, on the campaign trail, Clinton has vowed to take on the gun lobby. “The safety of our families is more important than the interests of the NRA. Full stop,” the candidate’s twitter account declared at the end of the president’s town hall.

That criticism reflects a strategic calculation: Democrats are increasingly convinced that gun control may not be so politically toxic after all. At least some are willing to bet that the NRA is not the threat they once believed. But a push for tightening regulations on firearms has the potential to make the gun lobby even stronger.


Lets really look at what Obama said. You have to read between the lines about his closing the Gun Show Loop Hole. That in fact means he wants to prevent Law Abiding citizens from selling or gifting their property to another citizen as is allowed by the law and when the NRA challenged that bit of spin and lies, he decided to strike back at them by using the emotional rhetoric of the NRA having a strangle hold on Congress because they don't automatically bow down and kiss his Butt on everything he says. That is a known Advertising/Propaganda technique that works well with the educationally and informationally impaired.

Hillary sounded off by using the same technique about the "Safety of our Families" rhetoric as a highly charged emotional ploy to make us simply not think that facing a situation where there is a bad guy who is armed and wants to commit mayhem or murder, and without us having any means of protection, is "Safer" than being able to meet force with force to stop the violent one.


When Americans fear the government may be on the verge of confiscating guns,they rush to buy more. The president’s calls for gun control also create an opening for the gun lobby to make highly-charged appeals to their members. Gun owners may feel motivated to write checks to gun rights organizations if they worry that their Second Amendment rights are threatened. That’s good for firearms dealers and manufacturers, and good for the gun lobby.


It may be good for the firearms Manufacturers, but in reality it is just the people exercising their Constitutional rights. If you look at the FBI/DOJ statistics on gun related deaths and compare them with other countries , yes we do have a higher incidence. However; If you take into consideration the overriding factor of the amount of guns per 1000 people, the US falls way down towards the bottom. It falls even lower when you combine all the violent deaths from attacks and self induced deaths into the statistics. So, who's really lying?


This cause-and-effect is currently on display. Obamaannounced executive actions aimed at curbing gun violence on Tuesday. At the heart of the effort is an attempt to clarify what it means to be in the business of selling guns, a move expected to expand background checks. The president kept up the drum beat on Thursday, writing in a New York Times op-ed that he won’t “campaign for, vote for, or support any candidate, even in my own party, who does not support common-sense gun reform.” 


Here is a really transparent attempt to spin and control the dialogue. Obama is implying that even his own party of admittedly progressive gun grabbers are some kind of Daemon if they don't support his veiled attempt to subvert the Second Amendment. He refuses to obey the stricture within it "Shall Not Be Infringed". According to the Founders the Federal Government was not allowed to do what they have done so far. In fact it was supposed to be the State Legislatures listening to the people they are supposed to represent, that has the Constitutional right to create laws concerning firearms their constituents demand and go no further than that.

As my colleague Russell Berman explains, Obama’s executive actions are unlikely to change much.

But the president’s high-profile stand on gun control sparks fear. Gun rights groups say that firearm owners are rallying against the president’s agenda: “It helps everything, fundraising, recruiting, getting people active, I’m really shocked that he [Obama] would do this in an election year,” said Erich Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, a gun-rights organization that advertises itself as “the only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington,” a quote the group attributes to libertarian icon Ron Paul.

“It does energize gun owners to want to really get out there and exercise their rights,” said Amy Hunter, a spokeswoman for the NRA. “You do see that at any time that people perceive or believe to be a threat to their gun rights.”

This section is an admission that Obama wants to use fear and mis-direction and spin to bluff the public into the lie that he is only doing something to "Protect Them" and not setting the stage for future Australia/England/etc style confiscations. It also makes to trivialize the fact of what Obama's Executive Order will not substantially change the rules of the game so his flawed and dictatorial DOJ,BATFE,FBI squads can now by simply following orders like the Gestapo did in Hitlers Germany, Mao's China,Pol Pot's Cambodia Killing Fields, to attack otherwise Law Abiding Citizens for selling even one gun to another Law Abiding Citizen without getting that FFL and doing the background checks plus keeping the records properly.

It’s not just the president feeding that fear. After Obama’s executive actions debuted this week, Republican presidential contenders leapt to denounce them with angry rhetoric, casting the gun control push as proof of an overbearing White House intent on destroying individual liberty. “OBAMA WANTS YOUR GUNS,” the Ted Cruz campaign proclaimed against the backdrop of an image of an ominous-looking Obama decked out in military-style attire. The homepage of Gun Owners of America broadcast the message: “Obama Declares War on Gun Owners.” The NRA suggested that Obama was attempting to trample on the Second Amendment rights of American citizens, calling the executive actions “ripe for abuse.”

Strangely enough that is true about Obama not being the only one who is using fear, however the NRA,GOA,et.al. are using it as a timely Alert to America that Obama's way is very remiss in standing up for our Constitutional Rights, but instead, he is trampling them every day in every way that he can. You can rest assured that with Obama pushing so hard for this travesty of justice, that the abuse will be manifold and harsh.

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I get a lot of heat from even conservatives (or so they claim) over this matter of whom should be ALLOWED to exercise a right. Allow a right? Seriously?

This is the first bunch to sing the praises of background checks and point to the 30k gun laws on the books as proof that they are already "reasonable" and should be enforced. We have seen this particular form of psychosis originating in other areas rife with poorly thought out laws. 

One cannot grant a right they exist from the moment one becomes a human.

This sums it up nicely if anyone is interested, as Im not going to get wordy.

The Truth About The Second Amendment And Obama

So much for the ability to ride the fence.

I'd like to forward this whole discussion to Stop This Insanity with your permission, Rhodes and M.

I have no objection Virginia,





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