We few Conservatives are faced with a massive multi pronged attack by the Socialist Progressive faction in American Politics today. They over the years have systematically destroyed the morals and work ethics of main stream Americans, and have stolen from them the tax dollars to ply preferential treatment through their lopsided programs that help only those who continue voting that scum back in office. They readily use every dirty and underhanded trick to curry favor with the low intelligence and low information voters. They blatantly use our long held morality as the catch phrases to emotionally "Hook" the populace into supporting their schemes while turning the morals into moral turpitude in the action phases of their agendas.The Obama Administration is Satanically clever in doing this while in fact destroying the United States of America. Can any rational person deny this?
Let me cite some outright defiance's of Constitutional Law and the twisting of the Bill of Rights that was set within it to protect our unalienable rights. Recently the gun grabbing Progressive Socialists have been citing Australia and UK with their buy back schemes to confiscate guns from the public. The "Buy Backs" were not voluntary, the public had no choice in the matter they were ordered to turn in their private property. Since the UK basically banned all handguns,knives and other sharp instruments continue to be the most common methods of killing according to the report from 2011/12 citing 209 homicides during that period. Australia and the UK take different methods of reporting incidents than the FBI does, so it's hard to make accurate comparisons.
In the 15 years since UK basically banned most guns, most gun crime can be traced back to the illegal guns still in circulation. Get it? ILLEGAL GUNS STILL IN CIRCULATION. That FACT belies the gun grabbers Pet Mantra about taking away the guns of Law Abiding Citizens will make it safer for everyone. Bullsh*t. England has about only 1000 illegal guns in circulation, and the US has an estimated 280 million guns in country and it's impossible to know or even track illegal guns because of a quirk in the law that makes it ok for a criminal to not register a gun due to the fact it would be self incrimination in the case in 1968 of Haynes v United states. I wonder which Progressive judges decided that boondoggle?
An interesting and Myth Busting site on Gun Facts/Gun Control Myths/Crime and Guns can be seen with it's indepth explanations about how the Gun Grabbers are using false data and outright lies combined with emotional but hollow pleas to bluff the public into believing their particular agendas. See;
http://www.gunfacts.info/gun-control-myths/crime-and-guns/ .
here is an excerpt from that site ( Basic to the debates on gun control is the fact that most violent crime is committed by repeat offenders. Dealing with recidivism is key to solving violence.
- 71% of gunshot victims had previous arrest records.
- 64% had been convicted of a crime.
- Each had an average of 11 prior arrests. 1, 2
- 63% of victims had criminal histories and 73% of that group knew their assailant (twice as often as victims without criminal histories). 3
- 74% of homicides during the commission of a felony involve guns. 4
Most gun violence is between criminals. This should be the public policy focus. )
I wonder what the gun grabbers will do to spin and lie about these facts? This site uses the statistics put out by the various agencies that are down played or ignored by the media to support the progressive stance of the gun grabbers like Bloomberg. In fact it punches many very big holes in their stated theories about crime and guns. Really worth the read to get to the point where the average citizen can formulate their own ideas about guns and gun controls.
Everyone must remember that our Second Amendment was placed within the Bill of Rights so the Citizens would have a means of self defense against their own Government. The Founders based this need on the British Government trying to confiscate the colonists guns so they could ride roughshod over them with dictatorial policies which led to the war of independence. We again have an oppressive Government that is literally terrified of it's citizens uniting to take back the powers that Overreaching Government stole from them over the years.
The Second Amendment protecting private ownership of guns and the Law Abiding Citizens properly using those guns is the Shining Symbol of our Self Rule, Liberty, and Freedoms. Never forget that. If the fledgling Oligarchy that is the Federal Government ever manages to take away that symbol by confiscating or so over regulating gun ownership, we will lose our perceived Freedom,Liberty,and Self Rule.
That is just one of the many many onslaughts the Progressive Elitist Faction is dropping on the heads of American Citizens. This Must Stop!!!