We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Now that we are pretty sure that Trump is going to be nominated to run as a Republican . We need to come together and get behind him. During the remaining  primary battles,Trump will start to mend the fences and start to focus on defeating Hillary. My guy Rand Paul lost. I got over it, and moved on. I ended up seeing Donald Trump as the best choice. Through my research, I have found that he just may be a better choice than Rand. I said from the beginning I would not vote for a progressive (establishment) type. Ted through my research is to connected to the UN`s project Agenda 21 .I would vote for him in the General , only because he is a constitutional conservative.But I do not trust him.to follow up on his promises. He is a career politician, and his canned speeches prove that.He will just become a political correct conservative ,with good skills of deceptively measured speeches....As the next few weeks unfold, and Trump starts to unite us all. I ask all to listen with an open mind. We The People ,all have a job to do. We will have to be good Patriotic Citizens. We must loose our selfish ways and become united to make us Whole again...LOL. This saying is a joke when Hillary says it.. But in fact, the truth is. We do need to become friendlier with one another.We need to stop the division that the politics of this past administration has dished out. The President can not help us, if we do not help him. I do not know about you guys. But I am sick of all the hatred within our community`s....If Trump is not right one, we will only truly know that if we give him a fair chance....It is time to take a deep breath, and gather ourselves to begin to explain to doubters, that we have the better choice over Hillary. ....This video is a Black mans view of why Trump should be the President...

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Yes both of you are correct. Here is Wisconsin, my husband and I spend some time trying to watch for American made, - not put together in the USA, but made in America.  And sometimes, we have paid more just because.

you are not getting anything more for your money for your patriot effort and it only hurts American business in the long run. If America wants to sell its products it needs to learn how to compete and make quality cost effective products.

We have discovered some very interesting companies that are America first. Big problem, Government regulations that keep these  companies small.  So that is the bigger problem in my estimation. Government regs. that make it harder for American companies to compete.

Just had a chance to listen to Sean Hannity - only a few minutes but it was a picture of what some people believe.  This caller said that the GOP has no one he can vote for, so he is voting Hillary. Now, Sean wanted to ask him why he felt that way and he tried to set up discussion. What does Hillary offer, that the GOP do not. What do you dislike about the GOP, and what do you dislike about Hillary. What are your reasons for voting and what is your wishes for the new President. He tried to present "what do you think about immigration - same as, Trump/Cruz, or same as Hillary". What about amnesty. He didn't get near any of this, the man just insisted he'd vote for Hillary because he hated what Washington is doing to the country. What he disliked about the country fits Hillary like a glove, but failed to even consider a discussion with Sean.  This is the big problem - no one wants to listen to others who wish to express other thoughts, other beliefs. 

This person did not want to even consider Trump, or Cruz, or Rubio.

There is an old saying...You can`t fix stupid.

regulations are a bother, they don't prevent companies from being competitive. The Large corporation uses legal tricks to get around the regulations, smaller companies do not have the money to hire the legal experts to get around the regulations. Most companies large or small do not have the discipline to follow a regulation, that is why it is so costly and trouble to do. Most companies don't have the discipline to follow their own rules and procedures to produce a consistent quality product. If they can't even do that right, there is little chance they will be successful with added regulation burdens to follow. Tax breaks and reducing regulations will not make American products attractive. Having efficient production operations and consistent quality products will make America's products attractive again. We have a long way to go to get back to that kind of workforce. 

"regulations are a bother, they don't prevent companies from being competitive. The Large corporation uses legal tricks to get around the regulations, smaller companies do not have the money to hire the legal experts to get around the regulations.

Ok does anyone else see a major contradiction here?

A strong demurral w/Cato's assertions.

1.) As for the "policy called protectionism", it was, in fact, naked protectionism as the Republican Party imposed ever more onerous Tariffs on imported goods. It was argued by the DC crony merchant class, that this was necessary to "protect our infant industries" from higher quality goods from Britain and increasingly from Germany. The assertion that protectionism made us the greatest industrial power in the world,is exaggerated nonsense. Britain was approaching its zenith of Empire at the close of the 19th century and Germany was rising rapidly The Great War devastated both nations and vaulted the United States to the top.

2.) As for Mercantilism, the hoarding of bullion (gold and silver) was the economic policy of Spain beginning in the 16th century and to a lesser degree, France as both nations were absolutist in political temperament. It was least applied by Great Britain, particularly after having been thoroughly discredited by thinkers and writers such as John Locke, David Hume and Adam Smith in the 18th century.

The Truth is, and is also my honest opinion...ANYONE WILL BEAT HILLARY...Trump is by far the best choice ...But here is my point that I would like to make.When the General election starts to play out, Hillary will not be able to absorb the truthful attacks that will come at her...The internet is a huge delivery system that in the last 8 years has become a way of life for almost everyone.When the facts play out about the lie`s and evil wrong doings of Hillary and Bill. I trust that people will see the truth. People will still try and lie, but there are more of us now that know how to debunk the bs with facts. Many are engaging and want the true facts. It is important that we stay engaged. The establishment is trying to get a brokered convention. Romney should be on the top of the hit list if they pull off this crime of stealing the American election. This will bring about  a time in history like other dark times. This is why they practice with jade helm. This is why they adopted knew Marshall laws. This is why they bought all the ammo. This is why they have militarized task forces in BLM ,FISH AND WILD LIFE EPA,POST OFFICE, AND MANY MORE. Hell they have been working towards nationalizing the sheriffs offices .Our police have become so militarized and we all thought it was for our protection...LOL Boy we were idiots...Getting back to the point. We can not let the establishment win.If we let them win this one. We are doomed. ....We must educate everyone to the truth. We must work hard. WE ARE IN A FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM...AND THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT.

Just caught this on the ticker news message. Ben Carson for Trump.  Hey, wonder what this would do for delegates if they try something at the conference. 


Well at least those with any shot of a nomination. Right now even Berny is giving her fits just entirely based on her own unfavorable numbers. Berny aint exactly a force of nature but seriously reflects the Dems own problems with revolt.

See this is why the stop Trump thing is so deathly serious as it is well accepted among them the white house is the prize for nomination. Trump can win, Cruz might be able (it is a crazy world) and Rubio could even do it (heck Rubio's dog might be able to do it). We can tell Rubio was to be crowded this time just from the responses. Something however has gone so very wrong... 

Now of course a lot of people could be very wrong about what exactly is going on, not like they publish a guide is it, we are left as always to see through a glass and darkly.

Popcorn is good, not being fooled is better.

* Whatever his foibles, mistakes, warts, vulgarisms etc; Trump is perceived as an agent of change and the deciders/voters want change. That's reality.

* Nothing is more powerful that an idea whose time has come. Match that w/Trump's audacity in seizing the moment and a crystal clear picture emerges for anyone not willfully blind.

* As for the R politicians who won't support him; they see him as a mortal threat to their power. Real simple.

* As for Fatso the Harridan, increasingly the D rank and file grasp that their primary is fixed since even as Sanders share of the vote climbs, her delegate count rises.

* Can Trump win? Most emphatically and those asserting the opposite are whistling their hopes and wishes as they tiptoe past the graveyard.and they know it.




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