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Will Hillary Take Away Civilian CCW's With Her Gun Control Policies?

Something else from my friend The Tradesman;

Source; http://www.selfreliancecentral.com/2016/08/09/concealed-carry-permi...

As we all know, Hillary is a Dyed in the Wool Anti Gun Politician. She makes no apology for her desire to overrule the Constitution and remove ALL guns from the hands of Law Abiding Citizens. But,m Like Trump said, The provisions of the Second Amendment would stop her from doing that. Congress would not go along with her on General Confiscation of American Civilian Firearms.

There is a secondary problem she could unleash on the American Public through Executive Orders and Political arm twisting with State Governors. Especially Governors in the Battleground States. That problem would be having the States Governors issue Executive orders to tighten up the CCW regulations to the point that no civilian except her cherished Elites could get a permit to carry.

FBI Statistics show that Americans are damned worried about the proliferation of violence and pop up terrorism, and the cavalier degrading retorts Hillary has responded with to people who are just wanting to exercise their God Given Right to protect themselves and their loved ones.. They have been taking classes and going through training like the good stable Law abiding Citizens they are to obtain the legal ability to carry a firearm in public to defend themselves. In fact ,according to the report the number of Permits have skyrocketed over the last four years.

The greatest increase has been in the Battleground States of Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. Hillary would like to have these States and in Fact All of the United States clamp down on the issuance of permits to the point that States like New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, and the other States where it is technically impossible to get a permit unless you are in with the Political Elites, look like the easy States to get a permit in.

Screen Shot 2016-07-26 at Tuesday, July 26, 3.44 PM

Aboce Graphic from The Crime Research Center @ http://crimeresearch.org/2016/07/new-study-14-5-million-concealed-h... see the full breakdown there.

Two of Hillary's most critically important Swing States are Pennsylvania and Florida. Both those States have over 1 MILLION permit holders, Permit holders that will be at risk of losing their permits by the Whim of Her Un-imperial Majesty Hillery. She don't care about what the people want, she only cares about the Main agendas to castrate the Constitution and remake America in the NWO preferred image. 

Funny that she prattles on with hollow rhetoric about the Republicans waging a 'War On Women' when it's clear from the stats women are leading in getting Permits. Hillary's stance would deny them the right to protect themselves from violent attackers by denying them the means to even the odds with a concealed firearm used to stop attacks by heavier and stronger attackers. So, Who is actually warring on Women with their agenda to take away the means for Women to protect themselves?

In fact, you have large enough numbers of Permit Holders in the Battleground States to shift the vote away from Hillary should they become aware of what she is planning to do with the guns and Permits. I'll bet she will even try to sugar coat it with something like a spin that says, if we take away the guns then people will be safer from attacks so it's better you don't have any. The fallacy in that is; How in Hell will she, or for that matter any gun grabber, take the guns away from the Terrorists and Criminals? It does not even begin to address the potential of women getting hurt by violent physical attacks from bigger and stronger attackers.

Look at some figures Ohio 549,000 permits, Michigan 556,136 permits, Indiana 728,976 permits, North Carolina 530,092 permits, These numbers can sway an election. This works out to an average of 11% to 15% of the population in these states having permits that Hillary would see taken away for no other reason that it's the Elitists agenda to disarm the civilian population to better control them through fear.

It used to be that women usually leaned towards Democrats in the past, but the Paradigm has changed significantly in the past few years. Women are more aware and ready to defend themselves now more than any time in the past from Violence against their persons. Even Women in the minorities have drastically increased their numbers as permit holders. This makes the issue of guns significant in the November elections. It also means the Democrats through Hillary will do everything in their power to spin their lies  and half truths about what they intend to do with Gun Control measures.

Eight States that show the statistics by gender show that women permit holders have increased by 161% and men permit holders have increased by 85%. Even Ultra Blue States like Washington show women opting to get permits 2 to 1 over men, That;s twice as fast as men applying for the permits. The figures are based on the available verified data. That in itself should make the Democratic Socialists think twice about facilitating the Elitists desire to institute total gun control.

Recently, and due to world conditions being what they are, the old childish fears about guns are evaporating. Couple that with the steady trend to educate and train permit holders in the safe, proper, and legal use of guns for self protection, and also train for proficiency in their use. You have a whole new and favorable outlook to displace the old propaganda the gun grabbers have put out since back when the Sullivan Laws took effect in New York in 1911. Is it any wonder why the average Law abiding citizen can't even get a permit in New York ? That's what Hillary wants for every state.

Consider this Verified Statistic; Between 2007 and 2015 State and Local permits increased 215% and over 14.5 Million Americans now hold permits to carry. The biggest lie that the Elitist gun grabbers pushed about average citizens being able to walk around armed would make it like the wild west out there in the streets. The Elitists were implying the streets would run red with blood, and people would do what the cowboy movies stock in trade of depictions of the Gunfight at the OK Corral would become commonplace. That didn't happen. In fact, it did mirror the true West with less crime and violence because an armed society is a polite and law abiding society, besides the depictions in the cowboy movies are pure fantasy. 

The other big lie the gun grabbers told and made people believe was that there would be an increase in crime with everyone having a gun. That didn't happen, in fact there was a drastic drop in violent crime and drops in other crimes like assault, robbery, home invasion, etc. Getting back to the statistics, the majority of the increase was among non-whites with them applying for and getting permits about 75% faster than whites. That terrified the Democrats considering they were the ones traditionally behind the exploitation and abuse of non-whites. Their fears did not materialize but they still refuse to back off their dogma about guns in the hands of law abiding citizens are somehow wrong and dangerous. I ask; For Who?. This trend mirrors women getting armed for protection and probably for the same eminently valid reasons of self protection.

Consider this idea; We know that Urban areas are still hotbeds of crime, and that is due to years of Democrat mismanagement, and deliberate agendas to keep the poor under the thumb of their new masters, the democrats themselves. But the people who were trapped in that situation could better protect themselves from crime, if they are legally armed,trained,and can legally carry. Look what happened to the crime rates in DC with the Heller decision. Knowing that should Hillary get in the Oval Office, the advances we have made in the means of Self Protection will be eradicated if Hillary loads the Supreme Court with Hard Left Justices, like she said she would, even though the Court is supposed to be non-partisan. This should be a major factor in choosing who will win the presidency. If Hillary wins look for immediate overregulation, Reversal of Pro Second Amendment rulings, and eventual confiscation using Britain and Australian methods making anyone who refuses an automatic FELON. The Heller decision by Anton Scalia will fade into oblivion. Whether it does or not depends totally on who becomes the next President.

The gun issue and Second Amendment Rights is the critical Constitutional issue that defines the candidates. It needs to be talked about continuously until November, and we need to get firm statements that jibe with past practices from both candidates over their stand on this issue, and commitments from them that they will adhere to their stated agenda about Guns.and the Second Amendment. Considering the massive increase in permit application and issuance in the Swing States the Gun Issue will be a deciding factor unless people buy Hillary and the Media onslaught of lies and misdirection.

The Tradesman

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Pass this around Please

Based on her actions it's true.

Looked at the map - it has a slight error. In Wisconsin, yes you need a permit to conceal carry, but our Constitution allows open carry. Though I would not be willing to do that in Milwaukee or Madison. I'd likely get attacked!!!  And even with conceal carry, I would not go into those cities with a concealed carry gun that can be discovered if someone waylays me. Better to have something more easily used - like a bat.   

However, I would not stand still for any of her take aways.  My rights are involute to protect my family, my property and my life..

OR, you could go online and purchase a 'ZAP STICK' which is a Taser Wand disguised as a flashlight if it's legal for you to carry one where you live.




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