We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Sent in by Mangus Colorado;

After being interviewed by the school administration, the prospective teacher said:  "Let me see if I've got this right.

You want me to go into that room with all those kids, correct their disruptive behavior, observe them for signs of abuse, monitor their dress habits, censor their T-shirt messages and instill in them a love for learning.

You want me to check their backpacks for weapons, wage war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, and raise their sense of self-esteem and personal pride.

You want me to teach them patriotism and good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play, and how to register to vote, balance a check book, and apply for a job.

You want me to check their heads for lice, recognize signs of antisocial behavior, and ensure that they all pass their final exams..

You also want me to provide them with an equal education regardless of their handicap and communicate regularly with their parents in English, Arabic or any other language, by letter, telephone, newsletter, and report card

You want me to do all this with a piece of chalk, a blackboard, a bulletin board, a few books, a big smile, and a starting salary that qualifies me for "New Start."

You want me to do all this, and then you tell me......

I CAN'T wear a necklace with a little cross, mention God, or say "Merry Christmas" because someone might take offense? "

Well, you know what you can do with your job........

This should be posted in every school in America and all countries.

Think about it!

If Muslims can pray anywhere, why are Christians banned from praying in public and from erecting religious displays on their holy days?

Muslims are allowed to b lock off major streets, in all American States and pray in the middle of the street! And it's a monthly ritual!

Tell me, again, whose country is this

Ours or the Muslims?

I was asked to send this on if I agree, or delete if I don’t.

It is said that 86% of Americans believe in God. Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a problem in having 'God' in our education system or the Lord's Prayer said in our government, schools or public meetings.

I believe it's time we stand up for what we believe!

Support America......

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That's so wrong.  We can pray wherever we want.

The Church in our town has a "Fall Festival" every October and blocks off 2 streets.

Congress begins each session with a prayer.

My town's City Council meetings begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.

Mrs. Colorado can pray whenever she wants and wherever she wants.  Apparently, she just doesn't like Muslims and gets angry when they pray.  She doesn't mention Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, or any other religion, so I assume she's OK with them.  It's just the Muslims she reserves her hatred for.

"Who does this country belong to?" she asks and offers either "us" or the Muslims.  Doesn't it belong to all of us, collectively as a group, regardless of our religious affiliation, if any?  That's what I was taught.  I was taught that the Nazi's disenfranchised one particular religious group and for that the Nazi's were forever after thought of as monsters and not to be tolerated in a free society. 

Hi T, here is my rebuttal;

That's so wrong.  We can pray wherever we want.

The Church in our town has a "Fall Festival" every October and blocks off 2 streets.

Congress begins each session with a prayer.

My town's City Council meetings begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.

Mrs. Colorado can pray whenever she wants and wherever she wants.  Apparently, she just doesn't like Muslims and gets angry when they pray.  She doesn't mention Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, or any other religion, so I assume she's OK with them.  It's just the Muslims she reserves her hatred for.
T, Read the  quran sometime. 
It's not the praying people object to it's the total Intolerance of other religions and human sensibilities that is part and parcel of Islam.
Other Religions do not behead the ones they call infidels, who are members of other religions who refuse to convert to Islam.
Other Religions do not mutilate women calling it a female circumcision when they remove the clitoris without anesthetic.
Other Religions do not keep slaves of both kinds, Black males are castrated and women are used sexually, both are used for hard labor just like the southern slaves were prior to the Civil War, and it's LEGAL in ALL Islamic countries..
Other Religions do not officially condone Honor Killings of women members of the family for embarrassing the family.
Other Religions do not officially require stoning women to death for many so called offenses.
Other Religions do not sanction selling women as sex slaves.
Other Religions do not require two men to testify in behalf of a woman who was raped to be believed.Usually the woman is killed and the man gets away with it.Other Religions do not require two women as a witness because one woman's testimony is considered only half a testimony.
Other Religions don't have their Priests (Imams in Islam) preach hatred of others, and urge their members to go on a world wide Jihad to exterminate them as part of daily prayers.
Other Religions do not sanction marriage between prepubescent girls and fully grown men.

"Who does this country belong to?" she asks and offers either "us" or the Muslims.  Doesn't it belong to all of us, collectively as a group, regardless of our religious affiliation, if any?  That's what I was taught.  I was taught that the Nazi's disenfranchised one particular religious group and for that the Nazi's were forever after thought of as monsters and not to be tolerated in a free society. 
Oh, bye the way, Islam was a staunch ally to Hitler from the 1930's until the end of the war.
that is their daily devotional.
I posted the memes because they tend to sum up the real Islam. It is neither a religion nor is it benign. It is a murderous cult that abuses their women treating them like cattle and property. You may not believe it, but everything calling for death and destruction of the non-believers is in the Quran and every Muslim is supposed to adhere to it when they get the physical majority of Muslims in the country they want to overthrow. It's called Taqiyya and Kitman. Look it up.

I think you posted them because they were composed by Russian trolls.  Shame on you for falling for this so easily. I don't believe you know the real Islam or any Islamic people. 

You have never read the Quran and  don't believe you read the Bible, either.  You need to stop.

Who wants to keep the virgin female children for themselves?

And they warred against the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Moses; and they slew all the males.

And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.  And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.  And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire.

And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women (and children) alive?  Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the female children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Those are some sick bastards, I'd say.

Actually T I have five Muslims in my Lodge. They are as appalled by the Jihadists and most of the quotes promoting violence and killing as I am. However they have publicly disavowed those issues and in doing so have jeopardized their lives because of potential retribution from other Muslims. Don't forget the Quran demands these things of every Muslim with no exceptions or modifications allowed. Basically it's graven in stone.

Seriously, M  =  If this is how you gather your facts and spread your regressive filth, then I'm gone.  

Rape, torture, slavery, et al is ever-present worldwide and is not confined to one religion or country.  It certainly also thrives in so-called Christian cultures, too.  The Bible itself, if far more violent than the Quran, which you would know if you read either one. You have probably lived your life such that, as far as the Bible is concerned, you should have been stoned or burned alive at least once a month.

"Happy is he who takes your babies and dashes them against the rocks."  Is that a horrible thought?  It's in the Bible where God often commands his people to kill everything that breathes, men, women, children, babies, cattle, goats, chickens, everything that breathes.  What could babies have possibly done to offend God so that he would want them all dead?.    Then, God kills every breathing thing in the world with the great flood.   Nice guy. 

WHAT?  That was a myth?  The guy inside a whale for 4 days was a myth, too?  Where was the disclaimer? Maybe it was a Miracle??  Hold on, now.  You believe in Miracles, do NOT believe in Science or the conclusions of scientists, but you do take advantage of physicians, medicines, and vaccines (all developed by the application of Science) but do NOT "believe in" Climate Change" but do believe a weather forecaster when he says all the climate scientists are wrong.  I'm sensing a disconnect with reality.

The errors, the poorly vetted "FACTS", the obvious false "quotes" and the intentional parroting of misinformation and now, the horrific lies that are posted on this site are appalling and you don't even for a moment question their authenticity.   In fact, like the Russians, you don't care if you represent the truth, as long as the message fits your anti-American agenda. Obviously, you simply pander to your limited and regressive audience which will be one person smaller today. 

But what was I to expect from you - a former Detroit cop?  Police are the foremost experts on manufacturing evidence, lying under oath, beating suspects into submission, and other atrocities. All in the name of "protecting and serving" the community, when all they care about is protecting each other from getting caught and punished and serving their own interests.

I'm out.  I'm done with this sham of a debate.

Finally, I am not a female.

And, I'm not a Detroit Cop now. As far as Islam being benevolent I understand you are from somewhere in Michigan. Try going to Dearborn Michigan and handing out bibles on a public street. You will see how peaceful Muslims are when they have the majority. I read about some evangelists that tried it, they were beaten and when the cops came, they were the ones arrested, not their attackers. Google it.


Seriously, M  =  If this is how you gather your facts and spread your regressive filth, then I'm gone.  

Rape, torture, slavery, et al is ever-present worldwide and is not confined to one religion or country. 
( It is only in the Islamic cultures that Slavery of the old style as well as sex slavery is considered legal and is practiced. Islamics are the only cult ure that regularily keeps black men and women as slaves, however they castrate all the males.) 
It certainly also thrives in so-called Christian cultures, too. 
( In Christian cultures the criminal element uses sex trafficking of women and children predominantely and that is misnomered as White Slavery.) 
The Bible itself, if far more violent than the Quran, which you would know if you read either one. You have probably lived your life such that, as far as the Bible is concerned, you should have been stoned or burned alive at least once a month. 
( Actually the old testament is as violent as the Quran but the New Testament is not. In the earliest passage Exedous 21:24 you see the verse An Eye for an Eye etc. unlike the common interpretation, It really said Take no more than an Eye for an Eye or a Tooth for a tooth meaning it was a plea for mercy, not for retribution. The intent behind the principle was to restrict compensation to the value of the loss. ethical Judaism and humane Jewish jurisprudence replaces the peshat (literal meaning) of the written Tora

"Happy is he who takes your babies and dashes them against the rocks." (That is a misquote from a Psalm, One cherished psalm (137) begins with the lovely line, "By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept"; it ends by blessing anyone who would seize Babylon's infants and smash their skulls against the rocks.  Is that a horrible thought?  It's in the Bible where God often commands his people to kill everything that breathes, men, women, children, babies, cattle, goats, chickens, everything that breathes.  What could babies have possibly done to offend God so that he would want them all dead?. (The difference between the Bible and the Koran is not that one book teaches love while the other proclaims warfare and terrorism, rather it is a matter of how the works are read. Yes, the Koran has been ransacked to supply texts authorizing murder, but so has the Bible)    Then, God kills every breathing thing in the world with the great flood. ( Not everything, just the wicked. Besides every culture has a great flood as part of their pre-history religions)  Nice guy. ( Look at these passages from the Quran (Koran 8.12) (Koran 9.5) (Koran 8.60)  (Koran 4.34) (Koran 5.33) ( 9:29) (9:5) (2:191) (47:4) ( 8:12) (4:34)  One text from Sura (Chapter) 47 begins "O true believers, when you encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads."  Ok lets say the Old Testament was horrible and worse than the modern day Quran. The Western world has moved forward since the days of fire and brimstone, but the Middle East is turning backward toward it.

WHAT?  That was a myth?  The guy inside a whale for 4 days was a myth, too?  Where was the disclaimer? Maybe it was a Miracle??  Hold on, now.  You believe in Miracles, do NOT believe in Science or the conclusions of scientists, but you do take advantage of physicians, medicines, and vaccines (all developed by the application of Science) but do NOT "believe in" Climate Change" but do believe a weather forecaster when he says all the climate scientists are wrong.  I'm sensing a disconnect with reality. ( Actually I do believe in miracles but not the way you think I think of them. A seed that blooms, a baby is born, the Fibonacci Sequence in nature, as to climate change, it does exist but human activity only comprises about 5%, the rest is sun cycles driving it.)
Faithful Muslims believe that the Koran is the inspired word of God, delivered verbatim through the prophet Mohammed. Non-Muslims, of course, see the text as the work of human hands, whether of Mohammed himself or of schools of his early followers. But whichever view we take, the Koran as it stands claims to speak in God's voice. That is one of the great differences between the Bible and the Koran. Even for dedicated fundamentalists, inspired Bible passages come through the pen of a venerated historical individual, whether it's the Prophet Isaiah or the Apostle Paul, and that leaves open some chance of blaming embarrassing views on that person's own prejudices. The Koran gives no such option: For believers, every word in the text - however horrendous a passage may sound to modern ears - came directly from God.

The errors, the poorly vetted "FACTS", the obvious false "quotes" and the intentional parroting of misinformation and now, the horrific lies that are posted on this site are appalling and you don't even for a moment question their authenticity.   In fact, like the Russians, you don't care if you represent the truth, as long as the message fits your anti-American agenda. Obviously, you simply pander to your limited and regressive audience which will be one person smaller today. ( I suggest you look up the quoted sections of the Quran and see for yourself what is Lies and what is.)

But what was I to expect from you - a former Detroit cop?  Police are the foremost experts on manufacturing evidence, lying under oath, beating suspects into submission, and other atrocities. All in the name of "protecting and serving" the community, when all they care about is protecting each other from getting caught and punished and serving their own interests.

I'm out.  I'm done with this sham of a debate.

Finally, I am not a female.

And, I'm not a Detroit Cop now. As far as Islam being benevolent I understand you are from somewhere in Michigan. Try going to Dearborn Michigan and handing out bibles on a public street. You will see how peaceful Muslims are when they have the majority. I read about some evangelists that tried it, they were beaten and when the cops came, they were the ones arrested, not their attackers. Google it.


Anyway, I just saw the following message and am thinking how I can make my own signs and shirts.

Make Our Guns Illegal and We'll Just Call Them Undocumented




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