We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

My US Senator Jerry Moran (R-Ks), along with eleven other RINOs, voted "yes", in agreement with Democrats, to support the House Resolution seeking to stop President Trump from declaring a State of National Emergency on America's southern border and divert Executive Branch funding to secure the border by building a wall or other barrier to stop the invasion of illegals, including drug traffickers, human smugglers, sex-trade smugglers, gang members, criminals, possible terrorists, and others, currently approaching 100,000 illegal entries PER MONTH!

This is an INVASION, plain and simple, and everyone but the Democrats and RINOs knows it!   It CLEARLY requires drastic action.   Yet, "Fortress Washington" sits on its collective hands and bemoans ANYTHING President Trump tries, filing lawsuits and passing a Congressional Resolution while ignoring the elephant in the room -- THE ONGOING INVASION!

Webster's (copyright 1943) defines "Invader" as, "One who invades; an assailant; intruder."   it defines "invade" as, "To enter (a country) with a hostile army; infringe upon; violate".   It further defines "Invasion" as, "The act of invading; hostile incursion; encroachment".   

Before the vote I, along with many other Kansans, called Senator Moran's office in D.C. and urged him to vote in support of the President.   He ignored us, instead voting with Nancy Pelosi and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.   

I subsequently received a mass email from Senator Moran trying to justify his vote.   in it, he waxed eloquent on his support for the President and the need to secure the border before pivoting and excusing his vote by claiming he was "defending the Constitution" from Executive Overreach.   I think NOT!

Since 1970, there have been 40 or 50 declarations of National Emergency on all manner of subjects, foreign and domestic.   Yet, in the history of National Emergencies, there has NEVER been ONE Congressional Resolution condemning ANY of them, EVER!   And, NONE of those supposed "Emergencies" have even, remotely approached the level of crisis we face on our southern border, a crisis so severe that even Democrats now call it a crisis!

More likely, Senator Moran and his fellow RINOs are defending "Fortress Washington", the Chamber of Commerce, their big donors, and the Swamp from a man the People sent to drain it.

Senator Moran claims to know and love the Constitution, yet ignores Article IV, Section Four which states, "The United States SHALL (my emphasis)...protect each of them (the States) against invasion...".

Further, there is 10 USC 284, federal law that empowers the President to use the military in just this [invasion] scenario AND allows the military to erect walls, fences, and/or other barriers necessary to complete its mission.   U.S. Representative Mo Brooks is very familiar with this law, has advocated for its implementation for months, and can brief the President on its content and legality.   Yet, this information is apparently being kept from the President, intentionally or otherwise.

Use of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284 would instantly take both Congress and the courts out of the fray.

Despite Senator Moran's insistence that he is a staunch defender of the Constitution, I do NOT see him advocating for Article IV, Section Four and/or 10 USC 284 OR making an appointment with the President to brief him on their use.   IF (and it's a huge "if") Senator Moran actually does agree with the President on the urgent need to secure the border, why does he NOT, PERSONALLY, make the effort to advise the President of his legal and Constitutional options?

President Trump is apparently the ONLY one in Washington who recognizes that we are being invaded.   These are not "migrants", "immigrants", "asylum seekers", or "refugees".   They are invaders.   If they truly are migrants, immigrants, asylum seekers, or refugees, they can go to any official Port of Entry, file their claim, and await adjudication -- IN MEXICO as ordered by the President.  But, when they illegally sneak across the border, at illegal points and in mass numbers they become invaders and nothing else.

Why is it important to call them "Invaders"?   Words have meaning!   Calling them "invaders" automatically activates Article IV, Section Four and the use of 10 USC 284, allowing the President, as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, to send the military to the border, REPELLING the invaders.  THAT IS IMPORTANT!   "Invaders" are not given attorneys, court dates, housing, welfare, Social Security, healthcare, or anything else.   they are just REPELLED, PERIOD!

The President is not a Constitutional Scholar; he is a businessman.   He relies on his supposedly "learned" advisors to tell him of his legal and Constitutional options, something they are not doing, again, intentionally or otherwise.   If the President was told of Article IV, Section Four and 10 USC 284, the wall could be built in short order, the invasion would stop, and the border would FINALLY be secured.

Oren Long

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Want a real energy plan?


We put millions of skilled workers on manufacturing jobs building 500 to 1,000 Nuclear power plant of a low cost standard design. This will provide all the energy to accomplish a full restoration of our industrial base. How will this happen you ask?

First we "MINE" the oceans for gold, silver, copper, uranium, methane, manganese and other valuable minerals and metals. It has been estimated that it will be profitable to mine gold from the seas at around $ 3,000 per ounce. Second we use cheap nuclear power to extract these metals which could make a profit to pay off the national debt. Third we use the byproduct "WATER" to farm the huge vacant dry south west feeding the entire planet with low cost food.

Finally we use the cheap nuclear power to build factories to manufacture everything the entire planet needs and we return to zero unemployment and can pay good wages because we have free energy that makes a profit in it's creation.The money generated can payoff all debts, build nuclear reprocessing plants, research and develop a system to render nuclear waste harmless.

Just think, full employment, no energy crisis ever, gold to make money valuable, make the dollar the strongest currency on earth, end inflation, end government debt. Just imagine "AMERICA REBORN AND THE DREAM FULFILLED!!!

Oren, the sad thing about liberals is they are too stupid to see that they too will suffer under the tyranny they espouse.  Most of those who supported Adolph hitler wound up victims of the Nazi power structure.  The Nazi party was The National SOCIALIST Workers Party, hardly right wing!!!!!  I will not be intimidated into silence but I don't have my own site and can't afford to have one.  I am old, disabled, and living on what little socialist "security" the political ruling class let me have.  Illegal alien invaders can get 3X as much as me and I paid into that scam for 50 years!!!!!

Oren, I live in Oklahoma, in the middle of a small rural community.  I did concealed carry until a stroke made that unfeasible but will carry again once God restores me to pre-stroke condition.  I was very physically fit, especially for my age (64 at the time).  I am now 69 but will return to my fitness regimen as soon as I am able to do so.  Right now my left arm is paralyzed and I walk with difficulty due to partial paralysis in my left leg and foot and balance issues.  The attending neurologist took one look at the first ct scan and said I wouldn't live through the night.  The "good news" 3 or 4 days later was that I would likely live but would be bedridden, permanently paralyzed and a mental vegetable as long as I did live but God has a plan for me.  I don't yet know what it is but I am doing my best to serve Him as I am able to and I stand on the dream I had 3 years ago next month that I would be fully restored.  I am waiting on that day to come and doing my best to let people see Jesus in me every day.

Marrand, those liberal pukes don't scare me, maybe I don't have sense enough to be afraid.  I am 69, disabled, and a combat veteran.  I have been shot at, hit, and collected grenade shrapnel in my arms and face so I don't fear what mere man can do to me because I know what Almighty God will do FOR me.  I never advocate violence against those I disagree with but will say what the Bible and the Constitution say without bowing to political correctness but too many who call themselves conservative are more afraid of offending the perpetually offended than they are willing to stand for what is right.  Each of my blog articles has my name, home town, and date at the end and I live in a small rural Oklahoma town so finding me won't be a problem if they want retribution.  I refuse to call abortion "a woman's right to choose", refuse to refer to homosexuals as "gay" or "an equal but alternate lifestyle", and refuse to call moslems "muslim" or accept islam as "an alternate but equal path to Heaven" and the sites I had been writing on decided I was using "hate speech" and not being "family friendly".  My articles got edited so bad I couldn't make out my point so I gave up and decided I would rather not write than to have my viewpoint so watered down by those claiming to be on my side.


Here is a link to a new Conservative site; https://hardcoreconservatives.com/


M, thanks much I will give them a try.


Your recent post impressed me. You managed to get your article - extensive letter, as you call it - published in a newspaper. And the subject of your critique, Sen. Moran, actually wrote to you. On top of that you have a relationship with one of the editors. That sounds more effective than my short, though frequent comments published in NYT.

Results like yours will certainly help our cause. But how many good people can have their views aired the way you did? And I mean heard not only on a conservative website, but in the public square? Like, a city or county paper? As I see it, the liberals have hijacked the public square with their huge megaphones, specifically designed to drown out any voice which disagrees with them. This public square is no longer a place to debate or exchange views; it’s more like a pulpit for left wing agenda, a propoganda arm for socialist dictat. And they do have the Obama army, antifa as others call it, to enforce their prohibition against conservative views or demonstrations.

You write “we must keep fighting”. Easy for you to say, living in a friendly place like Kansas; or for Bob living in Oklahoma; or for Virginia living in Wisonsin. In contrast, I have lived all my adult life in in enemy terrotory - Maryland, in Baltimore suburbs. A gun here won’t help me survive, thrive and prosper, or “spread the word”. No one debates you here; they just shout you down. Bob complained that his articles “got edited so bad”; In Maryland, they would have been trashed immedieately, if not sooner.

So, what have I contributed to the “fight”? By your standards, perhaps nothing. I am not the 3%er, I am chicken, I avoid physical confrontations. But in my own way, I believe I did my share in combating the left wing agenda infecting our country.

Armed with an education superior to most liberals and certainly better than those of ALL NYT editors, and in fact beating most University professors, I found myself a beautiful girl with my morals and standards, married her, and after 60 years we now have a very large family - four generations. Having followed politics closely all my life, I am now very pleased that none of my children or grandchildren believe in what NYT or CNN or any left wing megaphone dishes out. All are financially independent, educated, self reliant, church going, fully employed; none commiitted crimes, none have ever been on welfare. All view feminists, MeToo women, black lives matter, LGBQ, and other assorted left wing concoctions as fantasies, or as some put it, garbage. All are loving, devoted parents, and won’t let any liberal ideas poison their childrens’ mnds. My two ex-marines (grandkids with 8yr stints each) are even more vocal.

Some asked: why did my wife and me so happily voted for Trump? Simple, I answer. He is on my side, he is for my way of life, for my morals, for my standards, but most of all, he fights those who want to destroy my way of life. And not only my way of life, but of my family as well. So what if he talks trash and screams at the fake news? So what if has been a scroundrel before he announced his run for office? Since then, what he wanted to do for the country is exactly what I want my country to have. Which in turn, my dear children, is the exact opposite of what the liberals want for you. DId he do enough? Of course not; but is that a good reason to vote for your sworn enemy?

My dear wife and I have found that living by conservative principles leads to a happier life. Now the next two generations know that, and see it in others of their kin. And they ain’t gonna be swayed by anything the libs or dems say. They are the living witnesses to how living right will help you, and how the liberal agenda will hurt you.

Somehow I think the 3%ers would find families like mine worth protecting.



A couple of points.

First, Senator Moran did not write me, personally.   He wrote a reply that appeared in the paper(s).   Perhaps I was not clear on that.   If not, I apologize.

Second, you are doing more for the cause than you know.   By raising your family with a 'Freedom and Truth' mindset, you are helping to keep freedom alive.   Thank You!

Third, I am old and, therefore, cannot be a 3%er.   I'm just too damned old to fight and would be more of a liability than a help.   Even so, I have no fear of confrontation.   Everyone in my community knows, "Don't mess with that old man; he'll hurt you."   I speak my mind, but do it courteously.   That goes a long way.

All I can tell you is to stay strong for freedom.   


This is wonderful to see. Members who were reluctant to accept others discussions fairly, to now be so much in step with what WethepeopleUSA really expects, sharing of experiences, thoughts and ideas.  And working together to watch over our country. 

It is not about being confrontational ...Just by wearing Trump gear  makes a huge statement. More should do it. I wear it and  many people say nice hat. I say to them. I wish more people would speak up and wear their Trump hat. To many are silent. Speaking up against political correction. ..merrand here is a suggestion. Next tome you see someone just throw a wrapper or something on the ground. Walk over and just say, let me get that for you. Bend over pick it up and walk away silently. That right there is the best way to fight . Humble yourself is a Godly tool. By the time they drive home ,most will come to terms with their actions. This is because most people have a lot of good in them. They just need to do a little soul searching. And you will be rewarded and blessed with a great image of yourself. 


marrand, my problem is that those editing my articles claim to be an ally but won't stand their ground in the face of criticism from the left.  I wasn't talking about "the enemy" but supposed allies.  Thank you for what you have done raising your family, that is a great help to the cause of liberty.  My descendants want liberty as much as I do because I taught them the value of personal responsibility.




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