Something from The Tradesman;
This is something that has many sides to it. That innocuous title has many facets to it. It encodes in a microcosm what the left has been pushing for the last hundred or more years.
So the seemingly innocent question about supporting or not supporting the Muslim demand for all restaurants to provide their special food stuffs, has major Connotations to the Social Justice warriors, the Progressive Politically Correct crowd, the restaurants of course, and the public at large.
Personally I think, since all other groups have "Special Restaurants" like Italian, Irish, English and Mid-Eastern restaurants are already in existence, It's an issue of economics for say Fast Food places, and that opens up a new potential business for entrepreneurs to use.
No I do not support the Muslim Demand.
Why should one group have the right to demand anything but except the 'EQUAL TREATMENT', that all others are treated with? NOT, Special Treatment, as the Weaponized Political Correctness Dictates!! We have been hoodwinked into Ceding our Freedoms by the Political Correctness weapon that only destroys Freedom!
It's the same with every so called Social Justice attack on our society. They all Demand compliance, even getting laws passed, that severely infringe on our individual Freedoms, and they even deny those freedoms to us. The Constitution requires "EQUAL JUSTICE" for all, NOT, special treatment. The polite request/demand comes from the dictates of the Quran, ordering the Muslims under their Sharia Law, to conquer through every means possible, and subjugate the Infidel vassals to the will of their moon god Allah. That translates out to a total makeover of society to their values. Little bit by little bit, all American Societal morals and values, along with all of our protected freedoms, would be extinguished.
The end game, would require removing the Constitution, and replacing it with a Sharia Law, that would govern every aspect of American life from then on. In my opinion, it's time for loyal and patriotic Americans to fight back against this attack on our founding principles. We are Americans, not moon worshiping Arabs stooled to the cult of Ishtar.
The Tradesman