We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

25 States Say “No” to Syrian Refugees

That’s only half, still all states and all Americans vulnerable. Muslim terrorist boasts of freely crossing Europe’s borders and moc....

This is THE primary role of the federal government – PROTECTING AMERICAN CITIZENS!! Obama has pledged not to stop the Syrian invasion but to accelerate and increase the invasion. Dems & Republicans are doubling funding for it. And what about Somalis? Iraqis? Afghanis? Libyans? Yemenis? Saudis? Egyptians? Jordanians? What about Muslims who are not refugees but find other ways into the U.S.? Who is demanding an end to refugee resettlement programs and investigating the organizations involved in human trafficking? It’s a start, under tragic circumstances, but these issues will determine the future of America.

Source: 25 States Say “No” to Syrian Refugees and ISIS

by Daniel Greenfield

While Obama is doubling down on his plan to bring tens of thousands of Syrians to America, many of them with military training and a fanatical hatred of America, more states are taking a stand against these fake refugees and ISIS.

Wisconsin, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, Maine, Texas, Arizona, Michigan, Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Idaho, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Oklahoma, New Mexico, New Jersey, Ohio, South Carolina and Kansas have all come out against dumping Syrian migrants into their states. (It is important to note that these Syrian “refugees” are coming out of countries like Jordan or Turkey where there is no war. That makes them economic migrants, not refugees. They cease to be refugees once they move beyond Jordan or Turkey to a wealthier country for economic reasons.)

The strength of their positions varies from state to state. Some are merely calling for extended reviews like Democrat Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire. Others are serious.

Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona offered one of the more comprehensively technical responses…

 “Given the horrifying events in Paris last week, I am calling for an immediate halt in the placement of any new refugees in Arizona. As governor, I am invoking our state’s right under 8 USC, Section 1522 (a), to receive immediate consultation by federal authorities per the United States Refugee Act, and that the federal government take into account the concerns and recommendations of the state of Arizona as they are required to under federal law, in our efforts to keep our homeland safe. I also call on Congress and the President to immediately amend federal law to provide states greater oversight and authority in the administration of the placement of refugees. These acts serve as a reminder that the world remains at war with radical Islamic terrorists. Our national leaders must react with the urgency and leadership that every American expects to protect our citizens.”

In Louisiana, Bobby Jindal has issued an executive order that is one of the most extensive on the list.

NOW THEREFORE, I, BOBBY JINDAL, Governor of the State of Louisiana, by virtue of the authority vested by the Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, do hereby order and direct as follows:

SECTION 1: All departments, budget units, agencies, offices, entities, and officers of the executive branch of the State of Louisiana are authorized and directed to utilize all lawful means to prevent the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the State of Louisiana while this Order is in effect.

SECTION 2: The Louisiana State Police, upon receiving information of a Syrian refugee already relocated within the State of Louisiana, are authorized and directed to utilize all lawful means to monitor and avert threats within the State of Louisiana.

SECTION 3: All departments, budget units, agencies, offices, entities, and officers of the executive branch of the State of Louisiana are authorized and directed to cooperate in the implementation of the provisions of this Order.

North Carolina governor Pat McCrory has said that he wants the government to “cease sending Syrian refugees” to his state. In Indiana, Mike Pence is suspending resettlement pending Federal assurances. Nikki Haley in South Carolina gave a somewhat shaky statement on the subject, but appears to have somewhat come out against.

Governor LePage in Maine said, “To bring Syrian refugees into our country without knowing who they are is to invite an attack on American soil just like the one we saw in Paris last week and in New York City on 9/11. That is why I adamantly oppose any attempt by the federal government to place Syrian refugees in Maine, and will take every lawful measure in my power to prevent it from happening.”

In a radio address, the governor who has tried to make the state’s welfare policies less attractive to Somali welfare migrants, said…

“One of the first actions I took as Governor was to ensure Maine is no longer a sanctuary state that harbors illegal aliens. It’s important to follow federal law, and we work with law enforcement and other agencies to assist the federal government on immigration matters.”

“As a free state and country, we are always vulnerable to attack. The safety of our citizens comes first. We need responsible immigration policies to protect not only Americans, but all people.”

In Georgia, Nathan Deal has issued an executive order cracking down on any state agencies participating in resettlement efforts. Kansas governor Sam Brownback also stated that no state agencies will work in resettlement for Syrians. Chris Christie also switched gears and took a firm line against Syrian migration, despite once supporting it. Governor Mary Fallin in Oklahoma called for a suspension.

“My first priority as Governor is the safety of all Kansans. We must take immediate action to ensure terrorists do not enter the nation or our state under the guise of refugee resettlement. The recent attacks in Paris coupled with terrorist organizations indicating a desire to attack the United States are stark reminders of the dangers every nation faces.

“It is imperative that we take action where the White House has not.

“I have therefore directed all state agencies, departments, boards or commissions not to participate or assist in the relocation of Syrian refugees to Kansas. It is unfortunate that we must take this step to protect the safety of Kansans, but the federal government cannot guarantee that Syrian refugees coming to America would not be part of a terrorist organization seeking to harm our citizens.”

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker also took a firm line.

“In light of these horrific and tragic attacks, our first priority must be to protect our citizens.  Along with governors across the country, I have deep concerns about the Obama Administration’s plan to accept 10,000 or more Syrian refugees, especially given that one of the Paris attackers was reportedly a Syrian refugee.  In consultation with our Adjutant General, who also serves as my Homeland Security Advisor, it is clear that the influx of Syrian refugees poses a threat.

With this in mind, I am calling upon the President to immediately suspend the program pending a full review of its security and acceptance procedures.  The State of Wisconsin will not accept new Syrian refugees.”

Texas governor Greg Abbott wrote to Obama stating, “As governor of Texas, I write to inform you that the State of Texas will not accept any refugees from Syria in the wake of the deadly terrorist attack in Paris.

“Further, I and millions of Americans implore you to halt your plans to accept more Syrian refugees in the United States. A Syrian “refugee” appears to have been part of the Paris terror attack. American humanitarian compassion could be exploited to expose Americans to similar deadly danger.”

He pointed out that his state had come under attack by ISIS Jihadists. “The threat posed to Texas by ISIS is very real. ISIS claimed credit last May when two terrorist gunmen launched an attack in Garland, Texas.”

“Texas cannot participate in any program that will result in Syrian refugees any one of whom could be connected to terrorism being resettled in Texas. Effective today, I am directing the Texas Health & Human Services Commission’s Refugee Resettlement Program to not participate in the resettlement of any Syrian refugees in the State of Texas.”

Florida governor Rick Scott wrote to Ryan and McConnell asking them to protect Florida and the rest of the country by cutting off funding for Syrian resettlement.

Governor Robert Bentley of Alabama said, “I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way.”

“The acts of terror committed over the weekend are a tragic reminder to the world that evil exists and takes the form of terrorists who seek to destroy the basic freedoms we will always fight to preserve. I will not place Alabamians at even the slightest, possible risk of an attack on our people. Please continue to join me in praying for those who have suffered loss and for those who will never allow freedom to fade at the hands of terrorists.”

But there is good news for ISIS.

Governor Moonbeam in California is keeping the state open for refugee resettlement business. As does Malloy in Connecticut, Inslee in Washington, Dayton in Minnesotta and Raimondo in Rhode Island. Failed Vermont governor Peter Shumlin is extremely enthusiastic about Syrian migrants. As if they could save his health care failures.

If your state is not listed it’s time to call your elected officials.

Governors of these states have said no to Syrian refugees

















New Hampshire 

New Jersey  

North Carolina 



South Carolina 





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Markus Schreiber | AP Photo

7 Shocking Facts About Islamic Immigration

By: Daniel Horowitz | November 12th, 2015

Has America already become like Europe with respect to homegrown terror and Islamic immigration?  Either way, what can we do to delay the inevitable slide into cultural suicide and crossing that point of no return many European countries have already traversed?

With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations - Extended Cinematic 1080p

Immigration from Muslim countries is the fastest growing segment of our annual admissions.

These are the questions we never hear asked of the presidential candidates, even though they cut to the core of the most existential security threat to our generation and future generations. 

For all the talk of ISIS and Putin, nobody in the political class wants to discuss the 800-pound gorilla in the room – the widespread threat of homegrown terror due to endless immigration from the Middle East.  Here are some shocking facts that the presidential candidates would be wise to address, especially in light of what we are seeing in Europe.   

7 Facts to Consider:

  1. Numbers: We have admitted approximately 1.6 million immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries from 2001-2013, double the average rate prior to 9/11.
  2. Recent Trend: Immigration from Muslim countries is the fastest growing segment of our annual admissions.  The countries with the highest percentage increase since 2010 have all been predominantly Muslim countries. Saudi Arabia (up 93 percent); Bangladesh up 37 percent); Iraq (up 36 percent); Egypt (up 25 percent); Pakistan, India, and Ethiopia (all up 24 percent); Nigeria and Ghana (both up 21 percent)
  3. Trajectory: According to Pew Research, the Muslim population is expected to triple by 2050 – from 2.77 million to 8.1 million. It is expected to double in just 15 years and surpass the United State’s Jewish population by 2040.  
  4. Student Visas: In 2014, the State Department granted roughly 54,000 student visas to Saudi nationals, the most of any country.  The Saudi student visa program has grown ten-fold since 9/11.  Arabic is the fastest growing language on U.S. campuses.
  5. Arabs Dominate Refugee Program: Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees and that has been the case for over a decade.  Since FY 2008, 98,370 refugees have been native Arabic speakers and 38,868 have been native Somali speakers.  Among refugees from the Middle East, 91.3% received Food Stamps and 73.1% received Medicaid.
  6. U.S. Hosts Largest Share of Refugees from High Risk Countries: America has admitted 135,545 refugees from Iraq alone since FY 2007.  After admitting over 100,000 Somali refugees from 1993-2013, we are still bringing in up to 10,000 more each year.  Of the 15,470 Somali refugees brought in since fiscal year 2014, 99.7% have been Muslim.  Obama plans to bring in 15,000 more refugees from East Africa, despite the security problems we’ve been having with a segment of the Somali refugee population.
  7. Sentiments of American Muslims: According to a poll commissioned by the Center for Security Policy, 51% of Muslims living in America believe “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to sharia.”  Twenty-nine percent agree that violence against those who insult Mohammad is acceptable and 25% agree that violence against America can be justified as part of Global Jihad.  Among males under the age of 45 that number rises to 36%. Twenty-nine percent of males under 45 believe that violence against America is justified in order to make Sharia the law of the land. Just 34% of males under 45 believe that if Sharia conflicts with the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights our Founding documents should be considered supreme.

As you read through these, ask yourself this question: who ever voted for this?           

The job of government is to protect the existing citizenry. It’s up to the discretion of the existing citizenry whether to allow in immigrants – who to admit and who to reject.

The reason immigration from the Middle East presents such an existential threat is because Sharia law, at its core, is at odds with the safety and stability of America.  Yet, once people immigrate here they are entitled to full due process under the law.  Once they become citizens, they are entitled to all the benefits of citizens and cannot be stripped of that status unless they are found guilty of committing treason. 

The job of government is to protect the existing citizenry.  It’s up to the discretion of the existing citizenry whether to allow in immigrants – who to admit and who to reject.  Any other generation would have exhibited enough compassion for their people and desire to see their country survive and would have been more circumspect in admitting more Sharia-adherent immigrants.

While our oceans can protect us from the physical invasion taking place in Europe, they cannot protect us from the political correctness and failed leadership of the politicians who willingly endanger our sovereignty, security, and society.  

horowitz conservative conscience


Millions of Fake Refugees flood Europe in biblical proportions, demand money and best housing,

Published on Oct 7, 2015

A population transfer of biblical proportions is happening now. Millions of africans, asians and arabs are flooding Europe due to the open borders and the large sums of money being paid out to anyone without any checks or controls.

Refugees torching children into teargas and flying concrete blocks to get media sympathy. Video link,

Millions of Fake Refugees flood Europe in biblical proportions, demand money and best housing,


Illegal Migrants Use Children as Tool


Fake refugees demand money and best housing, now millions, nearly all without refugee status, nearly all are accepted, they get lifetime welfare payments and modern houses/apartment. They are permitted to bring family, relatives and their clans.

Finland initially exposed 2/3 are not refugees, but on a closer look it shows only 3 % had legitimate refugee status, 97 % came from other countries and only wanted better living standard. Similar revelations occur in other countries.

The video exposes refugees themselves saying that all of them are going only to Germany, Norway, Sweden or Finland since those countries pay best "salary" as they call it. They mean welfare money, no work requirement, and their families can come later to also live on lifetime welfare. Refugees don't like Denmark anymore since Denmark announced they reduced the welfare payments from 10,000 crowns/month to 5000 while the other top paying countries still pay every refugee much more. Refugees have apps in their smartphones showing maps where to go, what government agency to contact, what to say, how to lie, how to get asylum.

The welfare payment amount equal about 50 times their normal income if they worked in their homeland. With global social media Africa and Arab countries are fully aware about the western clondyke with bundles of money being handed out to anyone and the open borders allowing anyone to get asylum as long as they lie a little bit.

Sweden grant asylum to 190 nationalities for any reason imaginable. So it's not about asylum, it’s more about replacing the original population with third world populations.

Refugees are fully aware of benefits, welfare payments, free healthcare, they can bring families to live on welfare, they get modern apartments or hotel rooms, furnished with modern furniture and electronic equipment, internet, free dinner in restaurants or hotels, waiters and servants attending to their need of clothing, shoes, healthcare, transport, more TVs, laundry, cars, Sweden even pay for vacation trips to the homeland they claim the "fled" from. Insanity is standard.

The refugees are aware of weak western politicians afraid to say NO, scared of being accused of "racism" or stop the benefits, so they demand more and more until they get everything they demand. Locals call refugees "demand machines" since they never stop demanding more. Now they demand mosques and political influence, sharia law and islamic rules. Stupid western politicians grant every wish since they use other peoples money, tax money and media protect them. The taxpayers don't notice that their nations are collapsing, social service are collapsing all over Europe, media is not reporting the facts, they hide it.

Before the recent mass invasion of Europe we already have 80 million muslim immigrants, nearly all, about 90 % live on welfare and refuse to work. Add millions of poor non-muslims from the third world also living on welfare or crime. Europe may have 150 million third-world welfare immigrants already and are now permitting millions more to come. UK had 5 million new immigrants in one year, Germany expect 1.5 million refugees this year alone recently upgraded from 120,000, the numbers are staggering. The flow are increasing since refuges understand the open border policy and the welfare payment must end soon or nations will collapse.

The ONLY solution to avoid a muslim takeover of Europe is to send them back to their home countries, secure the borders, kick out the stupid politicians, bring back common sense and survival instinct to the west. It is about the survival of the western culture, the western world, the survival of democracy, safety and freedom.

Listen to Coronel Ghaddafis words: "Allah willing, we will take over Europe without firing one bullet, the masses of muslims flooding to Europe will soon be a majority"

Mass immigration is warfare. Defend your nations.

Interesting to see that the states with Democratic Governors don't appear to take the safety of the American citizens as a concern in light of the admitted actions of the very people who enjoy the death of others saying they did come among the refugees moving freely though out Europe and other places.  As events unfold, what will the Governors of the states that do take unvetted groups of refugees and all hell breaks loose, blame Obama? Ask why there was no good and solid vetting ? Who will pay the bill to clean up the mess that the POTUS decided was HIS PLAN OF ACTION?  I doubt the PTOUS will reach into his personal pocket to cover the cost, it will as always be tax payers covering the cost of stupid for far too long.

Back in 2013, BHO made sure that he and some old time Presidents still alive has Secret Service Protection for LIFE!!!! 

This needs to be recalled.  IF BHO allows terrorist to come in with no regard to safety to the US citizens, then he and his family should be just as vulnerable as me and mine to his radical decisions.


 Bantiarna Drucht

I seems too many of our politicians feel the way these two do.The American people and America means nothing to them..It is sickening..

Guest post by John Binder. LA Syrian Refugee. Liberals continue to tell us the “vetting process” for refugees is under control. They insist the federal government is monitoring every Syrian once they make it to America. But, of course, that's a total fallacy. Take a look at what just happened in ...
LA Syrian Refugee

Liberals continue to tell us the “vetting process” for refugees is under control. They insist the federal government is monitoring every Syrian once they make it to America.But, of course, that’s a total fallacy.

Take a look at what just happened in Louisiana.One Syrian is on the loose–The Hayride reports:

At least one Syrian refugee that was in the process of resettling in the Baton Rouge area has already gone missing,according to a report by WBRZ.

Here’s what WBRZ posted to Facebook today:

wbrz syrian refugees

As reported earlier by the Hayride, there are another 7 Syrian refugees in Kenner and 6 more in the New Orleans area.

The news may seem alarming that neither state government nor the federal government track newly-arrived refugees who have just entered the country, but it is actually not uncommon at all.

Hey! Let’s bring in some more!

Image: (The Hayride)


Conservative lawmakers who want to stop Muslim refugee resettlement have just weeks to convince Speaker Paul Ryan to do so.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, House Freedom Caucus Chairman

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)

reveals that conservative House members have received no commitment from Speaker

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)

that he would in any way try to curb the nation’s importation of Muslims on visas.

By the end of the year, Congress will have to pass a government funding measure to appropriate funds for all federal operations. The Boehner-Obama debt deal, backed by Ryan, established the spending levels— but Congress still has to pass the actual spending bills which contain the money.

Included in this package will be funding for the Office of Refugee Resettlement and other refugee-related operations, thus allowing the President to carry out his resettlement plans. In order to stop the President from carrying out these plans, Congress would have to include restrictions in the year-end funding bill that would be advanced by Ryan and

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

The Paris atrocity has sparked fresh calls for blocking federal refugee resettlement. For instance, Congressman

Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC)
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

One day prior to the attack, Senator

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)
called for prohibitions on funding for refugee resettlement in a USA Today op-ed calling on Congress to slash visa allocations:

Congress should immediately begin to move popular immigration reforms that would be backed by overwhelming majorities of voters, including… blocking the president from using federal funds to unilaterally expand the costly refugee resettlement program.

Similarly, prior to the Paris attack,

Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX)
— who has introduced a new bill that would pause refugee resettlement— told Breitbart News: 

European media sources confirm that ISIS has already infiltrated some refugee communities.  President Obama’s own FBI, DHS and DNI directors admitted that we cannot properly vet Syrian refugees for national security risks.  Rather than giving the Administration a blank check that puts the safety and security of the American people at risk, Congress should stand up and use the budget process to stop this dangerous and costly program.

However, a recent interview with House Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan suggests that it may be an uphill climb to get the House’s new Speaker to include such a measure in the year-end funding bill. Jordan told Breitbart that the Freedom Caucus received no commitment from Ryan that he reduce visa issuances to Muslim countries.

This admission is significant because Jordan’s Freedom Caucus played a key role in installing Paul Ryan— who has a two decade long history of pushing open borders immigration policies— as House Speaker. By Ryan’s own terms, he would have withdrawn his consideration of the Speakers position if he did not receive the support of the Freedom Caucus members.

Breitbart asked Jordan if Freedom Caucus demanded any support for voter-supported immigration curbs in exchange for their support of Ryan— the answer was no. Breitbart asked specifically about refugee resettlement: “Has he [Ryan] made any guarantees about advancing Brian Babin’s bill [to pause] refugee resettlement?”

Jordan replied, “He [Ryan] didn’t talk about that, no.”

Breitbart followed up, pressing Jordan again about whether they had plans to address refugee resettlement in the omnibus spending bill. Breitbart News explained, “In the omnibus spending bill, right now we’re writing a blank check to Office of Refugee Resettlement to resettle all of President Obama’s Syrian refugees.”

In response, Jordan did not say whether they intended to address refugee resettlement in the spending package and simply declared, “the House Freedom Caucus is going to be opposed to this bill, we’re all going to vote against this bill.”

In addition to disclosing that he did not get any commitment from Ryan to block the importation of Muslim refugees prior to voting to elect him as Speaker, Jordan also admitted that he was entirely unfamiliar with the U.S. immigration policy that has dramatically impacted the lives of his own constituents.

When Breitbart News asked Jordan about the vast number of Muslim migrants that have resettled in Ohio and recent reports that document how more than 20,000 girls in Ohio are at risk of Female Genital Mutilation as a result, Jordan replied, “In Ohio? Wow.”

Jordan also told Breitbart that he was undecided whether Muslim migration into the United States ought to be reduced. When Breitbart asked if Jordan thought the nation’s policy of annually importing a quarter of a million Muslim migrants into the United States ought to be curbed, Jordan replied, “I’d have to look at that closer. I have not looked at that particular.”

As Breitbart News has previously documented, every year the United States voluntarily imports more than a quarter of a million– or 280,000– Muslim migrants. This number includes more than 100,000 migrants who were permanently resettled with green cards, more than 100,000 as temporary students or workers, and almost 40,000 as lifetime refugees and asylees.

This means that each year, the U.S. admits a number of Muslim migrants larger in size than the entire population of Dayton, Ohio.

The Middle East represents the fastest-growing bloc of immigrants admitted into the country on visas, according to a census data-based report authored by the Center for Immigration Studies. Student visas for Middle Eastern countries have similarly grown enormously, including 16-fold increase in Saudi students since 9/11. Arabic is now the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of recent refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps. As a result of unbridled Muslim immigration, half a million U.S. girls are now at risk of suffering the barbaric and anti-Western tradition of Female Genital Mutilation. Sen. Jeff Sessions has also documented how much of the domestic terror activity in the United States has been caused, in large, part by the nation’s federal policy of importing migrants from Muslim countries that encourage anti-Western sentiment.

The U.S. admits more than two times more Muslim migrants each year than there are Jim Jordan voters in Ohio’s fourth Congressional district— and roughly half of these migrants will be able to apply for citizenship. According to Pew, only 11% of Muslims vote Republican or lean-Republican. However, throughout the course of the interview, Jordan admitted he was unaware of the visa gusher that has allowed hundreds of thousands and has transformed pockets of his own state of Ohio.

When asked if the United States should continue issuing a quarter of a million visas to Muslim migrants, Jordan pivoted back to his belief that we need to “follow the law”— apparently unaware that it is precisely because of federal law that these Muslim migrants are issued visas for entry into the United States.

Breitbart News: Do you think immigration levels should be reduced?

Jordan: I think we need to secure the border, I think we need to reform the legal immigration system—

Breitbart: What does “reform” mean? Does that mean increase?

Jordan: If people want to come here for the right reasons, want to learn our language, and be a part of our culture, then we need to make it work well for those people…

Breitbart: “Legally, every three years we add another population [the size] of Los Angeles [is added to the U.S.] through visa issuances. Do you think that should be reduced, or do you think it should be increased?'”

Jordan: I haven’t looked closely at that, Julia. What I think should happen is we should follow the law.”

Breitbart: “But that is the law… through [predominantly] visa issuances every three years, we import another population the size of Los Angeles.

Jordan: “I would have to look closer at it.”

Breitbart: “Because

Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA)
has taken a position saying that anyone running for the presidency should [pledge to] reduce immigration, which is a nine in ten issue with Republican voters.”

Jordan: “I think my position has always been follow the law. That’s step one. And then where we need to change the law to make the system work better for people who, like I said, want to learn our language, want to be a part of our culture, want to come here and chase the American dream, you’ve got to do it legally. That to me is, that’s that bottom line.”

Breitbart: My question is— because this is all legal— in Columbus, Ohio… you have the second largest population of Somali refugees [second to Minneapolis, Minnesota]. Equality Now just did a report that there’s 20,000 girls in Ohio that are at risk of Female Genital Mutilation—

Jordan: “In Ohio? Wow.”

Breitbart: “—as a result of unbridled Muslim migration. Every year we import a quarter of a million Muslim migrants— and I guess the question that a lot of our readership wants to know— is in terms of visa issuances, do you think that number is too high? Should that number be reduced?

Jordan: “I’d have to look at that closer. I have not looked at that particular. Like I said, what I’ve been focused on is following the law.”

It might seem surprising that a sitting U.S. Congressman would assert that, “we need to reform our legal immigration,” while at the same time conceding that he does not know the basic aspects of U.S. immigration law— including how the federal policy of issuing visas to Muslim migrants is impacting his own state.

However, Jordan is not alone in asserting the need to reform federal policies whose details he seems unfamiliar with. Jordan’s comments came just a few days before Freedom Caucus co-founder

Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC)
told South Carolina radio host Bob McLain, “Honestly I have no idea what the number of legal  green cards [issued annually] is”— even though Mulvaney’s website suggests immigration rates should be increased even higher. On his website, however, Mulvaney writes, despite the nation’s record high visas dispensations, that it’s still too difficult for foreign nationals to gain entry into the United States: “The simple truth is our immigration system is broken… it’s too difficult to enter America the right way,” Mulvaney writes.

It is interesting that despite declaring this, Mulvaney would then admit that he has “no idea” how many people “enter America the right way.”

Mulvaney’s apparent view that immigration levels ought to be increased is shared by presidential aspirant and donor class favorite,

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
. While Cruz has pledged to crack down on refugee resettlement and has pledged that he will “halt” any increases in immigration, Sen. Rubio has actively expressed his support for expanding Muslim migration— both through declaring his openness for accepting Middle Eastern refugees, as well as introducing legislation, such as the I-Squared bill, which would substantially increase immigration from predominantly Muslim countries.

Jordan told Breitbart News that the purpose of the Freedom Caucus was to represent the “countless number of Americans who feel like this town has forget them. Our job is to remember them and fight for them.”

According to Rasmussen, 65% of conservative voters think we should allow precisely zero Middle Eastern refugees into the United States. Under current policy, in the next five years, the U.S. will bring in about 200,000 refugees and asylees from Muslim countries— with as many as 150,000 of those refugees coming from the Middle East. In the next five years, the U.S. will permanently resettle more than half a million migrants from Muslim countries.

Paul Ryan, however, has expressed a very different view of the job of a U.S. lawmaker—declaring that his job was to put himself in the shoes of foreign nationals who don’t live in the United States, but would like to:

Put yourself in another person’s shoes, which if you’re in elected office, that’s what you kind of have to do that almost every single day. The job we have– and what we do is we take different people’s perspectives. The gentleman from India who’s waiting for his green card. The DREAMer who is waiting… And then we come up with the answer to try and solve this problem. That’s basically what we do in our jobs.

Traditionally, the year end funding bill will be wrapped up by mid December. That means conservative lawmakers who want to stop Muslim refugee resettlement have just weeks to convince Speaker Ryan and Mitch McConnell to include language that prohibits the funding of the President’s refugee resettlement operation.

Breitbart News reached out to Speaker Ryan’s office and asked if Ryan will include language in the omnibus spending bill to block the resettlement of refugees from Syria and other Muslim countries. Ryan’s office refused to respond to Breitbart‘s request for comment.

see video at link below:


Communities Digital News, LLC
Is the goal here to prevent Muslim alienation or preserve and advance Western Civilization?
yrian refugees cross into Hungary from Serbia. Associated Press.

WASHINGTON, November 17, 2015 – There is a major threat looming in the aftermath of the ISIS attacks in Paris: “The raucous xenophobia of far-right nationalists ever ready to demonize Muslim citizens, immigrants and refugees, and shut down Europe’s open internal borders,” say the deep thinkers of the New York Times editorial board.

God forbid Europeans should rethink the idea of “open internal borders” while hordes of immigrants stream across them, carrying a religious ideology that prevents assimilation into pluralistic democracies where individual rights are supreme and free men and women do not submit to the primitive superstitions of inferior and damaged civilizations – if they even give them a second thought.

When that second thought was given by the editors and cartoonists of the Paris satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, a leftist publication whose anti-institutional milieu puts it at odds with all organized religions, the followers of one particular organized religion were less than pleased with its depictions of the Prophet Mohammad.

read more at link below:



     The Toon is Priceless.... It sums up their strategy perfectly.  Sad part is that is not how the American people roll!!!!!  Bummer and Werry can take the position but what all this has shown me is that Bummer is no longer seen as POTUS he is now the Ayatollah in waiting for the Stateside Caliphate.

His job, the oath of office is to protect the country, he has said he will not do that.  He is to up hold the Constitution, yet Sharia Law has crept into our courts: https://www.thomasmore.org/news/sharia-law-gains-foothold-us-federa...

with no complaints from DC.  The idea that he does not want to offend Iran in the hope to have his closely held deal to hold firm in allowing nukes to be part of the Iran arsenal after Bummer leaves office with his life time Secret Service protection he and his family will be left to enjoy the fruits of his labor as the rest of us frantically fight for our families to exist in the shambles of a once great country?  WTH is That ????

He needs to step down as President since he no longer can defend the Constitution from enemies foreign or domestic....  Uphold the laws enacted by Congress and stop making up his own on the fly....

And a whole host of other reasons he is incapable to continue as this nation's President and Commander and Chief.  It is his actions and ideology that he can take with him to what ever other country he wishes to

become the community leader of what caliphate he finds welcoming    وداعا





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