We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

On 'Hannity,' GOP candidate discusses in-fighting among Republicans, 'Black Lives Matter' movement

Ben Carson: We need to unite, not divide America

On 'Hannity,' GOP candidate discusses in-fighting among Republicans, 'Black Lives Matter' movement

On 'The Kelly File,' the billionaire addresses attacks from Democrats, motivations behind political involvement

Charles Koch opens up about his 'classical liberal' views

On 'The Kelly File,' the billionaire addresses attacks from Democrats, motivations behind political involvement

On 'The Kelly File,' GOP candidate reflects on state of her campaign, remarks by competition

Fiorina: Poll numbers will rise as people learn my story

On 'The Kelly File,' GOP candidate reflects on state of her campaign, remarks by competition

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump goes 'On the Record' on seeking Secret Service protection, why disagrees with the format of the next GOP debate, Obama's decision to keep US troops in Afghanistan longer, Netanyahu's unhappiness with America and more

Trump: If I was a Dem, I'd have Secret Service protection

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump goes 'On the Record' on seeking Secret Service protection, why disagrees with the format of the next GOP debate, Obama's decision to keep US t...

Reaction from The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway

Clinton's email scandal not an 'issue' for mainstream media?

Reaction from The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway

Presidential candidate surges in latest Fox News nomination poll; Insight on 'The Kelly File'

Money Men: Carson, Bush, Cruz lead latest round in GOP cash race

Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz appear to be leading the money race in the Republican presidential primary, according to third-quarter numbers released by the campaigns ahead of ...

He has the cash, the ground game and he's rising in the polls. Will Ted Cruz's campaign path lead to the GOP nomination? Republican Lauren Claffey and Democrat Richard Fowler discuss the Texan's strategy with Chris Stirewalt.

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American Thinker Blog

Ignorant liberal psychologists say Trump supporters are ignorant - 10/17/15 October 17, 2015The Washington Post can't understand why anyone would support Donald Trump.  So they asked some psychologists. More
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Hillary Clinton all in for gun confiscation - 10/17/15 October 17, 2015Hillary Clinton can’t jump on the bandwagon fast enough in support of gun confiscation. More
How is Hillary still in the game? - 10/17/15 October 17, 2015When I got arrested, the FBI took my business away.  When Hillary's under investigation, on the other hand... More
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Republican candidate Kasich raises $4.4 million in last quarter

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Republican presidential candidate John Kasich raised $4.4 million in the third quarter, his campaign said on Thursday.


Clinton to ‘look hard’ at Julian Castro as possible VP pick

(Reuters) – Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton won the backing of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro on Thursday and said she would seriously consider making the


Presidential candidate Jindal raised less than $600,000 last quarte...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S.


Republican Christie raised $4.2 million in last three months: media

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie raised $4.2 million in the latest quarter, according to media reports on Thursday, the deadline for filing campaign fundraising


Indonesian president to court tech giants on U.S. trip

By Randy Fabi and Kanupriya Kapoor


Senator Boxer to Vice President Biden: stay out and endorse Clinton

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S.


U.S. will hit debt ceiling no later than Nov. 3: Treasury’s Lew

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. government will hit a legal debt limit and be unable to borrow more money no later than Nov. 3, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Thursday.


U.S., Puerto Rican leaders vow centralized effort for island

By Nick Brown



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Trey Gowdy defended the Benghazi investigative committee he heads from critics on “Face the Nation” this morning. Watch below: The investigation has faced...

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Ted Cruz defended his resume against Chuck Todd on Meet the Press today, saying that he was the only candidate that had a record of actually fighting the establishment,...

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Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the Donald will not be the GOP nominee. Watch below: While...

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In a rather awkward interview with Jake Tapper, JEB! Bush tried to defend his brother George W. Bush against Trump’s accusations that it was his incompetence that...

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SNL hit the Democrat Debate and it was actually kinda funny. Watch below: My archnemesis Alec Baldwin portrayed Jim Webb and Larry David had a great time as the crazed...

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Score another one for the Donald. He demanded Secret Service protection, and it looks like he’s gonna get it. From the Hill: The Secret Service is extending...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3owVBuwir

Once again..The Donald shows us how it is done...

Score another one for the Donald. He demanded Secret Service protection, and it looks like he’s gonna get it. From the Hill: The Secret Service is extending...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3owVBuwir

Amazon and New York Times battle
publicly over story´s accuracy
CNN, by Brian Stelter    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/19/2015 1:59:11 PM     Post Reply
(Video) Two months after a damning New York Times story about Amazon´s corporate culture, the retailer has published a blistering response, accusing the paper of misrepresenting the company. The Times responded with a tough, unwavering defense of its story and its reporter. The original August 16 piece concluded that Amazon´s many breakthroughs and innovations come from a "bruising workplace." It bruised Amazon, and in recent weeks the company has been privately punching back, lobbying The Times to "correct the record." "They haven´t, which is why we decided to write about it ourselves," Jay Carney, Amazon´s senior vice president for global

Obama: Clean energy is good for
business, not just ´tree-huggers´
USA Today, by Gregory Korte    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/19/2015 1:53:02 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The White House is enlisting Fortune 500 CEOs in its attempts to reach a breakthrough agreement on climate change, announcing agreements with 68 more companies committed to reducing their greenhouse gasses ahead of international talks in Paris. The CEOs are among the 81 major companies that have now made specific commitments on climate. But just as important for President Obama, they´re also putting a business-friendly face on his clean energy initiatives. "Historically, when you start talking about an issue like climate change, the perception is that this is an environmental issue. It´s for tree huggers, and that hard-headed

Mo Brooks: John Boehner Will Likely
Remain House Speaker Until 2017
Breitbart Big Government, by Robert Wilde    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/19/2015 1:48:18 PM     Post Reply
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) 81% acknowledged on Breitbart News Sunday that since no candidate has a clear pathway to becoming the next Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) 37% could remain Speaker through January 2017. Host of the show and Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow asked the Congressman the chances of getting a bonafide conservative in the House as Speaker: “What are major hurdles in getting a guy like [Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) 80% into the Speakership?” Brooks, a member of the conservative Freedom Caucus, replied: The major hurdle in respect to getting someone of the caliber



Ahmed Mohamed, Muslim teen
detained for bringing homemade clock
to school, heads to the White House
Associated Press, by Dylan Stableford    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 10/19/2015 1:34:37 PM     Post Reply
After Ahmed Mohamed was detained by police for bringing a homemade clock to his Texas high school because school officials thought it looked like a bomb, President Obama invited the tinkering Muslim teen to bring it to the White House. “Cool clock, Ahmed,” Obama wrote on Twitter. “Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.” (Snip) “I’m going to talk to him about, like, how hard it is growing up in America,” he said. “It was pretty hard living in America and going to school

Europe´s first national election
since mass Muslim invasion drives
power to conservatives
American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/19/2015 1:32:44 PM     Post Reply
Switzerland just elected a new parliament, and a conservative, anti-immigration party, the Swiss People’s Party (SVP) won a record vote, enabling it to form a government with a conservative majority. The political fallout in Europe is just beginning, and Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats in Germany had better take notice. The BBC reports on the Swiss election: The right-wing, anti-immigration Swiss People´s Party (SVP) has won Switzerland´s parliamentary election with a record 29.4% of the vote Its victory translates into 11 extra seats, giving it 65 out of the total 200 in the lower house. Europe´s migrant crisis boosted support for

Michelle Obama to unveil website
for college campaign
Associated Press, by Darlene Superville    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/19/2015 1:25:30 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON— Michelle Obama is unveiling a new phase of her initiative encouraging students to continue education after high school, a public awareness campaign and matching website to provide practical information and space to share stories, backed by more than 20 media, business and nonprofit groups. BetterMakeRoom.org will be a place for students ages 14-19 to get information on such matters as signing up for the SAT and ACT exams, filling out federal financial aid forms and applying to college, aides said. Students will also be able to share stories about their goals, their progress and what´s inspiring them to go

State Department’s Cybersecurity
Got Worse Under Hillary Clinton
Washington Free Beacon, by Morgan Chalfant    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/19/2015 1:21:44 PM     Post Reply
During Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, the State Department was one of the poorest performing federal government agencies when it came to securing its computer networks. The Associated Press reported: The State Department’s compliance with federal cybersecurity standards was below average when Clinton took over but grew worse in each year of her tenure, according to an annual report card compiled by the White House based on audits by agency watchdogs. Network security continued to slip after Kerry replaced Clinton in February 2013, and remains substandard, according to the State Department inspector general. In each year from 2011



Benghazi panel sparks feud among
Republicans before Clinton´s testimony
The Guardian [UK], by Tom McCarthy    Original Article
Posted By: JoElla Bee- 10/19/2015 1:21:02 PM     Post Reply
As Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton prepared to testify before a panel investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks, a behind-the-scenes fight over the Republican-led inquiry broke into messy public view at the weekend, raising questions about what sort of spectacle would greet the public when the lights go up in the hearing room on Thursday. A visit to Capitol Hill on Friday by top Clinton aide Huma Abedin seemed to foreshadow a week of drama. Abedin testified for eight hours in a closed-door hearing before the House select committee on Benghazi, saying afterward that she had “answered all of their questions

Halperin: Hillary Says She’s Answered
Everything, But Needs To Spend Week
Prepping For Testimony
Breitbart TV, by Ian Hanchett    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/19/2015 12:

Ethan Miller/Getty Images/AFP

Report: 9-11 Hijackers Obtained Florida I.D. Cards under Governor J...

GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush is defending his brother, former President George W. Bush, against GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s reminder that 9-11 occurred under George W. Bush’s watch. But the International Business Times (IBT) reports the hijackers on 9-11 actually obtained Florida drivers licenses – or I.D. cards – while Jeb Bush was governor, which allowed them to disappear into society.

Boehner with gavel AP

Poll: Republicans Want Principled Speaker, Not a Dealmaker

According to the WSJ poll, Republican primary voters would prefer a House Speaker who stood on principle, rather than one who comprised to pass legislation. Even if such a stand meant the House got less work done, 56% of GOP voters wanted a Speaker to stand on Republican principles as opposed to just 40% who would prefer compromise to get results.

Screen Shot 2015-10-19 at 5.25.29 PM

Bruce Willis Sports Donald Trump Hat ‘Make America Great Again’ and...

Well-known actor Bruce Willis wore a Donald Trump hat during an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and a wig to resemble the billionaire last Friday.


Graham: Trump, Carson Comments on 9/11 ‘Beyond Bizarre’

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Republican presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said his opponents Donald Trump and Ben Carson’s recent comments about immigration policy and  energy independence effects on the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were “beyond bizarre.” Graham said,

Getty Images

Actor Anthony Mackie Faces Backlash for Endorsing Trump

Actor Anthony Mackie endorsed Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump Monday during a promotional interview with BET for his new film Our Brand Is Crisis, and was immediately vilified online for being black and embracing conservative ideas.

Donald Trump; Megyn Kelly

Trump to Supporters: Stop Watching Megyn Kelly

Apparently, the feud between Donald Trump and Fox News has now morphed into one where Trump can say whatever he wants and Fox News will still allow him to come on the network to pitch his case to voters. Case


Pataki: Trump a ‘Schoolyard Bully Spewing Nonsense’

Monday on MSNBC, Republican presidential candidate and former Gov. George Pataki (R-NY), said that his rival Donald Trump blaming former President George W. Bush for the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is “like an eighth-grade schoolyard bully spewing nonsense.” Pataki said, “Donald

Former Florida Governor and republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks to voters at the Heritage Action Presidential Candidate Forum September 18, 2015 in Greenville, South Carolina. Eleven republican candidates each had twenty five minutes to talk to voters Friday at the Bons Secours Wellness arena in the upstate of South Carolina. (Photo by

Jeb Bush Campaign Manager In Germany For Speech On Political Commun...

Danny Diaz, Campaign Manager of Jeb Bush for President, spoke Monday at the International Conference For Political Communications, which took place at the Academy of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin, Germany. Breitbart News reached out to the campaign to ask why Mr. Bush’s top campaign official was in Germany this week in the midst of a hotly-contested campaign season.


Durbin: ‘I Don’t Understand’ Hillary’s Motive Behind Server, But It...

Assistant Senate Minority Leader Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) argued that while he doesn’t “understand” the motive behind Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton having a private email server, he doesn’t believe she was “trying to conceal things”

Jenna Jameson enters the Celebrity Big Brother house at Elstree Studios on August 27, 2015 in Borehamwood, England. (Photo by

Porn Actress Jenna Jameson: Marco Rubio ‘Clear Choice’ for 2016

Pornographic film participant Jenna Jameson is picking Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) out of the GOP’s 2016 line-up. “@marcorubio is the clear choice!!!!”


Absent Trump, Republican Candidates Ignore Illegal Immigration and ...

Six Republican presidential candidates lined up to speak at a Faith and Freedom Coalition forum hosted by Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, on Sunday afternoon. Donald Trump was not one of them. Surprisingly, or perhaps not, the topics of illegal immigration and border security were not discussed by those who were there.


Hillary Knew U.S. Government’s Source Was Suspected of Terrorist In...

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the U.S. government was using a Libyan intelligence source who has been accused of involvement in a major terrorist attack against Americans, and that source is currently living the life of a free citizen, courtesy of the U.S. and British governments.


Krauthammer: Biden to Run As ‘Insurance Policy’ in Case Hillary Ind...

On Monday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer sounded off on the prospects of Vice President Joe Biden entering the contest for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. According to Krauthammer, Biden’s presence in the

Joe Biden

Joe Biden 2016 Confirmed? Washington Post ‘Inadvertently’ Publishes...

The Washington Post dropped something of a bomb on Joe Biden’s potential bid for the presidency tonight–although it remains unclear if it was the real thing or a placeholder.


Jindal: Cruz, Rubio, Graham, and Rand Need to ‘Act,’ Every Governor...

Louisiana Governor and Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal argued, “I know there are a lot of Republicans in DC that like to talk, it’s time for them to act, including a lot of these Republicans running for president,” namely Senators


Jeb: Clinton Had Wrong Approach To Bin Laden, ‘We Can’t Take 250,00...

Republican presidential candidate former Florida Governor Jeb Bush criticized the Clinton administration’s approach to Osama bin Laden, and Republican fellow candidate Donald Trump’s foreign policy while also declaring, “We can’t take 250,000 refugees” on Monday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News

David Brock

David Brock: Big Money in Politics–for Democrats–Necessary to Defea...

Media Matters for America founder David Brock says that Democrats cannot “unilaterally disarm” when it comes to spending billions against Republicans this election cycle, and that the mainstream media is “on notice” not to wander in the direction of conservative reporting.

US President George W. Bush (R) is greeted by his

Report: George W. Bush Says Ted Cruz ‘Hijacked’ the GOP, Would Be ‘...

Former Republican president George W. Bush told donors that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is his brother Jeb Bush’s most “formidable” opponent in the GOP primary, according to Politico. The attendees reported that Bush said “I just don’t like the guy.”

Hillary Clinton

Clinton Campaign Walks Back Hillary’s Suggestion of Australian-Styl...

On October 19, Hillary Clinton campaign spokesperson Jennifer Palmieri walked back Clinton’s earlier suggestion that an Australian-style gun ban is “worth considering” for U.S. gun policy.

Jeff Sessions

Since GOP Took over House, U.S. Added 4X More Immigrants than Popul...

Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions and Congressman Dave Brat issued a challenge to Republican presidential hopefuls in a joint op-ed titled, “Curb immigration or quit.”

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum take part in the presidential debates at the Reagan Library on September 16, 2015 in Simi Valley, California. Fifteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the second set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by

Santorum: 9/11 Was On Bush’s Watch, But He Doesn’t Have ‘Personal A...

Republican presidential candidate former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum weighed in on the spat between fellow Republican candidates Donald Trump and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush over former President George W. Bush’s involvement in 9/11 on Monday’s “After the Bell” on the


Matthews: Trump ‘Awakened Us’ To Fact ‘W Didn’t Keep Us Safe,’ Than...

MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews praised Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump former Florida Governor Jeb Bush for bringing up George W. Bush in relation to 9/11 and Trump “awakened us all to the fact that Jeb said something that just

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Small Tent: Webb Considers Leaving Democrat Party, Running As Indep...

Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb is considering leaving the Democratic Party to run as an independent nominee, asserting that the Democratic Party is helping frontrunner Hillary Clinton win her bid for the presidency. Former Sen. Webb’s campaign released initial information about his possible exit from the Democratic Party when sending out details about a press conference he is holding on Tuesday at the National Press Club.

Ethan Miller/Getty Images/AFP

Bidenworld Source: ´I Think It´s Fair
to Say Something Will Break This Week´
Townhall, by Guy Benson    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/20/2015 1:08:59 PM     Post Reply
Amid rampant speculation about Joe Biden´s presidential intentions and the possible timing of an unconfirmed announcement -- perhaps before a key event in Iowa this weekend -- the would-be candidate is dropping some rhetorical breadcrumbs. When this quote surfaced on Twitter yesterday, politicos perked up: (Tweet) Was Biden taking a calculated jab at Hillary Clinton, who listed Republicans as among her "enemies," alongside Iran and others, during last week´s Democratic debate? (For what it´s worth, Hillary has since said she was being "a little tongue-in-cheek"). Or was this just a stray musing from Uncle Joe, a career politician

With a pro-terrorist gov in Canada,
border security is a big problem
Frontpage Magazine, by Daniel Greenfield    Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.- 10/20/2015 12:52:19 PM     Post Reply
With backing from Obama´s campaign people, Canadian voters made a left-wing terrorist supporter whose only calling card was his last name, the Prime Minister of Canada. This is really bad for Canadians, but it turns the northern into a serious national security issue. Canada´s asylum policy has led to Muslim terrorist attacks on America before. The LAX Millennium bomb plot involved Muslims taking advantage of Canada´s lax asylum policies to enter and attack America. (Snip) Justin Trudeau is blatantly pro-terrorist. He opposes stripping terrorists of citizenship. He´s an advocate for Gitmo rat Omar Khadr and spoke at

Jeb admitted in his own book that
´leaky´ immigration policy led to 9/11 –
exactly what he said was ´pathetic´ after
Trump blasted his brother for failing
to prevent it
Daily Mail (UK), by J. Taylor Rushing    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/20/2015 12:51:37 PM     Post Reply
A new battlefield has emerged in the war of words between Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and the man he deposed in July, and this time it´s Jeb Bush´s own words that are coming back to haunt him. The former Florida governor wrote a book in 2013, ´Immigration Wars,´ in which he wrote that the airplane hijackers who attacked New York City and Washington D.C. on Sept. 11, 2001 were allowed into the U.S. under ´leaky´ immigration policies presided over by his brother, President George W. Bush. Trump and Jeb Bush have been publicly feuding ever since Trump last week



Obama vows to veto
sanctuary city crackdown
Washington Times, by Stephen Dinan    Original Article
Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 10/20/2015 12:44:34 PM     Post Reply
The White House on Tuesday vowed to veto a bill designed to prevent sanctuary city deaths like the July killing of Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco, saying the solution is to legalize illegal immigrants, not to force cities and counties to cooperate in deporting them. In a state of policy, the Office of Management and Budget said if Congress won’t pass a bill legalizing illegal immigrants, it should butt out and let President Obama carry out his own policies, which include narrowing the number of illegal immigrants he deems worthy of deporting. And he said trying to force local police to cooperate with his own federal authorities would

Donald Trump: Obama considering
executive order to take guns away
CNN, by Jeremy Diamond and Tom LoBianco    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 10/20/2015 12:42:38 PM     Post Reply
Anderson, South Carolina - Donald Trump is backing away from his claim that President Barack Obama is considering an executive order to take away Americans´ guns, saying he´s hearing about it from "good sources" in the media. Trump served up a fresh platter of red meat to a crowd of 5,600 supporters Monday night in the deep red part of South Carolina by suggesting that the President is planning to sign an executive order to "take your guns away." "You know, the President is thinking about signing an executive order where he wants to take your guns away. You hear

Group Sues State Department to
Release Clinton Schedule
Washington Free Beacon, by Alana Goodman    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/20/2015 12:42:27 PM     Post Reply
A conservative nonprofit group is suing the Department of State to release details about Hillary Clinton’s schedule during her tenure there, according to court documents filed on Monday. Citizens United initially submitted a public information request for the information on the former secretary of state last March, but the State Department has yet to turn over any documents. The nonprofit group has several similar suits pending against the State Department. The group is asking for any records related to “a schedule, appointment, event, appearance, or any other anticipated commitment of presence” from Clinton that were sent by her schedulers Lona

MSNBC Grills GOP Congresswoman:
Why is Hillary Responsible for Benghazi?
Newsbusters, by Kyle Drennen    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/20/2015 12:39:37 PM     Post Reply
Filling in for Jose Diaz-Balart during MSNBC’s 10 a.m. ET hour on Tuesday, NBC national correspondent Peter Alexander interrogated Republican Congresswoman Susan Brooks about the House Benghazi Committee: “I want to get a sense from you, as we look forward to Thursday’s hearing, what you think, in simple terms, we should expect from this hearing, given the fact that in recent weeks we’ve heard from multiple Republicans that there is a partisan effort at play here?” After Brooks defended the committee’s work as “a very fact-centric, a fact-focused investigation,” Alexander hit back: “So if Jeb Bush´s campaign insists that his



Victim of state spying?
Facebook will tell you
Guardian [UK], by Alex Hern    Original Article
Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 10/20/2015 12:32:36 PM     Post Reply
Facebook will explicitly notify users it believes have been targeted by an attacker suspected of working on behalf of a nation state, the company has announced. Users whose accounts are targeted or compromised by state-sponsored hackers will now receive a notification upon login, warning them that “we believe your Facebook account and your other online accounts may be the target of attacks from state-sponsored actors”. The user is then prompted to turn on Facebook’s “login approvals”, a form of two-factor authorisation which texts a login code to the user when they (or anyone else) tries to access the app using their phone.

Trump Reverses Course, Says
Biden Shouldn’t Run And
Emails Won’t Sink Clinton
BuzzFeed News, by Andrew Kaczynski    Original Article
Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 10/20/2015 12:10:02 PM     Post Reply
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump says he doesn’t think Vice President Joe Biden will run for president because current Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has “too much of a head start.” In August, Trump had told Breitbart.com he expected Clinton would be forced out by her use of a private email server and Biden would be the Democratic nominee. But on Tuesday, Trump appeared to changed his tune, telling Boston Herald Radio of a possible Biden run and Hillary Clinton’s emails, “I personally can’t see why he would cause I don’t think he’s going to win and he’s got a legacy. He can

Hillary and Obama Andrews Air Force Base Benghazi Coffin Jason Reed, Reuters

Poll: Plurality of Americans Think Hillary Botched Benghazi

As Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton prepares to testify before the House Benghazi Committee Thursday, a new poll finds that almost half of all Americans are not happy with the way she handled the Benghazi terrorist attack as Secretary of State.


Rubio: Rand’s Syria Comments ‘Misreading’ History, Trump Should Be ...

Republican presidential candidate Florida Senator Marco Rubio accused fellow candidate Kentucky Senator Rand Paul of “misreading” history with regards to Syria and stated that fellow candidate Donald Trump should be allowed to host “Saturday Night Live” and those who oppose


Jindal: I’m the Only One Who Replaces Obamacare Without a New Entit...

Republican presidential candidate Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal stated that he’s the only candidate “with a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare without a new entitlement plan” on Tuesday’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” on the Fox Business Network. When asked [relevant


Attkisson: ‘Biden Is Getting In’

Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson said Vice President Joe Biden is going to enter the race for president. When asked what she has heard about the vice president entering the 2016 presidential race

Donald Trump holds up a cap that he signed for a supporter during a rally at the Expo Hall of the Richmond International Raceway on October 14, 2015 in Richmond, Virginia. AFP PHOTO/MANDEL NGAN (Photo credit should read

Trump: Revoke Passports For Those Who Go To Fight For ISIS, Would ‘...

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated he would revoke passports from people who go overseas to fight for ISIS and “You’re going to have to certainly look at” closing mosques “if the mosque is, you know, loaded for bear” on

Marco Rubio

Exclusive Video: Marco Rubio Celebrates ‘Back To The Future Day’

Sen. Marco Rubio will celebrate “Back to the Future Day” tomorrow, highlighting the date October 21, 2015 featured in the film Back to the Future Part II.

Ben Carson waves to the crowd as he arrives to discuss his new book 'A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do To Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties' October 9, 2015 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. AFP Photo/PAUL J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read

Ben Carson: Let’s Talk About Eliminating Gun Free Zones, Not Guns

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson says that “logic and common sense” make clear it’s time to talk about eliminating gun free zones, not guns.

Getty Images

Norman Lear: Donald Trump is America’s ‘Middle Finger’ to Establish...

Legendary television producer Norman Lear believes Donald Trump’s meteoric rise in the Republican presidential contest represents a “middle finger” from America to the establishment political class.

screen cap

Senate Democrats Block Bill Targeting Sanctuary Cities

The legislation would restrict federal funds and grants to sanctuary cities and channel the funding to jurisdictions that comply with immigration authorities. It would also affirm local law enforcement’s right to comply with immigration officials and establish a mandatory minimum sentence for criminal immigrants convicted of illegally re-entering the U.S.

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks to supporters as he campaigns Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, in Franklin, Tenn.

White House Vows Veto Of Bill To Defund Sanctuary Cities

The White House is threatening to veto a Senate Republican bill that would defund sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, in an attempt to draw a line in the sand on illegal immigration.

Santorum APJ. Scott Applewhite

Rick Santorum Defends Donald Trump over 9-11 Comment

GOP presidential candidate former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum is defending Donald Trump after backlash from the media and fellow GOP candidate former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on his comment about 9-11 happening under President George W. Bush.


DOCUMENT: Obama Administration First Tried To Blame DIFFERENT Youtu...

The State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security’s September 12 “Attack Timeline” makes no mention of a Youtube video, and Hillary Clinton received intelligence on September 12 linking the Ansar Al Sharia terrorist group to the attack. Nevertheless, the Obama Administration went ahead and blamed a different Youtube video, “Innocence of Muslims,” for inciting spontaneous violence that led to the deaths of four Americans.


MSNBC’s Seitz-Wald: Webb Dropping Out Admission That ‘Traditional D...

MSNBC Political Reporter Alex Seitz-Wald said that former Democratic Virginia Senator Jim Webb dropping out of the Democratic primary is an admission that “the traditional Democratic Party has come and gone” on Tuesday’s “MSNBC Live.” Seitz-Wald said, “really, Jim Webb

Coulter: Trump Like Reagan Yet Media Is Clueless

Neurotically ignoring the fact that Donald Trump’s position on immigration has catapulted him to the lead for the Republican presidential nomination, the media diminish his soaring poll numbers with a scrolling series of rationalizations.


Christie: Obama ‘A Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel President,’ US Shou...

Republican presidential candidate New Jersey Governor Chris Christie argued President Obama made it clear “he’s going to be a pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel president” in 2008, and the US should pay other countries to accept refugees on Tuesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox

AP/Rogelio V. Solis

Report Dismantles False Choice of Amnesty or Instantaneous Mass Dep...

A report from the non-partisan Centers for Immigration Studies (CIS) dismantles the false choice presented to voters faced with out-of-control levels of immigration: Grant everyone amnesty, or have a SWAT team escort each weeping anchor baby onto a bus headed for Mexico.


Trump: ‘I Think I Could Have Stopped’ 9/11 and Would Have Taken Out...

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump argued that “I think I could have stopped it” in reference to the September 11th terrorist attacks, “I would have taken him [Osama bin Laden] out,” and that “Iraq…turned out not to be the right


NYT: ‘Bush Bucks’ Reveals Half of Jeb’s Wealth Comes from Companies...

The New York Times previews Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer’s upcoming e-book Bush Bucks, an investigation of crony capitalism between the Bush political dynasty and its business connections.

AP Photo/Chris O'Meara

Charlie Crist Announces Congressional Run

Charlie Crist is back, and this time, it looks as if he is here to stay. Crist announced that he is running for Congress in Florida’s soon-to-be-Democratic-leaning 13th congressional district.


Biden Again Hits Hillary for ‘Enemy’ Debate Remarks

Tuesday night at a gala in honor of former Vice President Walter Mondale, Vice President Joe Biden again apparently referenced Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton saying she was proud the Republicans were her enemies during the CNN debate last week.


Gutfeld: Trump Has Pulled People ‘Into the Same Camp’ As Left, But ...

Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld weighed in on the dispute between Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush over former President George W. Bush’s responsibility for September 11th by saying Trump “has managed to pull


Huckabee: Saying Bush Had Anything To Do With 9/11 ‘As Ridiculous’ ...

Republican presidential candidate former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee argued it’s “as ridiculous as saying that George Bush had something to do with Hurricane Katrina” to say that former President George W. Bush had anything to do with 9/11 on Tuesday’s


Giuliani: Trump a Little Bit Bill Clinton and a Little Bit Ronald R...

Tuesday on MSNBC “Hardball With Chris Matthews,” former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is “an extraordinarily intelligent guy” who is a  “little bit of Bill Clinton, a little bit of Ronald Reagan.” Rudy

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Jim Webb Exits ’16 Dem Primary, Blasts Affirmative Action for ‘Hurt...

As he was exiting the Democratic race for president because he said his views were incompatible with those of the left-wing elite and base, former Virginia Senator Jim Webb said that today’s race-based affirmative action policies are hurting poor whites

More trouble ahead for the dems??????????..Can you say splitting the DEMS...LOL

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Jim Webb Exits ’16 Dem Primary, Blasts Affirmative Action for ‘Hurt...

As he was exiting the Democratic race for president because he said his views were incompatible with those of the left-wing elite and base, former Virginia Senator Jim Webb said that today’s race-based affirmative action policies are hurting poor whites

Does Concealed Carry Make Society
Safer? Americans Have Decided
Investor´s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm    Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 10/21/2015 10:35:40 AM     Post Reply
"Suppose more Americans were allowed to carry concealed weapons if they passed a background check and training course. Would the U.S. be safer or less safe?" First, how would you answer this question? If you said "safer," you'd be in the clear majority, according to a new Gallup survey of 1,015 adults.Fully 56% said the country would be safer if more trained citizens were armed; 41% disagreed.As you might expect, men favored the idea more: 62% said safer to 37% less safe. But now even 50% of women agree society would be safer, while 45% disagree.Location of residence had some effect, but perhaps not as much as you might

Clock Boy’s Dad Calls for a New
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
PJ Media, by Debra Heine    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 10/21/2015 10:27:10 AM     Post Reply
At a press conference Tuesday morning outside the U.S. Capitol Building, Ahmed ”Clock Boy” Mohamed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, urged the president and Congress to amend the Constitution so that innocent people like his son would not be victimized by authorities ever again. Ahmed brought a suspicious-looking “homemade clock” into MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, last month, allegedly to impress his teachers. After refusing to cooperate with police, he was briefly arrested for bringing to school what authorities suspected was a “hoax bomb.” Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA) organized the press conference so Ahmed and his dad could turn his arrest into

American Sniper on trial: The appeal
PowerLine, by Scott Johnson    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 10/21/2015 10:04:44 AM     Post Reply
I wrote about Jesse Ventura’s defamation/unjust enrichment lawsuit against the estate of Chris Kyle last year in “American Sniper on trial” and in “American Sniper on trial: The verdict.” The case arises from a couple of pages about Kyle’s close encounter with Ventura at a bar in southern California. Ventura alleged that the story Kyle recounted was false and defamatory and that the success of the book was attributable in part to the story Kyle told in those pages. A jury with two holdouts found in favor of Ventura. District Judge Richard Kyle (no relation to the family of Chris



Justin Trudeau: Canada´s Obama
FrontPage Magazine, by Robert Spencer    Original Article
Posted By: ScarletPimpernel- 10/21/2015 8:40:07 AM     Post Reply
For years, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has served as a welcome counterpoint to Barack Obama, and the object of wistful musings about what a fine President of the United States he would have been, if only he had been born south of the border: generally realistic about the jihad threat, determined to do what was necessary to meet that threat, and a strong supporter of Israel. But now Canada at last has its own Obama: Justin Trudeau. And that means that Canada, like the United States, faces deep trouble ahead. The new Prime Minister of Canada, like Obama, has

Syria conflict:
Assad in surprise visit to Moscow
BBC [UK], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 10/21/2015 8:20:59 AM     Post Reply
During the surprise visit, he held talks with President Vladimir Putin. Russia launched air strikes in Syria last month against the so-called Islamic State (IS) and other militant groups battling Mr Assad´s forces. Mr Assad said Russia´s involvement had stopped "terrorism" becoming "more widespread and harmful" in Syria. For his part, Mr Putin said Moscow´s hope, in providing a "positive dynamic in the fighting", was that a "long term resolution can be achieved on the basis of a political process with the participation of all political forces, ethnic and religious groups". The visit happened on Tuesday evening, but was not announced until Wednesday -

Vatican denies Italian report
Pope Francis has brain tumor
Reuters, by Philip Pullella    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 10/21/2015 8:11:46 AM     Post Reply
The Vatican denied an Italian media report on Wednesday that Pope Francis has a benign brain tumor, calling the article "gravely irresponsible and unworthy of attention". Francis later held his weekly general audience before tens of thousands of people in St. Peter´s Square and was due to return to a three-week gathering of Roman Catholic bishops from around the world, which he has been attending daily. The newspaper Quotidiano Nazionale, a national paper based in central Italy, reported on its front page on Wednesday that a Japanese doctor and his team had secretly flown from Tuscany to the Vatican on a helicopter

Thinking About Giving Some Money
to Ben Carson? Read This First.
American Thinker, by Jay Michaels    Original Article
Posted By: ScarletPimpernel- 10/21/2015 8:06:41 AM     Post Reply
It’s easy to like Ben. It’s a little harder to like John Phillip Sousa IV (yes, the great-grandson), Vernon Robinson, and, especially, Bruce Eberle. But they’re going to get a hefty percentage of whatever you fork over for Dr. Carson. Not long after hearing the neurosurgeon’s now famous attack on Obamacare at the National Prayer Breakfast in 2013, Sousa, without knowing much of anything about his man, launched the National Draft Ben Carson for President Campaign, with Eberle’s Campaign Funding Direct raising the bucks. Last year, before Carson officially declared his candidacy, the organization raked in $13.5 million. Eberle specializes



Donald Trump Leads in Expectations,
Shows Strength on Attributes (POLL)
ABC News, by Julie Phelan    Original Article
Posted By: jackson- 10/21/2015 8:03:50 AM     Post Reply
Donald Trump leads the Republican presidential field in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, not only in vote preferences but in expectations as well -– a remarkable feat for the non-politician who’s surprised the GOP establishment with his staying power as well as his support. Trump has leveled off with backing from 32 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who are registered to vote, easily enough to retain his frontrunner status. Fellow outsider Ben Carson follows with 22 percent, also flat this month after sharp summertime gains. Notably, even more leaned Republicans -- 42 percent -- say they expect Trump to win

Republicans on Benghazi panel seek
to grill Hillary Clinton — softly
Washington Post, by David Weigel    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 10/21/2015 7:52:27 AM     Post Reply
Come Thursday morning, only seven Republicans will get a chance to grill former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton about the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi. The rest of Washington’s Republicans can only share advice: Please, please, don’t mess this up. “Find out what happened,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), one of the first Republicans to demand a special investigation. “There’ve been self-inflicted wounds, but I don’t think they change the fundamental facts.” Those wounds have come to define the Select Committee on Benghazi, which — as Democrats do not tire of pointing out — is in its 17th month investigating the

NYPD officer fatally shot
in head during shootout in Harlem.
‘He ran toward danger.’
Washington Post, by Fred Barbash and Justin Wm. Moyer    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 10/21/2015 7:50:43 AM     Post Reply
A New York City police officer was fatally shot Tuesday evening during a shootout in East Harlem. “We’re all in mourning tonight,” Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) said at a press conference very early Wednesday morning. “He’s a man who gave his life as a guardian for all of us.” Randolph Holder, 33, was a five-year NYPD veteran. The fourth NYPD officer murdered in the past 11 months, Holder and another officer responded around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday to reports of gunshots fired in East Harlem. A witness at the scene said men had fled over a pedestrian walkway across FDR Drive after

Biden’s Tuesday: Jabbing at
Clinton on foreign policy, still no
announcement on White House bid
Washington Post, by Paul Kane and Tom Hamburger    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 10/21/2015 7:33:43 AM     Post Reply
Vice President Biden devoted multiple appearances Tuesday to claiming the mantle of President Obama´s closest foreign policy adviser and declaring his role as more critical than either of his secretaries of state, including Hillary Rodham Clinton, who he is considering challenging in the 2016 primary. At two events honoring former vice president Walter Mondale, Biden said that one of his major roles was to serve as Obama´s top emissary abroad to global leaders. In those meetings, he said, he served a more important role than other administration officials for delivering messages to the likes of Russian President Vladimir Putin. “We’ve had two


Benghazi committee was first
ever to ask for Chris Stevens´ emails
Washington Examiner, by Sarah Westwood    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 10/21/2015 7:29:22 AM     Post Reply
The House Select Committee on Benghazi was the first congressional committee to request the emails of Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the 2012 terror attack that is the subject of the controversial probe. While seven other committees have investigated aspects of the Benghazi attack, a State Department official told the Washington Examiner Tuesday the agency is "not aware" of any previous requests for Stevens´ emails. The revelation came as Democrats on and off the committee argue the probe has taken a partisan turn in order to focus on Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner for president.

Canada Retreats
New York Sun, by Editorial    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 10/21/2015 6:53:47 AM     Post Reply
The first signal to watch for after the election of Justin Trudeau as prime minister of Canada will be whether his Liberal Party government will abandon the country’s erstwhile allies to their own devices in the fight against the Islamic State. The Liberals had campaigned on, among other things, a promise to end Canada’s participation in the combat mission America has been leading. And they certainly won a mandate from the voters. All the more dismaying the prospect that they will abandon the fight. Nor is America the only ally that will feel this sense of regret for Canada’s robust engagement

How serious is Donald Trump?
His campaign lacks one essential tool
Quartz, by Tim Fernholz    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 10/21/2015 6:39:39 AM     Post Reply
He has a commanding lead in the polls, but Donald Trump is the only Republican presidential candidate who hasn’t purchased a database of voter information, which political campaigns use to target supporters and mobilize them on election day. Modern campaigns also rely on voter files to plan everything from advertising to events, and accurate information is particularly key in the early state of Iowa, where voters will select a candidate in January through a complicated caucus process that gathers individuals in a room to make a group decision. Meticulous organization is seen as the key to victory. But Trump’s campaign hadn’t purchased

Will conservative attacks
on Trump miss mark?
Washington Examiner, by Byron York    Original Article
Posted By: FlyRight- 10/21/2015 6:37:31 AM     Post Reply
The coming establishment Republican ad assault on Donald Trump will likely focus on one main charge: He´s not a conservative. Most of Trump´s critics on the right have made that point at one time or another, and a preview of future attacks — the anti-Trump ads run by the Club for Growth political action committee in Iowa in September — focused on Trump´s conservative apostasy. "Which presidential candidate supports higher taxes, national health care, and the Wall Street bailout?" the ad asked. "It´s Donald Trump." The spot went on to say that Trump "has a record, and it´s very liberal" and



Chris Matthews Joins Trump
in Blaming Bush for 9/11
Media Research Center TV, by Dan Joseph    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/21/2015 6:36:16 AM     Post Reply
It was only a matter of time before the left gleefully adopted the narrative that George W. Bush failed to keep us safe during his time in office. MSNBC host Chris Matthews picked up where GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump left off, furthering the claim that George W. Bush failed to keep America safe by citing the




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