We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

On 'Hannity,' GOP candidate discusses in-fighting among Republicans, 'Black Lives Matter' movement

Ben Carson: We need to unite, not divide America

On 'Hannity,' GOP candidate discusses in-fighting among Republicans, 'Black Lives Matter' movement

On 'The Kelly File,' the billionaire addresses attacks from Democrats, motivations behind political involvement

Charles Koch opens up about his 'classical liberal' views

On 'The Kelly File,' the billionaire addresses attacks from Democrats, motivations behind political involvement

On 'The Kelly File,' GOP candidate reflects on state of her campaign, remarks by competition

Fiorina: Poll numbers will rise as people learn my story

On 'The Kelly File,' GOP candidate reflects on state of her campaign, remarks by competition

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump goes 'On the Record' on seeking Secret Service protection, why disagrees with the format of the next GOP debate, Obama's decision to keep US troops in Afghanistan longer, Netanyahu's unhappiness with America and more

Trump: If I was a Dem, I'd have Secret Service protection

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump goes 'On the Record' on seeking Secret Service protection, why disagrees with the format of the next GOP debate, Obama's decision to keep US t...

Reaction from The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway

Clinton's email scandal not an 'issue' for mainstream media?

Reaction from The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway

Presidential candidate surges in latest Fox News nomination poll; Insight on 'The Kelly File'

Money Men: Carson, Bush, Cruz lead latest round in GOP cash race

Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz appear to be leading the money race in the Republican presidential primary, according to third-quarter numbers released by the campaigns ahead of ...

He has the cash, the ground game and he's rising in the polls. Will Ted Cruz's campaign path lead to the GOP nomination? Republican Lauren Claffey and Democrat Richard Fowler discuss the Texan's strategy with Chris Stirewalt.

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Frank Rich: GOP Debate Demands ‘Seem To Have Been Drafted By Stalin...

New York Magazine Writer-at-Large Frank Rich stated that the debate demands in a letter circulating among GOP candidates “seem to have been drafted by Stalin” and are “fascistic” on Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Rachel Maddow Show.” Rich said, “It’s hilarious,

Barack Obama speaks during a Democratic fundraiser following a special performance of the Broadway show, 'Hamilton,' at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York, November 2, 2015. AFP PHOTO / SAUL LOEB

Dear Media: Ask Dems, Obama If They Still Believe In Congress and t...

If members of the media wants to prove they can ask “tough questions” of Democrat presidential candidates too, they should grill Hillary Clinton and her putative rivals about whether they still believe in the Constitutional separation of powers, what purpose they think Congress serves, and how the Obama model of unlimited executive power can be squared with America’s republican system.

Ben Carson Reuters and Barack Obama AP

Ben Carson Responds to Obama Taunt on CNBC Debate: Obama “Afraid to...

GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson responded to President Barack Obama’s mocking of GOP candidates for rejecting NBC’s primary debate forum. “That wouldn’t happen to be the same President Obama who was afraid to go on Fox would it?” Carson said with a laugh on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily. “Must be a different guy. That’s just ridiculous,” said Carson, who recently topped an NBC News / WSJ poll as the GOP frontrunne


Obama Mocks GOP, They Can’t Handle Putin If They Can’t Handle CNBC

President Obama mocked Republican candidates who suggested they’ll be tough with Vladimir Putin but “can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators at a debate” during a speech on Monday. Obama stated, “Have you noticed that every one of these candidates say, ‘You


Matthews: Republicans Only Want White Middle-Aged People Voting And...

MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews accused Republicans of trying to seize control of debates to avoid questions like “Do you believe in evolution?” And “hands up if you agree” questions and only want “white, middle-aged, and minimally well off” people

GettyImages-144476391 graduates

Obama’s Secret Migration Plan; Work-Permits For Millions of Foreign...

President Barack Obama’s deputies have drafted a new amnesty memo that would quickly allow employers to get work-permits for a huge number of lower-wage foreign graduates. If approved by Obama, roughly 3 million guest-workers, students and migrants — including perhaps 1.5 million college-grads — would be immediately eligible for the work-permits, at an up-front cost of only $580 per foreign hire.

Icon for Post #134916

Mark Levin says the media claims they ask the tough questions, so he’s got a really tough question for them to ask Obama about his new TPP deal that’s on a...

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Ugh. This is not good news: CBN NEWS – A majority of Americans believe the country would be better off if people followed the teachings of the Bible over the...

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(UPDATED BELOW) Politico ran a hit piece on Ben Carson today, alleging at the very beginning that Carson admitted to Politico that he fabricated his West Point...

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President Treehugger announced today that extremists environmentalists now run America’s energy policy as he is denying the Keystone Pipeline that would have run...

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Carly Fiorina and the brain-dead harridans of “The View” have been feuding for a while, and today she appeared on the show to shut them up once and for...

Icon for Post #134886

Harry Reid and the Democrats continue to make false claims about Kate’s law, with Reid suggesting on the floor of the Senate that it would tear innocent families...

Icon for Post #134880

CNN has a new poll out today that shows Trump and Carson are very close, with Trump just barely coming out on top. It also shows a second tier of candidates that include...

Icon for Post #134876

Ben Carson is fed up with media bias as you’ll see in this interview and I gotta admit, I don’t disagree with him. The questions that CNN host Alisyn...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3qpH7c3Bc

Icon for Post #134962

This morning on CNN supposed conservative Mike Smerconish was providing cover for the press under assault for their poor reporting on Ben Carson when Larry Elder shot...

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This week it’s all about the third GOP Debate!! With Drunken idiots Matt Dawson and Jessica Hapax Legomenon Heddings!!! We also talk about the horrid change in...

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Chris Christie responded to the news that he would be at the “kiddie table” debate instead of the main stage because of his low ratings. Watch...

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Bill O’Reilly absolutely ripped into George Will over the book he wrote about Reagan’s life. And it got UGLY… Watch below: Dayaaammm....

Icon for Post #134942

El Trumpo hit Ben Carson hard with the story CNN attacked him with earlier today, along with the other statements Carson had made about his life. Watch...

Icon for Post #134933

Chris Matthews goes on full attack mode against his fellow MSNBC host Steve Kornacki for not attacking Ben Carson enough and absolutely demands that he call him a...

Icon for Post #134929

Mark Levin sent a warning tonight to any Republican candidate who throws in with these leftist attacks and tries to destroy Ben Carson’s character: Any Republican...

Icon for Post #134926

We reported earlier on the despicable video posted by “Deport Racism” supporters of illegal immigration that had young children shouting expletives and Trump...

Obama to Pentagon: ´Get
to the bottom´ of altered
Islamic State intelligence
USA Today, by Gregory Korte    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 11/23/2015 11:00:11 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — President Obama said Sunday he has told top military officials to "get to the bottom" of reports that intelligence assessments have been altered to give a rosier assessment of progress in turning back the Islamic State. Obama was responding to a report in The New York Times that the Pentagon´s inspector general has expanded its probe of intelligence reports from Central Command, or CENTCOM, and that congressional committees were seeking answers about whether that intelligence had been shaded to make it appear more progress is being made. The Times reported that the Pentagon has added more investigators who have

UN’s COP21 sending message to ISIS?
Canada Free Press, by Judi McLeod    Original Article
Posted By: snowcloud- 11/23/2015 10:57:17 AM     Post Reply
Were it not for the blatant hypocrisy, it would be laughable that France is pledging “100% security within climate conference walls” for the United Nations COP21 event in Paris, being held in the aftermath of the November 13 terrorist attacks. Why would ISIS descend upon the Global Warming Poohbahs of 195 nations when their leaders have already sent out the capital letter-message that it is definitely global warming—and not Islamic terrorism—that is the world’s biggest threat? For a rampaging ISIS, no other message could possibly be as explicit as that one. “100% security within climate conference walls”? There were no such walls at Stade

Nazi holocaust documents found:
6,300 files discovered behind
wall of Budapest apartment
Telegraph [UK], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: happywarrior- 11/23/2015 10:50:41 AM     Post Reply
A vast and historically valuable trove of Holocaust-era documents, long thought destroyed during World War II, has been found hidden in a wall cavity by a couple renovating their Budapest apartment. The haul of 6,300 documents are from a 1944 census that was a precursor to the intended liquidation of the Hungarian capital´s 200,000 Jews in Nazi death camps. Brigitte Berdefy, co-owner of the apartment overlooking Hungary´s parliament, said that in August a worker detected paper after jamming a screwdriver through a crack in the wall. "We thought we´d ruined the neighbour´s wallpaper," Berdefy told AFP. But then her husband



Carson incorrectly taps Jefferson
as Constitution craftsman
USA Today, by David Jackson    Original Article
Posted By: earlybird- 11/23/2015 10:40:54 AM     Post Reply
Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, already under fire for his foreign policy acumen, is now being criticized for his grasp of history, particularly that of Thomas Jefferson. In a C-SPAN interview broadcast Sunday, Carson praised Jefferson as a Founding Father who “tried to craft our Constitution in a way that it would control peoples’ natural tendencies and control the natural growth of the government.” Jefferson, however, did not participate in the development of the U.S. Constitution during a 1787 convention. As Carson himself pointed out in his book A More Perfect Union, Jefferson was serving as U.S. minister to France at

Pfizer and Allergan to merge
in $160 billion inversion
Washington Post, by Carolyn Y. Johnson    Original Article
Posted By: earlybird- 11/23/2015 10:32:03 AM     Post Reply
Pfizer and Allergan on Monday morning announced they would merge in a massive, $160 billion deal that will create the world´s largest drugmaker, producing treatments as varied as Lipitor and Botox. The deal is structured as a reverse-merger, with smaller Dublin-based Allergan buying U.S.-based Pfizer, and it is likely to renew concern in the United States over "inversions," where U.S. companies are bought by or merge with foreign firms in order to reduce U.S. corporate tax burdens. Just days ago, the U.S. Treasury Department issued rules seeking to crack down on these types of deals, which President Obama has labeled "unpatriotic." In

Criminals Steal $4 Million In Cash
With Novel ´Reverse ATM´ Attack
Forbes, by Thomas Fox-Brewster    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 11/23/2015 10:13:36 AM     Post Reply
Over the last year, criminals in Russia found a way to steal 252 million Rubles ($3.8 million) from five unnamed banks, using a novel technique called a “reverse ATM attack”, according to Russian digital intelligence firm Group-IB. (Snip) Here’s how the Moscow-based firm said it worked: the mules would deposit sums of 5,000, 10,000 and 30,000 Rubles into legitimate accounts, immediately withdrawing what they’d put in. They also took a receipt from the ATM, which contained a payment reference number and the amount withdrawn. That information was sent to hackers who would use the data and their access to thousands

Three suspects arrested over rape and
murder of pregnant pastor´s wife
who was killed in her home
Daily Mail [UK], by Brendan Cole    Original Article
Posted By: ScarletPimpernel- 11/23/2015 10:05:37 AM     Post Reply
Three people are being held by police in connection with the rape and murder of the pregnant wife of an Indiana pastor. Eighteen-year-old Larry Taylor, Jalen Watson and Diano Gordon were arrested over the sexual assault and homicide of Amanda Blackburn, 28. Taylor had been previously questioned in the case but then released and the three will also be charged in other burglaries including a rape in Indianapolis, FOX 59 reported. Blackburn was 12 weeks pregnant when she was shot in the head as she tried to defend herself and her one-year-old son Weston when her house entered into on



Washington Post’s Fact Checker
Doesn’t Read The Washington Post
Powerline, by John Hinderaker    Original Article
Posted By: earlybird- 11/23/2015 9:59:30 AM     Post Reply
I wrote earlier today about the liberal media attacking Donald Trump’s statement that on 9/11, “thousands and thousands” of American Muslims in Jersey City celebrated the successful terrorist attacks. Another Democrat who got into the act was the Washington Post’s fact checker, Glenn Kessler. He addressed Trump’s claim here, and, calling it “outrageous,” awarded it four Pinocchios. (Snip) This assertion is astonishing, because it means that Kessler is ignorant–or pretends to be–of his own newspaper’s reporting. As I wrote in the earlier post, the Washington Post, on September 18, 2001, wrote: In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners’ plowing into

Clinton Foundation’s Colombian ‘Private
Equity Fund’ Was Unregistered
Washington Free Beacon, by Alana Goodman    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 11/23/2015 9:31:17 AM     Post Reply
The Clinton Foundation’s Colombia-based investment company was not registered as a private equity fund in the country, which may have allowed it to avoid certain industry regulations and oversight from the Colombian government. Although Fondo Acceso described itself as a “Private Equity Fund” in company promotional materials and business presentations, it is not listed in a database of current or previously registered private equity funds maintained by the Colombian government. Colombian legal experts consulted by the Free Beacon said that Fondo Acceso did not appear to have violated any laws by calling itself a private equity fund, as long as it was

Dulce et decorum est pro insania mori
PJ Media, by Richard Fernandez    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 11/23/2015 9:27:50 AM     Post Reply
Matt Yglesias´s sources in the administration hinted that their response to a post-Paris attack would be to contain public outrage if a similar event occurred in the United States. Anger at such an outrage might well force Obama to retaliate vigorously against ISIS, something which he believed would lead to disaster. Yglesias described the dilemma: "the administration is faced with a nightmare. And it´s a nightmare that looks a lot like what played out in Paris on November 13. ... an actual attack on US soil would, on an emotional level, demand that we "do something" — something that would already

Exposed: Obama´s Love for Jihadis
and Hate for Christians
American Thinker, by Raymond Ibrahim    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 11/23/2015 8:59:27 AM     Post Reply
Obama recently lashed out against the idea of giving preference to Christian refugees, describing it as "shameful." "That´s not American. That´s not who we are. We don´t have religious tests to our compassion," loftily added the American president. (snip) Yet right as Obama was grandstanding about "who we are," statistics were released indicating that "the current [refugee] system overwhelmingly favors Muslim refugees. Of the 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted to the United States so far, only 53 are Christians while 2,098 are Muslim." Aside from the obvious – or, to use Obama´s own word, "shameful" – pro-Muslim, anti-Christian bias evident in these


King of Sweden calls for a ban on BATHS
and admits he is now ‘ashamed’ to run one
after realising how much energy they use
Daily Mail, by Tom Payne    Original Article
Posted By: PChristopher- 11/23/2015 8:26:36 AM     Post Reply
The King of Sweden has called for a ban on baths to help save the environment. King Carl XVI Gustaf, who once had a reputation as a lothario and is now a staunch environmentalist, said he realised how much water and energy they used when he was recently staying somewhere without a shower. The 69-year-old ‘green king’ told Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet: ‘It hit me how much water and energy it used. ‘I thought “I can’t believe I’m having to do this”. I felt quite ashamed.’ Apparently in jest, he added: ‘We should ban all baths.’

Shocker: Avis Car Rental Bars
Israeli Executive from Renting
Observer, by Ken Kurson    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 11/23/2015 8:17:44 AM     Post Reply
UPDATE (6:33 pm): This story has been updated to add comment from Avis. On Saturday evening, Dov Bergwerk arrived at the Avis branch on West 76th Street and Broadway. Accompanied by his wife Ruth, the Bergwerks were planning to join friends for dinner in Westchester. Mr. Bergwerk, a senior vice president and general corporate counsel at the Israeli pharmaceutical giant Teva, got out his driver’s license, reservation number and “Wizard” loyalty card – he’s rented from Avis dozens of times before – and anticipated the usual smooth transition into a nondescript mid-sized sedan. That’s when the trouble started.

Obama shares America´s many troubles
with another foreign crowd
Investor´s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm    Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 11/23/2015 8:16:45 AM     Post Reply

President Obama returned from a nine-day round-the-world tour early this morning. But not before once again detailing to a foreign audience some of the numerous things wrong with his country. "The United States has to have some humility," said the aloof one, "because there have been times where we did the wrong thing. There have been times where we have problems in our own country. And so we will want to go tell other people what to do, but then back home we´re not always doing what we say we should do.” [Snip] The Democrat who´s presided over the slowest


Snip] The Democrat who´s presided over the slowest

Trump doubles down: Thousands
in NJ cheered on 9/11
The Hill, by Kyle Balluck    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 11/23/2015 8:13:19 AM     Post Reply
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump is doubling down on comments that thousands of people in parts of New Jersey with large Arab populations cheered on 9/11. Trump said at a rally on Saturday in Birmingham, Ala. that he watched as the World Trade Center “came tumbling down.” “And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down,” he added. “Thousands of people were cheering.” ABC “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos asked Trump on Sunday if he misspoke, noting that “police say that didn´t happen and all those rumors have been on



Thousands of drug users are rescuing
each other with antidote naloxone
Washington Post, by Lenny Bernstein    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 11/23/2015 8:07:28 AM     Post Reply
BALTIMORE — Deep into a three-day heroin binge at a local hotel, Samantha told the newbie he was shooting too much. He wasn’t accustomed to heroin, she said, and hadn’t waited long enough since his last injection. “But he didn’t listen,” she said. Sure enough, he emerged from a visit to the bathroom, eyes glazed, and collapsed from an overdose. Samantha, who declined to give her last name to avoid trouble with her bosses at a nearby strip club, said she grabbed her naloxone, the fast-acting antidote to opioid overdoses. She was too panicked to place the atomizer on the end of

Eagles of Death Metal singer: Fan escaped
gunmen by hiding under my leather jacket
Washington Post, by Michael E. Miller    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 11/23/2015 7:58:25 AM     Post Reply
Jesse Hughes is rock ‘n’ roll incarnate. From head to toe, the Eagles of Death Metal lead singer is like a neon sign advertising the trappings of American rock. Tight jeans. Bright tattoos. Bold views. Wild hair. Several stints in drug rehab. And above all: sexually charged lyrics. On Nov. 13, Hughes was belting those sexually suggestive lyrics on stage when three members of the Islamic State forced their way into the Bataclan concert hall in Paris. Hughes managed to escape but scores of his fans did not. Strapped with suicide vests and armed with Kalashnikovs, the gunmen slaughtered 89 people at

Ind. police arrest teen for rape, murder of
pastor’s pregnant wife, Amanda Blackburn
Washington Post, by Michael E. Miller    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 11/23/2015 7:55:49 AM     Post Reply
Indianapolis Police have arrested a teenager in connection to the rape and killing of Amanda Blackburn, the pregnant young wife of a local pastor. On Monday morning, cops announced they had arrested 18-year-old Larry Taylor on a preliminary charge of murder for the gruesome Nov. 10 crime. Two other men remain in custody on parole violations and are also considered suspects, according to local TV station Fox 59. “We are thankful to our federal, state and local partnerships that aided in the apprehension of the suspect in this terrible and senseless crime,” Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department chief Rick Hite said in a

Top Dem to Obama: We´re running
out of time to beat Islamic State
Washington Examiner, by Jacquiline Kilmas    Original Article
Posted By: FLyRight- 11/23/2015 7:30:38 AM     Post Reply
Sen. Dianne Feinstein criticized the president´s strategy against the Islamic State on Sunday, saying that the terrorist group has grown despite Pentagon claims that it has lost ground."What I´m saying is this has gone on too long now and it has not gotten better, it´s gotten worse," Feinstein, D-Calif., said on CBS´ "Face the Nation." The Pentagon has said that the Islamic State holds less territory in Iraq and Syria today than it did a year ago. While Feinstein said that may be true, "there´s much more they have gained in other countries," pointing to recent terrorist attacks in Tunisia.

On Foreign Trip, Obama Yet Again
Contends With Events Elsewhere
New York Times, by Michael D. Shear    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 11/23/2015 7:25:44 AM     Post Reply
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — President Obama traveled more than 12,000 miles last week to shower attention on Asia. But he spent most of the trip in grim consultations about the attacks in Paris and Mali and in a long-distance war of words with Republicans. Like so many of his previous overseas trips, the president’s trade and economic missions to Turkey, the Philippines and Malaysia were quickly eclipsed by the swirl of other news, overshadowed by the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in France and Mali and the red-hot debate back home about whether to stop admitting Syrian refugees. It has been a


Paris Attacks and Other Assaults Seen
as Evidence of a Shift by ISIS
New York Times, by Eric Schmitt    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 11/23/2015 7:24:09 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The recent attacks in Paris and Beirut and the downing of a Russian airliner in Egypt were the first results of a centrally planned terrorism campaign by a wing of the Islamic State leadership that oversees “external” targets, according to American and European intelligence officials. The Islamic State’s overseas operations planning cell offers strategic guidance, training and funding for actions aimed at inflicting the maximum possible civilian casualties, but leaves the task of picking the time, place and manner of the attacks largely to trusted operatives on the ground, the officials said.

Donald Trump´s Deportation Gambit
American Thinker, by Henry Scanlon    Original Article
Posted By: Judy W.- 11/23/2015 6:54:43 AM     Post Reply
Donald Trump has no more idea how he´s going to deport twelve million people than John Kennedy knew how he was going to put a manned spacecraft on the moon. But then, Kennedy was a visionary and Trump is an imbecile, right? Also, Kennedy had his eye on elevating humanity, while Trump is trying to put the kibosh on cheap landscapers. But still... what´s he up to? Here´s what: He´s controlling the architecture of the argument. That´s the way high-level business guys get what they want. He´s good at it; he does it reflexively, and it´s a technique he uses

Obamacare Endures the Death
of a Thousand Facts
American Spectator, by David Catron    Original Article
Posted By: garnet- 11/23/2015 6:27:10 AM     Post Reply
Until the 19th century, the Chinese practiced a method of torture called lingchi. Better known as “death by a thousand cuts” it involved slicing small pieces of flesh from a victim’s body, one by one, so that death was both protracted and utterly excruciating. This is what the realities of economics are doing to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The authors of health care “reform” believed they could ignore the dismal science. The laws of economics have rewarded this hubris by ruthlessly inflicting fact after agonizing fact on Obamacare. And, like all lingchi victims, it will eventually succumb.

The Consequences of Playing
Nice with Evil
American Thinker, by Lloyd Marcus    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 11/23/2015 5:38:10 AM     Post Reply
The first thought I had upon hearing about the horrific Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris was that this is the result of playing nice with evil. In an episode of The Andy Griffith Show, Deputy Barney warned Sheriff Andy to "nip it in the bud" when dealing with lawbreakers. Paris´s government foolishly refused to nip the spread of radical Islam in the bud. Quite the opposite, radical Islamists were allowed to take over entire neighborhoods, in which all who enter must conform to sharia. French police will not enter without sizable reinforcements. Paris´s government tolerated this nonsense to prove they

Backfire: Hillary Tweets All Sexual
Abuse Accusers Deserve To Be ‘Believed,’
Is Reminded Of Her Husband
Daily Caller, by Derek Hunter    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 11/23/2015 5:13:37 AM     Post Reply
On the night CNN aired a controversial and, as many legal critics call it, flawed documentary on sexual assault on college campuses, Democratic Party frontrunner Hillary Clinton tweeted solidarity with victims of sexual assault. The response could not have been what she was hoping for. The link in her tweet went to a campaign webpage on sexual assault on campus that starts with a quote from a speech Hillary gave in September: “I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault: Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right

Should a Jew rent from Avis?
Power Line, by Paul Mirengoff    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 11/23/2015 5:09:49 AM     Post Reply

In the early 1960s, less than 20 years after the end of World War II, a hot topic in the Jewish community was: should a Jew buy a Volkswagen? I never discussed the matter with my parents, but their answer must have been in the affirmative because my mother ended up driving one, and I don’t think she stole it. In light of this story in the Observer, the question these days might be whether a Jew who supports Israel (or anyone else who does) should rent a car from Avis (or from Budget, which is part of the same company): On


Icon for Post #136252

El Rushbo had a rare interview outside of his radio show with Chris Wallace, and he bounced around on different topics ranging from how to defeat ISIS to the GOP...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3sKl1hjYK


Hillary Clinton Fundraises with Leader of Alien Religious Group

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is attending a fundraiser Tuesday night with a leader of a New Age quasi-religious group interested in “planetary communications,” Breitbart News has learned.

Getty Images

Historian Craig Shirley — Huffington Post Gets it Wrong on Ronald R...

On Sunday, the Huffington Post ran an Op-Ed attacking presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for claiming that Ronald Reagan won the 1980 presidential election mostly on his conservative principles.

White House/Flickr

Hillary Clinton: Blocking Refugees Will Make Muslims Angry at Polic...

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday that blocking Syrian refugees from entering the United States would impair the ability of police officers to connect with the Muslim community.

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Pew: 65% of Americans Don’t Trust Media

A national survey by Pew Research Center reveals how distrustful the American public feels about the media; 65 percent say the national news media impacts the country negatively.


Halperin: Trump’s Muslim Registry Controversy ‘Could Rule Him Out’

Monday on Bloomberg’s “With All Due Respect,” host Mark Halperin said the controversy that could bring down Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s support is the suggestion to register Muslims “or at least not ruling it out.” Halperin said, “I believe

Hillary Clinton Campaigns In Las Vegas Day After Debate

Hillary Clinton: Refugees Already Get Vetted, Republicans Using Sca...

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton said Monday that the United States already vets refugees entering the country, and she has no specific plan to make the vetting process more stringent.

Hillary Solar Panels Charlie Neibergall AP

Hillary Clinton’s Solar Panels Will Add More Pollution, According t...

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday that she wants to install “half a billion” solar panels before the end of her first hypothetical four-year term in 2021. But at least one interested party said that wouldn’t change a thing.


Dem Rep Ellison: Trump Is ‘Going To Get Somebody Hurt,’ His Rhetori...

Representative Keith Ellison (D-MN) argued that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s rhetoric about Muslims is “going to get somebody hurt” and such rhetoric can cause things like assaults and murders in an interview broadcast on Monday’s “All In with Chris


Rapper Killer Mike Dines with Bernie Sanders in Atlanta

Sen. Bernie Sanders sat down for a late lunch with rapper Killer Mike on Monday, just hours before the rapper introduced the Democratic presidential candidate at a campaign rally in Atlanta, Georgia.


Trump: I Want Registry of Syrian Refugees Like One Currently Mainta...

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that he wants a registry of Syrian refugees, but that the difference between his plan and what is done now is, “I don’t want them to come here” in an interview broadcast on Monday’s

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Oops: Hillary Clinton Says Sexual Assault Accusers Must Be ‘Heard, ...

Irony, thy name is Hillary Clinton. On Monday, 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton unleashed the mistress of all facepalmingly non-self-aware tweets:

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Only GOP Candidates to Sign Sunshine Summi...

Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio are the only GOP 2016 candidates to have signed a Florida parent group’s pledge to end federal implementation of the Common Core standards if elected president. Out of 14 candidates who participated in




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