Something from Oren Long;
Back in the '30s, and for the first time in history, "Mein Kampf" outsold the Bible. There was even a HUGE Socialist/Communist Movement in America. Huge communist rallies were held everywhere in America.
As a result of the Depression many, many Americans fell for the Democrat Socialist agenda. It all sounded sooo wonderful, "equality for all, social justice, soak the rich" -- yadda, yadda, yadda!
T H E N C A M E P E A R L H A R B O R . A N D A M E R I C A W O K E U P - - F O R A W H I L E ! ! ! !
The pro-Commie/Socialist Movement immediately went "POOF"! Whatever else they were, Americans were Americans -- FIRST -- and they rallied around America and American ideals and the Constitution.
Years later came the anti-America Left who were against the war in Viet Nam, putting the country in turmoil. Things eventually settled down, but nothing was resolved and the '60s-era Lefties are now in power in many offices throughout government.
A M E R I C A R E M A I N E D A S L E E P ! ! ! !
Still later came those Leftists who were against fighting Islamic terrorism ("Islam is wonderful and peaceful, etc.").
T H E N C A M E 9 - 1 1 , A N D A M E R I C A W O K E U P - - F O R A W H I L E ! ! ! !
Now it's all about the illegals, poverty, racism, homelessness, etc. And, the [Left-wing] beat goes on. They never give up and we have the new generation of American Socialists; Ocasio-Cortez, Gillum, and the Millennials!
T H E N C A M E T R U M P , A N D A M E R I C A W O K E U P - - F O R A W H I L E ! ! ! !
Yesterday's primaries openly pitted the Commies (Socialism is just Commie-Lite) against the Constitution and freedom. The Commies won their primaries! I truly believe that the Commies and the Elites in "Fortress Washington" will lose and lose big in November as Americans wake up and realize what is at stake. for how long, I don't know. Apparently, we need an almost endless series of crises to keep us from falling into a Socialist Stupor.
W I L L A M E R I C A W A K E U P ? ? ? ? W E ' L L S E E ! ! ! !
Yes, I, too, sometimes get depressed and am tempted to lose hope. It's kind of like faith in God; there is so much Evil that I am sometimes tempted to lose hope and faith, but then, I get it back. Why, I don't know, but my faith is always there in the recesses of my mind. I have to remind myself of something Mahatma Ghandi said, " Whenever I get depressed I remind myself that Good always defeats Evil. Think of it", he said, "In all of human history, Good always, ultimately, defeats Evil".
Well, Evil only needs to win ONCE! Good must win, EVERY TIME, else all is lost.
Admiral Yamamoto, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, said, "I fear that all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and instill in him a terrible resolve." Do we still have that resolve?
We are awake, at least for now. We had better stay awake and awaken those around us, especially the young whom we may have to kick in the seat of the pants.
The more things change the more they stay the same.