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Bob Smiegel aka comic dog, celebrity roaster.Nice  

Inside the Republican Party’s Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump
The scenario Karl Rove outlined was bleak.

Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.

Unfortunate, this article is very true. With a Trump nomination, the GOP is finished for a very long time in winning major political contents and should Trump make it to the WH the country will suffer badly. There is no solution to this problem, no one in the republican party is strong enough to stop Trump and it is very unlikely Trump can beat Hillary which means the senate is lost also. Trump winning the general election is a lose for America, democrats, republicans and independents.

We have had a Janus headed duopoly in DC for generations; heads and tails of the same coin. Apparently you never noticed.

For all his warts, if Trump does nothing more than bury the calcified and corrupt GOP, he will have done the American people an enormous favor.

The voters want transformational change which they will reaffirm this Tuesday and the GOP ain't part of the plan.

As for lard butt, Newsday, a hard left tabloid published the following poll results from Sienna University in upstate NY, on their front page this Friday, taken from a voter sample of 1000+.

Trump 41%, Clinton 38%, Undecided 12%! So much for the inevitability of the harridan.

TVC if we don't have a country after Trump becomes president it dosesn't matter one penny what Trump can do to the corrupt GOP there is no future for anyone. I don't care if Trump wins NY that will not be enough for him to win the general. He will lose to many other states. As I explained, I am not concerned about Trump losing the election as much as I am concern for our country should he win.

Jack Ludwig and w/respect.

If Trump can win NYS, the farthest left of all the states, excepting perhaps, Vermont, the home of Bernie the Bolshevik; he will win 49 states!!!!!

Reflect a moment on Lord Acton's words, "God men are never great men" as history affirms. Agreed Trump is not a nice guy and so what. Neither was Julius Caesar. Churchill was a mean drunk who verbally abused colleagues/subordinates on the floor of Commons, Von Bismarck publicly cashiered Prussian General for the slightest, even whimsical, infraction. MacArthur was pompous, vain and intolerant of dissent. But all of them were mover and shakers.

Unless Trump marries his horse, I'm unconcerned about his breeding, manners and syntax.

TVC my projections of Trump not winning the election has nothing to do with him being a nice person or not, in fact, I believe in general he is a very nice person. But that doesn't change the political landscape and if your review all the states even with winning NY which is highly doubtful still leaves him quite a bit short of the electoral votes needed.

Once Trump gets into the mud pit with the Clinton`s ,and starts throwing hay makers. The Clinton`s will be done. They will be very sorry they even thought about another term in the White House. Maybe they will even take up residency , out of country. Just a thought.




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