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Abundance of riches in the republican debate... THEY HANDED CNBC THEIR REAR END ON A BARBED WIRE PLATTER LOL and other good info...;)

Donald Trump: Gun Free Zones Provide ‘Target Practice for the Sickos’

During the October 28 Republican debate in Boulder, Colorado, presidential hopeful Donald Trump criticized gun free zones as being “target practice for the sickos and for the mentally ill.”

Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks during the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate, October 28, 2015 at the Coors Event Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado. AFP PHOTO/ ROBYN BECK

Exclusive — Larry Kudlow On Donald Trump’s Corporate Tax Plan: He’s...

“I’ve endorsed Donald’s 15 percent corporate tax rate many times,” Kudlow told Breitbart News in a brief interview during a commercial break.

I don’t know all the details about his entire tax program, it’s certainly moving in the right direction lowering rates but specifically on the 15 percent corporate tax rate I have argued for it for several years. And by the way, I happen to think it would grow the economy, attack capital from all over the world—China’s at 25, we’d be at 15, it would easily pay for itself. Easily. I believe it would lower the deficit. Again, I can’t speak for the whole plan—I can speak for the 15 percent corporate tax rate. He’s spot on. And I’m honored that he mentioned me. Honored.” Kudlow’s comments to Breitbart News about Trump come after an exchange in the opening part of the CNBC debate here where co-moderator John Harwood asked Trump extraordinarily contentiously about his tax plan.


Watch: CNBC Anchor Booed for Question Aimed at Carson

Wednesday at the CNBC Republican presidential debate, when moderator Carl Quintanilla questioned Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson over a company for which he gave paid speeches, the audience disapproved by loudly booing the anchor. Quintanilla  asked, “This is a company


Rubio: Media Is Hillary’s Super PAC

Florida Senator Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio dubbed the mainstream media Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s super PAC at Wednesday’s part two GOP presidential debate on CNBC. Rubio stated, “The Democrats have the super PAC. It’s

Donald Trump

GOP Debate: Trump Did Call Rubio ‘Zuckerberg’s Personal Senator’

Donald Trump was doing well at the GOP Debate on Wednesday evening until a blunder in which he claimed not to have called Marco Rubio “Mark Zuckerberg’s personal senator.”


Bill Maher Celebrates Ted Cruz Fight with CNBC Debate Moderators

After Sen. Ted Cruz lashed out against the Republican debate moderators at CNBC, Comedian Bill Maher celebrated on Twitter.


Rubio Accuses Sun-Sentinel Of Bias, Spars With Jeb Over Voting Record

Republican presidential candidate Florida Senator Marco Rubio defended his voting record while accusing the South Florida Sun Sentinel of bias and sparring with fellow candidate former Florida Governor Jeb Bush at Wednesday’s Republican part two presidential debate on CNBC. Rubio, in

tedc r

Cruz Scolds CNBC Anchors: Ask Questions About ‘Substantive Issues’

Wednesday at the CNBC Republican presidential debate, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) scolded the anchors of the debate for asking only inflammatory questions saying, “Nobody believes that the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary.” Cruz


Watch: Trump, Kasich Spar Over Taxes, Lehman Brothers

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ohio Governor John Kasich got into a confrontation over taxes and Kasich’s time at Lehman Brothers at Wednesday’s Republican part two presidential debate on CNBC. Kasich said, “I’m the only person on this stage


CNBC’s Harwood to Trump: ‘Is This A Comic Book Version of the Presi...

Wednesday at CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood asked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, “Is this a comic book version of the president?” Harwood said, “Mr. Trump, you have done very well in this campaign so


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October 28, 2015  RECAP & VIDEOS
  3rd Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Coors Events Center
    Boulder, Colorado

  November 10, 2015 6PM & 9PM ET
  4th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Milwaukee Theater
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  November 14, 2015
  2nd Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Drake University
    Des Moines, Iowa

  December 15, 2015
  5th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Reno, Nevada

  December 19, 2015
  3rd Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Manchester, New Hampshire

  January, 2016
  6th Republican Presidential Primary Debate

  January 17, 2016
  4th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Charleston, South Carolina

  February 6, 2016
  7th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    St. Anselm College
    Manchester, New Hampshire

  February 11, 2016
  5th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  February 13, 2016
  8th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    South Carolina

  February 26, 2016
  9th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Houston, Texas

  March, 2016
  10th Republican Presidential Primary Debate
    Location to be determined

  March 9, 2016
  6th Democratic Presidential Primary Debate
    Miami, Florida

  March 10, 2016
  11th Republican Presidential Primary Debate

Getty Images

Davi: Rubio was Cheetah-Like Against Jeb, but America Needs a Lion

My dear fellow Americans, I will make a confession. I rather watch Politics than a sporting event, unless of course one of my 14-year-old twins is playing.

Getty Images

Davi: Rubio was Cheetah-Like Against Jeb, but America Needs a Lion

My dear fellow Americans, I will make a confession. I rather watch Politics than a sporting event, unless of course one of my 14-year-old twins is playing.

Akron, Iowa Oct. 31, 2015

VIDEO: Ted Cruz Shoots, Kills A Pheasant In Iowa With Steve King

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) shot and killed a pheasant at the annual Colonel Bud Day Pheasant Hunt that Rep. Steve King (R-IA) hosts.

Click on any name to read....


Presidential Horse Race 2016: Themes going into the CNBC Republican...

Donald Trump faces yet another “moderator” who’s dissed him in the past. Plus, Trump’s Iowa conundrum and its larger potential crisis; Unlike the others, Trump apparently has no issue with attacking Ben Carson; Cruz’s plan to pounce, and, Jeb’s loser talk makes people cringe.

Presidential Horse Race 2016: Media and Democrats lose big in CNBC ...

The CNBC Republican debate was an entertaining and sometimes contentious exchange. Plus, Winners… or just the ones who stood out; Ben Carson passes the test – at least with his people; Cruz battles the moderators – Cruz wins by a knockout; Rand Paul disses Paul Ryan; Trump didn’t pave any new roads, and, Final takeaways from the CNBC slug-fest.

The FedUp PAC Debate Poll Results Are In

In the wake of the the 3rd GOP Presidential debate, which took place on Wednesday, October 28 in Boulder, CO, FedUp PAC conducted a series of three polls.FedUp PAC supports constitutional conservative candidates, and all FedUp PAC polls are 100% based on grassroots opinion, completely free of influence by any presidential campaign or surrogates. Here are the results.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Owns Debate Disaster

Richard A. Viguerie, CHQ Chairman
Democrats, not being the Party of Stupid, never buy into the idea that a “debate” is a nonpartisan affair. And that begs the question, “Who handed over the power to set the agenda in the Republican Primary to Hillary Clinton’s agents in the far-Left establishment media?” The answer is Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Here are three things you can do to help make sure this doesn't happen again.

CNBC GOP Debate: Party of Stupid Invites Attacks from Most Biased M...

Richard A. Viguerie, CHQ Chairman
What would you call a political party that hands the power to set the agenda during its presidential primaries to its sworn enemies in the liberal media, then doubles down to give the power to set the agenda in the waning days of the general election to a self-perpetuating “commission” of Washington, DC, progressive insiders? Some people might call that the national Republican Party -- I call it the Party of Stupid.

Cruz: Obama – Boehner Budget Deal Ridiculous, Deceitful, and a Disg...

Senator Ted Cruz perfectly articulated our view of the Ryan -- Obama -- Boehner budget deal, “For anyone wondering about the source of the American people’s volcanic frustration with Washington, one need look no further than so-called ‘Republican’ majorities in both houses of Congress increasing the budget and our debt by more than $400 billion. It’s ridiculous, deceitful, and a disgrace.” We urge you to call your Representative, the House switchboard is 1-866-220-0044, tell him or her you demand a NO vote on the rule to bring the #ZombieBudget to the House floor.

The only thing that the FNC  has not done for Jeb is spoon feed him his breakfast every morning...it is painfully obvious that  they desperately want Jeb to be elected POTUS...to hell with what the people want...FNC wants Jeb....Britt Hume may have to go on Blood Pressure meds if he is not able to pull this off...Have you seen the  latest  sweet sweet interview on FNC  of  pathetic little Jeb on FNC lately...they are doing them by the dozens....LOL...

Icon for Post #134541

Howie Kurtz used one of the segments on his show “Reliable Sources” to question whether the media was being fair to the Jebster when referring to his...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3qLEqQBcY




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