We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

ALERT!!! Things we need to do to secure the 2024 Elections!

Source; https://patriotcommandcenter.org/forum/alert-things-we-need-to-do-t...

Things we need to do right now to get ready for the 2024 elections and reduce the potential fraud to it's lowest possible level. 

The time to do this is right now!
We need to get volunteers together to become precinct captains, poll workers, challengers, and vote counters in every precinct in America. The official poll workers and official vote counter positions are critical.
Next in order of importance are the precinct Captains because they can oversee every worker and every aspect of the voting.
Finally the challengers are the last line of defense.
Every worker needs to have their cell phone with them, and have the numbers of the elections commission, true the vote or whatever the whistleblower set up is on elections day on speed dial.
The sheriff's office and local police phone numbers programmed in on speed dial.
Further than that the direct phone numbers of MSM who are neutral towards conservative and liberal politics if you can find any.
Have the direct numbers of the Local TV and Radio stations so if any fraud is suspected, all of the above can be contacted fast.
Spotters will be needed to watch outside for any trouble or intimidation of voters.
Insiders, especially precinct captains, vote counters, and challengers need to keep a running tally with the time of voting, absentee ballots, machine test and verification and the person who did the verification indicated.
Also any irregularities the people involved in them, the circumstances etc.
Any time counted and uncounted votes are to be locked up, a count and any possible identifying packaging as well as locking and sealing the doors to the areas they are stored in needs to, be written down and verified by two or three people.
Volunteers will also be needed to observe any drop boxes to verify if multiple ballots are being inserted, and try to get information on those dropping off multiple ballots.
Finally, absentee ballots, bulk bundles of absentee ballots, and ballot signature verifications need to be verified and written down in a proper format.
Example of verification paperwork; 
Vehicle License #;
Persons involved;
Actions taken;
Who was notified;
Time notification was made;
Disposition of incident;
Brief description of what happened;
These things will be critical to show standing in court should it come to that.

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Reply from the Tradesman on the Command Center; 

One Final Thing that is most necessary to eliminate enough Fraud is to have overwhelming voter turn out so the Left can't reasonably fake enough phony votes without doubling the amount votes compared to the number of registered voters.

If double the amount of votes show up consistently than there are registered voters, would initiate a careful examination of who actually voted, and the courts could not stop it this time.




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